Showing posts with label isolation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label isolation. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sick Of Being Isolated and Stuck At Home!

             I am just tired of this pandemic. It has affected me physically and also mentally but mostly mentally. It has been an mental game for me in the last year and I am just tired 24-7, my sleep is so screwed up to be honest. I am up most of the night then sleeping till the afternoon at times which really screwed up for my sleep to be honest. There is nights that I am up all night and sleep and I've ended up banned 3 times since the lockdown and honestly I am done with Facebook and about to delete my account entirely as a whole and just stick to Twitter and Instagram. However back to being stuck at home, really got nothing to do either then work itself for this website or video games or card or board games but to be honest, it gets boring after a little while and the same routine day in and day out. Yeah I can go for walks and once and a blue moon make a trip to Walmart but I do not do it too often and some other days I find myself stuck at home and bored out of my mind. I also find myself napping for 3 - 4 hours at a time which really does mess up my entire sleep schedule.

              I need to get it fixed and fast and I probably be a lot happier person to be honest. This pandemic has made me fat again and I've gained weight and I haven't been overly active and I try to walk but no matter what I do I seem I am just a fat loser now at this point. I really am just sick and tired of this pandemic and wish it'd get back to a new normal at this moment. It has been frustration after frustration and I ready to be able to go back out and see friends and have Larry and Eric back here again but that isn't happening as the damn cases in Ontario have gone up once again it just grrrrrrrr so frustration to be honest. That is my little rant blog for today and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's blog post.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What Books Would I Like To Read or Re-Read Again?

             Now I am sure I have never mentioned this on the blog before as I have hardly time for reading but with being in self isolation there are books I would like to try and read even in the evening as normally I am done here in the studio around 6 pm EST Tuesdays through Sundays with my Mondays I am off as that is usually the place of my visits with Eric but with this virus, we're confined to our own places. Anyways here are some books I'd consider reading or re-read again:

1) Autobiography of Bobby Orr: Well known hockey player who played with Boston and also my local Ontario Hockey League so I have that book on my shelf waiting for me to read.

2) Lord of The Rings: Now I did start reading the book and I got the entire books actually in one big book. I had a hard time when I was younger and now I want to get back into it and understand it. I think I definitely will understand it a lot better now then I did before.

3) Harry Potter: I want to get back into reading the books from start to finish and I want to read the latest book which is a script format I forget the actual name for that book but that is also in there but I want to re-read em as it has been a very long time since I read them all. 

              Those are the 3 books that is on my list and with my extra time and being in isolation here at home for the next however long I definitely got something to do besides games, TV and being in the studio non stop but I will be taking time to myself to actually read a few chapters a day and I really need to get myself back into reading and I know I will have a ton of time as I do not think we will be able to go anywhere for quite some time with this virus. So there is my list and gives me plenty of time and stuff to do over the course of time and I will let you guys know how that is progressing well. 
