Saturday, April 8, 2023

End of The Week Updates [04-08-2023]

             Another crazy, crazy week here at CBOTW Studios and it is time for the end of the week updates. The updates are all over the place but here they are:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Recorded and now editing the podcast for tomorrow and hopefully will be done today so I can post it tomorrow and I am going to push to finishing it today. Also possibility of it being premiered on the YouTube, I am going to make time for 30 mins to be there at the premiere. All episodes during the 2 weeks in May that I am busy is done edited and scheduled to post. Possibilities of a premiere but we'll see.

Power Rangers Collab:  Crisis adverted with the contract agreement gate issue for the second time in less than a year of me tearing it up for the 2nd time. Larry and I have resigned a new one and now back on track. Also this weekend, today and Monday will be working on Ninja Steel between the two days off I am allotted myself as I am always constantly working and Tuesday back to a more normal schedule.

            That is pretty much the updates for week not too much just recording, editing and now working on blogs for the 2 weeks I will be busy with family and what not. I hope you all have a Happy Easter and I will talk to you all on Monday.


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