Saturday, April 27, 2024

End of The Week Updates [04-26-2024]

               This is the last end of the week updates for the month of April. I cannot believe next week, we are already in May. Soon we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in November which is very exciting. The updates Chris has already recorded and edited the interview with Jayson and is airing tomorrow at 1 pm EST.  He has been writing blog after blog for the entire week in May that he is away on holidays from May 15th - 19th, 2024 with him back on the weekend on the 19th. 

                 He has also worked on YouTube Shorts for one of those podcasts and the interview episode. He still has to work on the final episode this weekend and that is the plan for today before his 1 pm EST stream is to record that podcast and edit it. After that I believe he has some open time and I believe he will be working on The CBOTW Show episodes, The Simpsons and then after working on Entertainment Man new episodes for the future. Either way he is getting things done before he goes away in May. He sure deserves the time off. I will talk further what is going on for the week he is away for 5 days on May 11th but I will speak to you all next week.


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