Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

What is going to happen when I'm away?

            As you know I will be away from May 15th - 19th, 2024 this week starting Wednesday. So what I am planning to do is get all the blogs for the week written between those days minus Sunday is a day of rest for all of us and we are committed to taking at least one day off during the week. So mainly it will be all topic blogs from today right through to Saturday, 

            What about the end of the week updates? With me only in the studio the last two days, there is not enough updates for Kelsie to give so she gets the week off and she will be returning the following week. Also she will be solely in charge of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media while I am out in Quebec for 5 days. Any emails, messages will be answered by her as I will not be available Anyways that is the plan for this week, I hope you enjoy tomorrow's and the rest of the week's blog and I will talk to you on the next one tomorrow!


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter 2020!

             I'd like to wish you guys a very Happy Easter. I admit this Easter is different from any other Easter due to these times of uncertainty. I admit this Easter been working extra hours to get things caught up and I got my time off scheduled which is Tuesday and Wednesday before I get back to normal schedule for myself. However I am planning to spend an hour or so with my parents to playing games and cannot wait for the Ham, Mashed Potatoes, veggies of some sort and for dessert Pumpkin Pie which was courtesy of my brother and sister in law. I hope you guys enjoy and make the best of your Easter under these extreme circumstances but make the best of it. Hopefully the next holiday we will be back with our own families. I am taking this time and have been taking this time to spend as much time as I can with my parents and been spending a ton more time with my parents and it really has brought me closer to them spending this time. Even during Holy Week leading into Easter my dad and I been spending time watching the mass and service with each other. Even if you are with your parents or with someone you love, you can still make the best of this Easter.

              Still can have Easter but it will be a smaller group and honestly what I am speculating is that my brother, sister in law and the kids probably will have a dinner once this is all said and done but we just do not know honestly. We could be making up and I think we will.  Those are my two cents and again, have a wonderful Easter, be safe, stay home is the best thing.  However it will be a really odd Easter but I guess in the end you just have to make the best of it. I know I sound a bit down and I am as it is not my holiday routine that we are having and this whole situation as you guys know I have been dealing with my mental health but patience is truly a virtue and I need to show a little patience. However I will make the best of this Easter and hope you guys will too and please stay home and stay safe and I will talk to you guys in the next post tomorrow. 


Monday, October 14, 2019

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving 2019!

             First of all, I gotta say to my fellow Canadian CBOTW Fans is Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you all! I am so thankful for my family, friends and of course you guys the best fans out there honestly. I know this weekend I have been spending a ton of time with the family and I am obviously up typing up some post for today and I have another announcement to make later on about my podcasts. Anyways there is no rest for yours truly been up since late last night working so hard on stuff so I can actually enjoy my second half of the day with the family as we are having our Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and possibly my grandma depending if she is better today to come over as shes not been well since Friday since I saw her last at her place and had to find out she didn't sleep and some other things but hoping she will be able to be here for dinner which would be really nice if she was able to. So I will be working but not the full day tho, just part of the day I will be working and there will be a post at 11 am EST and also 7 pm EST and will make the announcement so that is being worked on at the time I am writing this post for the morning as usual that is when a normal post but got some interesting news to tell you all that is in the plan for 2020 for my podcast.

                 So in conclusion to this post, I am taking some time to myself today but in the long haul I am planning stuff getting ready for 2020 ahead of time and being ready for the big plans that is going to be happening including Billy's post which is suppose to be ready for November but like I said no date yet but it is coming and will be talking to him about it but either way I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend and a very safe and happy holiday and it was definitely a fun weekend and next weekend may be a short weekend but it will definitely be another great weekend coming up for me. I am just busy around this time of the year but that's OK tho as it does keep me out of trouble for sure but I truly hope you and your family did have a wonderful Thanksgiving up here in Canada.... Ehhh.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

My Ferry Ride To Pelee Island... (Throwback Thursday Story)

             This was years and years ago since I went on the ferry to Pelee Island, I am talking about when I was still a kid at the time in the late 90's at the most. But my dad and I took a trip down to Leamington, Ontario for a vacation even though it was only a couple of days but that was OK with me and it's sort of hard to remember that far back as I was younger then and it was a long time ago, we're talking like 20 odd years ago when this all happened. Anyways we got down there and got a campsite and got setup. I remember there was a Detroit Red Wings player that is from that town actually, Darren McCarty whom grew up in Leamington. So yes I know a bit of history of Detroit even though I'm technically more of a Leaf fan then anything else during the Hockey Season. 

               Anyways, we got our ferry tickets and we were actually on 2 different ferries going there and the first ferry we got was the Pelee Islander and it was an interesting trip say to the least as my dad has his coffee on the boat on the floor and a we hit a wave to a point his coffee spilled all over the floor. So the rest of the boat ride, all you can see is coffee going from one side to another which was sort of funny in a way. However coming home we were on the bigger ferry the Jiimaan Ferry on our way back to the main land. I was fairly young and unable to do any of the wine taste testing but would now as I am now older and able to drink, I would definitely indulge in testing out different wines. We walked around the island a bit too and I know there are snakes on the island, nothing poisonous but I believe  it is the Blue Racer Snake which has been known to be a bit of a nuscience on the island. 

             However it was a fun trip, my dad almost got pulled over for speeding but the police warned us with his lights so we got away with it that time. I would definitely go back and we are planning to go back next year in the summer for a visit and maybe bring home some wine from Pelee Island in the process. Also forgot to say We even saw and Eastern Fox Snake while staying at the Wheatley Provincial Park and I got the picture off  Mind you the snake was massive and slow as a tortoise but really neat to see what it looks like in person. We all watched the snake slowly make it;s way across the road and back into the woods where it belongs. Overall it was a fun trip all together.


Monday, July 23, 2018

My Grand Bend Vacation 2018!

                As you all know, I took some time off and went away for the 4 days I was off. I went to Grand Bend for a holiday. I needed to soak up some suds on the beach, swimming and hiking. We had to wait one extra day due to a thunderstorm and we didn't wanna get struck by lighting by all means so we left on the Tuesday and the Monday I finished up all the work that I had to do before I started a 4 day vacation time from reality. So we left at quarter to 11 in the morning and we trekked all the way to Grand Bend with a stop to stretch our feet as we were getting stiff and it is a historic town called Stratford. We got there and we started to setup, had a mishap with the tent which mean taking a 20 km side trip to resolve our tent woes on this trip. In the evening we went down into Grand Bend, did some Mini Golf which I won. Also saw the sun set as well which was beautiful! 

            Day 2 came around, we did some hiking in Pinery Provincial Park to  do some hiking and also swam at the day beach which was nice. Also we did back to back swimming with another swim at the beach in Grand Bend. So it was refreshing and boy I was tired by the end of the day. We did more mini golf, saw the sunset with some Jazz entertainment. The 3rd and final full day in Grand Bend which we left the day later we went back to the Provincial Park for another hike which took about 40 minutes. Followed by looking at the opposite beach from the beach in Grand Bend. We also swam once again as well. We also did mini golf and we tied so we both one a game and tied the last so it was officially a tie between us. We saw the sunset for the last time and spent a good amount of time on the beach like Wednesday night and also had a milshake that wasn't too good and I will be doing a post on that as a review of the Sweet Shoppe down there on Wednesday's blog post.

             Friday we went home but has breakfast at Aunt Gussie's and I will be doing a food review on tomorrow's blog post for you guys if I recommend it or not. Followed by that we had one last swim, followed by a milkshake which better then the day before and again I will talk about it on my review on Wednesday. Followed by that we were finally on our way home. I slept a good 2.5 hours and up for dinner which we went to Pizza Hut which aren't many and I like Pizza hut as the dough is so soft when you bite into it. However the trip was great, had a great time and glad to be home and bringing out tons of podcast and blog content to you this week.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Chris B On The Web Studios Closing For 4 Day Holiday!

               I was going to make this announcement soon as I knew I was planning to go away but not all the details of the trip was made up as my dad and I had a couple of Ideas, but we weren't fully confirmed till the end of last week, the start of this week. However I will be closing down the studio for 4 straight days while I am on Vacation, which means my social media will be quite quiet for the couple of days I am away. There will be pre-written content in the way of blog posts Tuesday right through Friday of next week with Saturday, being back to a more of a normal timetable for Chris B On The Web. Studio will Re-Open on the Saturday as I plan on catching up on Podcast on the weekend. I am still pinpointing the time for the podcast and I plan on having it up on Sunday. Schedule as follows.

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018: Blog Post

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018: Blog Post

Thursday, July 19th, 2018: Throw Back Thursday Blog Post

Friday, July 20th, 2018: Blog Post

Saturday, July 21st, 2018: Studio Re-Opens 
                                             Blog Post
                                             Record Amazing Race Canada 6 Recap for Everything About Reality TV Podcast & Edit Podcast as well!

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018: Blog Post
                                            Everything About Reality TV Amazing Race Canada 6- EP # 3 Recap Podcast

                     That is the timetable for the week I am away. Now Monday it is business as usual here, everything will run like there is wasn't a break. For next week podcasts as I stated above will be off it's usual scheduling but it's only for the week and that is why I making this post for you guys today. This break will be good for me and it's only for a couple of days.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

My Vacation 2017- Part 2

 I know I am extremely late on blog posts lately catching up on both podcasts and blogs and planning to promote Chris B On The Web at an event but here is the last part of of my vacation, so I do apologize for the blog's delayed.


            So Day 3 of my holiday was probably one of the most hectic days for me on the vacation but was fun and a lot of exercise involved on this day. So after breakfast we went out to Bruce Peninsula National Park and trust me, had a heck of a time trying to find it, we literally passed by it and it seemed like we were heading home without our tent which was back at camp. Don't worry we ended up turning back around and very quickly and headed back north towards Tobermory. We were worried we weren't going to find it, so we planned on going back getting the stove to do lunch at Singing Sands Beach, however we managed to find the Bruce Peninsula Park. What was good about the park, as you know we just celebrated Canada's 150th Birthday this year and a day pass was free of charge so was so nice of the government to do that for us Canadians. However we had a time limit between 7 and 11 am to be at the Grotto and usually we do not spend a lot of time at the grotto, usually an hour at the most. The water at the Grotto, my body went into total shock and found it hard to breath at times swimming around. We found a frog hanging out on the rock I tried to pick it up but it hopped between some rocks. 

          After the Grotto and we went back to the car we went back to the camp to grab some lunch, followed by that we to Singing Sands Beach to hike and look for Rattlesnakes which we did not see any snakes compare to several years ago, probably since I was still in college at the time. So in total by the end of the hike we have accumulated 5 KM in total for our hike. Was very rewarding to hike that far in a day! Plus my weight maintained at 220 pounds and one of the reasons there hasn't been monthly updates on my weight loss progress as I have maintained at 220 or gone up a bit. So back to vacation talk on this blog, we went for a swim and was really more dunk your head under and get wet as the sand bars go from shallow to deep to shallow again, so it is hard to have an actual swim unless you keep on walking out further out which can take quite sometime.                                                                                  

          So the evening we went out to a local fish place and ordered out dinner, local white fish and chips which was sooo good. It had the skin which sealed in the flavor in the breaded fish. We sat down at the Ferry docks to eat and afterwards we sat over on the rock for a while and watched the Chi-Cheemaun come in and of course we went to town to watch it leave. The final day was the windiest day of them all and  the waves were huge as demonstrated in the picture on the right hand side of the post. I know that doesn't stop the ferry from running but the cruise boats were obviously cancelled and I took a picture of me next to one of the boats I took a cruise on when I was younger.

 So we watched the Chi-Cheemaun depart and we were on our way home with a stop at Blue Mountain for a round of mini golf and a Meathead Pizza, so it was a fun filled trip and it truly felt good to be home and its been hard to come back to all of this but slowly re-adjusting to things again. One last picture below is the mini golf course I played, it was quite a challenge too!

Have a Great Night!
