Showing posts with label Halton County Radial Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halton County Radial Museum. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Streetcar Museum- June 2024


So back on  the weekend, I was out in Halton, Ontario at the Halton County Radial Museum or Streetcar Museum. Anyways was good to be back and saw a few changes in barn 4. They switched some of the streetcars around like 4000 is now a static display now in the back part of the barn. Also 2894 as you see on the left hand side of this blog. Also we got to see 4611 come on out of the shop there as their getting close to finishing it up. I look forward to riding it soon. We did the usual rides to the loop and back as always and the cars running on Saturday was 2894 a Peter Witt Car, 327 the open air car and the 8 car from London and Port Stanley. 

When we rode in the 327 the second time, I got the honor and privilege of sitting up front with the volunteers to take pictures and what not which really excite me to the core. Anyways I had a ton of fun and thank you to the volunteers for allowing me to sit up front. You made someone on the autism spectrum (me) happy and fulfilled my dream. We will be back this fall for a special event and look forward to what this event is down the road. As always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, December 11, 2023

Halton County-- Christmas Event

          Saturday afternoon, I took off to Halton for the Halton County Radial Museum Christmas on the Rails event and I don't think it is the proper name but was a Christmas event my dad attended this year. It was a fun experience. I know there was a problem with one of the streetcars derailing at the other loop but they resolved the issue and got the car back on the tracks and seems to have to do with the pin snapping so hopefully they repair it. 
       Now the cars that ran there was a whole pile of them. 8 car while they were fixing the car down at the loop, then 2894, 4039, 4600 and by the time we were about to leave W-30 which we didn't know that they were working on it but noticed it was powered in the barn so we knew something was truly up and it was on standby in case they needed more cars so well 4 running as they took 8 out of service as it was only temporary but nice to ride on most of them. Now they had nice hot drinks, apple cider, hot chocolate, sugar cookies, tarts, rice crispy squares and other baked good which was nice and soft and tender, practically melted in my mouth. Anyways we had a good time and big thank you to Halton for adding an additional hour to make up for the delay at the loop. They went above and beyond Saturday night. I look forward to returning in 2024. 



Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Additional Events Coming Up!

             This week and next week will see 3 events, 2 this week, one in Tyrone Ontario for the Farmers Parade as you guys remember I last did that event back in 2019 before COVID started that went through 2.5 to 3 years and still even a thing now but besides the point. Anyways this Wednesday (tomorrow) I will be attending the parade for the first time in 4 years which will be another first for CBOTW Media. Then on Saturday, I will be attending Halton County Radial Museum's Christmas Streetcar event, sorry if I messed it up. 

              The following week I am back out and about again, this time to Toronto for the Toronto Christmas Market and this will indeed be the final event for 2023 as we wrap up what has been a crazy and busy year with a full year of events. Truly am blessed to have all these opportunities this year including going to Halton County Radial Museum 3 or 4 times. We got our money's worth out of our membership with em. This year even saw us with a one or two new events and also returning events that has been absent off our website for many years. With the events wrapping up next week, means more time for content which we really need to get back on the high horse with as we've fallen off. Anyways more will be coming in the way of updates for now I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, October 9, 2023

Halton County Radial Museum (Post # 1900)

              First of all Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all our fan base out there. Most dedicated and loving fans out there. Today also marks our 1900th blog we have done here on Wow talk about dedication from not just myself but my team both past and present that have contributed on this blog. Now onto the blog for today. As you guys know I was back at Halton for the second time this year for the annual fall colors. 

              Weather wise it wasn't too great. The occasional time we were outside, we would get rained on and seemed to be only when we were outside but we had the barn to duck into which we took a long look and a lot of progress especially on the Hamilton Street Railway car which is a lot more been done to it since our visit in June. The colors were absolutely beautiful. Same as our trip to Silent Lake last week was stunning in the colors as well. The volunteers were very knowledgeable with answering my questions especially with the 4300 streetcars that are not in the best of shape and ongoing projects they are currently working on and upcoming work too. We much appreciate the knowledge to our questions we had. Anyways that's the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, October 6, 2023

End of The Week Updates [10-06-2023]

                  Well not much of an update from us. I know this is the end of the week updates but Chris is recording the podcast for this weekend, editing and scheduling it to be post as a reminder he is not available Sunday as he will be in Halton at the Streetcar Museum. Also he is working on Power Rangers finally. No bars held this time. He is adamant on getting it done with no distractions. He wants to get it finished for November so the two of them can finally get back to recording and finishing off this epic journey they have together. 

                 In a few hours if you are reading this at 11 am, EDT, Chris is going to be interviewed by Bob who was on Chris's podcast I believe earlier this year which can be found here: @ 2 pm EDT.  Excited to hear the interview and Chris jokes this is his once a year interview. I know he's kidding but he's made a lot of great connections in the last year and a half. That's the updates for the week, minus Staff page changed from the team to "Staff," I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to our Canadian fans out there and Chris will be back blogging on Monday with a Angels Creamery Review. 


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Events The Next Few Weekends... (Changes)

             This weekend's schedule may change for Halton County Radial Museum. Reason why is threats of rain Saturday so this means Halton is on Sunday, no rain whatsoever this Sunday so I will be travelling with my dad to Halton this weekend to the Streetcar Museum and spending time with him. Will have my camera with me as always to capture pictures and what not at the museum, especially the special with the fantastic fall colors.

             Next week is going to be ridiculous and really over these events as I wanna spend time with you guys on the premieres but I can't cause I am on the road most of the time. However the following weekend after this one there are two events, Saturday, October 14th, 2023, Apple Festival in Bowmanville and Sunday, October 15th, 2023 for South Simcoe Railway but this all depends on the weather as it has been a very unpredictable here it's either hot, cool or rainy. Anyways that is today's post, have a great weekend, Kelsie will be blogging and I will speak to you all Monday!



Sunday, October 9, 2022

Halton County Radial Museum 2022

              Yesterday, I got to go to the Halton County Radial Museum with my dad. It was a fun time. I really enjoyed the colours and just being out of the studio for the day. I needed to get out and about. The colours was beautiful, even as great as Silent Lake trip that I took days before, the Tuesday which was like what, 4 days prior perhaps? It is hard to do math at almost 6 in the morning writing this post so it is out at 11 am EST in this morning when you guys are actually reading this post. The Streetcars we were on were Cars 2894, a Shorter Peter Witt Streetcar, 4039 a CLRV Car, Canadian Light Rail Vehicle and 8 Car a Radial car that ran in London and Port Stanley.

            We actually did all the streetcar rides first then we walked around in the barns there where the Subway was and what not. Then we actually did one more trip and got off walked around and we took pictures as well. I also did some Instagram Stories and an Reel that actually went out to everyone after we left as the service was in and out and that's OK, as long as it goes out later that is what actually matters to you guys. I got a ton of new followers and lost some in the process but it happens. I wanna thank you all that liked my posts across all the platforms yesterday, I was overwhelmed as my phone was going off like crazy but had a big smile to see all the reaction to the pictures. I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Halton County Radial Museum- Fall 2021

           I know I have been to Halton recently but we returned for Streetcar rides and it was a fun day and yes I know I have been on the road a ton lately. So we got there and we have to show proof we're vaccinated so if you visit anywhere in Ontario, know you have show proof of vaccination. Anyways we had 3 choices of streetcars and not any street but 3 Generations of Streetcars, Peter Witt, PCC (Presidents Conference Car) and the CLRV. It is pretty cool there is 3 generations of Streetcars on Sunday. So we started with PCC # 4600 which was originally an 4500 numbered which recently had been repainted. Then we went into the barn to look around and noticed they are painted the Hamilton Streetcar so their progressing well with the project.

        Then we got onto the 4039 CLRV which brought back a ton of memories growing up as when I was younger these were the go to Streetcars we road around Toronto when my Dad and I went into the Big T.O. Anyways we road right back around and we got off and we grabbed the Peter Witt # 2894 which was the last car of the day and our visit. After we took some pictures around, took a picture of 4010 which is being repaired as I found out from their Instagram and glad their always making repairs to the fleet of streetcars and also I took a picture next to the colorful # 4178 which you can see a picture of me next to it. So in all, we had a great day and I hope you enjoyed today's post and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.
