Showing posts with label another local event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label another local event. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Orono Fair 2024

                  On the weekend, I went to the Orono Fair as I always do every year with my dad. It's become a tradition for us to do the fair the weekend after Labor Day. So it was after a very bad rainfall, the track where the tractor pull was so the machine had to flatten enough so they could do the tractor pull. Had a breakdown of one of the tractors and it happens from time to time.  We look at the tractors as you can see in the photo to the right is me in front of a Farmall tractor. 

            We grabbed some food and watched the tractor pull which was awesome to sit back and watch the pull. Always one of the highlights of our visit. Also we visited the animals, chicken, roosters, ducks, Goose and much more. I think the hens, chickens and roosters have been getting a little ruckus with each other so they were in solitary confinement. I got a bit of an inspiration for a podcast for Entertainment Man regarding mental health which will be a cool idea but will see how I want to lay it all out. However that is the post for today, as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, December 8, 2023

Tyrone Parade of Lights 2023!


       I will explain everything at 11 am what the heck happened with the blog yesterday that will be the first basic part of the end of the week updates! Anyways Wednesday day and a half ago I was at the Tyrone Parade of Lights. We visited Tyrone Mills and got ourselves a nice Apple Cider and a Coconut tart which was very, very delicious. I love anything Coconut and it was very delicious and enjoyed it but we ate it after the parade as we were busy with enjoying the floats going by us. 

         So we got out, I got to finish up the Apple Cider the parade started and it was pretty quick like a few minutes after we got outside of the mill which was awesome. I loved a lot of the changes the floats had this year and this year I think one or two floats were the same and actually a lot of different ones as well. We actually got to go look at them very close up to the tractors and went crazy on Instagram and tried to take some pics. I need to work on the bigger camera for night shots it's work in progress. However I enjoyed the parade as this was for the first time in 4 years that we have attended and look forward to the next one next year because I can tell you all it is on the schedule. Anyways that is the post and I will speak to All in 2 hours or less depending when you read this post. 




Monday, August 28, 2023

Auto Fest 2023


           What a weekend it has been! Been to two events over the span of 2 days on the weekend. First Fridays Kars on King which I covered and blogged about Saturday morning and yesterday's Auto Fest down at the lake yesterday. I couldn't honestly believe how many cars there was at the event. It would take us hours to go through every car there and nothing wrong with that really. We had no plan when it came to looking at the cars. We didn't look at every single but spent an hour and a half down there, was truly a lot of fun.

            We grabbed a hot dog/sausage and drink was great little treat for us both and cannot go wrong with one from a little BBQ stand there. Music was great and had the funniest oldie they played called "Beep, Beep!" I know it sounds funny for a name but they were known for the silly songs back in the 50's and 60's which is great. I could even do a blog about my favourite silly oldies songs. I really enjoyed this event and fortunate to have gone again 2 years in a row and as long COVID doesn't end up us with restrictions I will continue to go to the events no matter what. Anyways that will do it for today's post as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Saturday, August 26, 2023

Kars on King 2023

           Yesterday, I went into the downtown for Kars on King. I am not sure if this is my second time and if I have been to the one last year and I could of with both my parents. Anyways, one of my cars that I saw is the Austin Mini aka the Mr. Bean car. One of my personal favourites actually. Saw a lot of different varieties of cars at Kars on King. I actually ran into friends of mine that I have been friends with for many many years now. Also my aunt and uncle we bumped into on the other end of the downtown and another friend of mine that I didn't see but knew she was there. 

         Now there was entertainment obviously between one of the major roads there which is called the 4 corners which is truly what it is called. When we came back around to the main stage there it was an Elvis tribute by a gentleman and boy he sounded like him actually, exact same voice as Elvis... He was really, really good! As you guys know there is always 2 cars that I hope to see, actually scratch that 3: Lemon car (Edsel); Delorean car and the Mr Bean car, Austin Mini which I saw. I can officially say I saw at least 1 of the 3 yesterday night. Anyways that is the blog for today, enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk to you all Monday. 

