Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2022

My Thoughts About No Masks

                I think getting rid of masks this soon is not the right move as this weekend cases went up and getting rid of the mask mandate this soon was the wrong move to be quite honest. As you know I am out and about today with Eric and I have made the decision to keep wearing my mask and there might be a time where I actually take it off but more then likely keeping it on most of the time and I know Eric will at times too but I have to remember not all my friends are and I am more at a greater risk at getting sick and I don't like the fact masks are not required unless you visit at a nursing home or at the hospital so I do not agree with our Premier's decision to actually get rid of the masks and I feel like it's just too soon. I do like that you do have to wear masks when on the transit which is good and I think that is a good thing. Just the indoor settings is one of the big things that bothers me though in general.

                I wish they waited till end of May till cases were down more and I have that feeling we may end up with high cases and the mask mandate will resume again which our premier is going to do exactly that so he is making the right moves and this is why my decisions towards Larry returning to studio, I am on the cuff making that decision right away. I think that is the reason I gave you guys a Plan A and B is cause I just do not know which way I am going in my head right now I have a ton of mix feelings with the no mask mandate yet I had no mask on in the food court with Terry and Eric and not gotten sick whatsoever so that is truly a good thing and I think it is more about me feeling and getting comfortable enough to not wear my mask. However I wish our Premier would kept the masks on in public places longer but we'll see what happens moving forward. That is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's post. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Preparing For The Studio Re-Opening...

              With cases of this pandemic low here in Ontario in the 100's and 200's, it has really made me think about re-opening the studio again down the road and the goal to having the studio open to Larry especially with Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast, I'd love to see Larry back in the studio finally and that time is coming, I feel it. Now there we will be some things, we may not/will be needing by January/February 2022: 

- Needing masks but if we do we will wear it. I do not wanna jump too far ahead of myself but if it is required and he's able to be here again then we will for sure. 

- Sanitizing- Will be requiring to sanitize going into the studio and there is no ands if's and bouts either.

- Guests, Larry for example will have to bring their own earbuds or headphones to plug into the mixer, I am not providing headphones at this time and wanna make sure to not spread any germs whatsoever.

- The area will be sanitized at the end of the day to ensure cleanliness  in the studio. 

              This is the plan for re-opening the studio again once we are allowed to be closer to each other and how I am approaching re-opening up things and how I will keep things sanitary in the studio when things do open up. If you guys have any other ideas what I can add to this list please do comment below, anything helps and I will add em to the post as well. Either way I am excited to be welcoming back Larry and the other Alum and Staff of CBOTW soon enough and it will probably be happening soon enough I'm sure as I am feeling it but for right now we continue to record the shows through Skype/Discord at this time. 


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

How Am I Post First Dose Vaccination?

                   Now that I am almost 2 days vaccinated with the Moderna Vaccine for this virus going around still, I have felt a few things.... First was the really sore arm, then feeling tired all together and that is partially my fault I fell asleep an hour and couldn't sleep anymore so I was up the entire night until 430 am EDT when I finally fell asleep up to 11 am this morning. That probably is one of the side effects of this vaccination as I have been warned about this well before getting vaccinated and even on the day of the nurse, she warned me there could be side effects and I thought nah that won't be me. Well I got a little too cocky on that as two of those symptoms hit me and normally I do not get symptoms that especially with the flu shot but this one is different really. However I feel great and soon as I ate something today I got my strength back and I think it had to do with the fact I didn't eat anything and I made a run to the corner store for something and mow the lawn and went to the lake to see freighters the Vectis Pride and Federal Bering ships that are in there so I just didn't care if I was tired and I know it's already catching up to me quite quickly. 

               I know the second dose will be a ton stronger and I am probably going to feel more affects of it but never know we will have to wait and see, I am quite a very strong person when it comes to getting needles and what not, especially getting flu shot which I haven't had since the year after I had the flu. Anyways I hope I do sleep a ton better tonight and more then I did last night and I have a feeling I am going to pass the heck out after supper and that's ok, just hope I stay sleeping right through till 3 or 4 am tomorrow and get back into a more steadier sleep and I believe the wanting to sleep a bunch and always tired has to do with the vaccine. It has hit me a little bit and if that's gonna be the setback for a few days, I will try to work as much as possible with taking breaks inbetween. That is todays post and I am sorry it's late but we had a mishap with post scheduling this morning. We will be back on time on tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sick Of Being Isolated and Stuck At Home!

             I am just tired of this pandemic. It has affected me physically and also mentally but mostly mentally. It has been an mental game for me in the last year and I am just tired 24-7, my sleep is so screwed up to be honest. I am up most of the night then sleeping till the afternoon at times which really screwed up for my sleep to be honest. There is nights that I am up all night and sleep and I've ended up banned 3 times since the lockdown and honestly I am done with Facebook and about to delete my account entirely as a whole and just stick to Twitter and Instagram. However back to being stuck at home, really got nothing to do either then work itself for this website or video games or card or board games but to be honest, it gets boring after a little while and the same routine day in and day out. Yeah I can go for walks and once and a blue moon make a trip to Walmart but I do not do it too often and some other days I find myself stuck at home and bored out of my mind. I also find myself napping for 3 - 4 hours at a time which really does mess up my entire sleep schedule.

              I need to get it fixed and fast and I probably be a lot happier person to be honest. This pandemic has made me fat again and I've gained weight and I haven't been overly active and I try to walk but no matter what I do I seem I am just a fat loser now at this point. I really am just sick and tired of this pandemic and wish it'd get back to a new normal at this moment. It has been frustration after frustration and I ready to be able to go back out and see friends and have Larry and Eric back here again but that isn't happening as the damn cases in Ontario have gone up once again it just grrrrrrrr so frustration to be honest. That is my little rant blog for today and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's blog post.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Autism and How I Am Dealing With This Pandemic!

           I know the past year, well almost the past year as we are inching closer to the 1 year mark of this pandemic. I wanna make a reflection and how I have dealt with this pandemic. As most of you know by now, I have Autism and have had it since I was around 7 or 8 years of age and you guys know my story as you can simple read which is nearly 4 years ago I wrote this but it is a very good read if you guys are indeed interested in that. I have noticed my dynamics and daily routine has been off and there are night like last night for example, where I was up quite late then usual. Somedays I eat normal, others I eat a little bit more some days not as much. I hardly go out for walks much especially now with the colder weather here but I try. My work habits sometimes are good and some days not as much, but one way or another I seem to get the job and the recent days I proved to show that I can get the job done. When there are days I don't wanna work or work not as much then I know that is when I can play video games or card games with my parents and I have done that in the past and I know when my body had enough and last night was definitely a show of my will power that I wanna get things done and done in a timely fashion.

           In this point of being in the pandemic I kind of go by how I am feeling. I know it is tough for all of us and there has been points of my mental health has flared up but the most part I have shown patience most of the time but like I said I have my moments and that's honestly ok to have those moments. I just try and think about the positive things I can look forward to after this is all done and honestly cases have gone down here in Ontario, it helps me knowing it's gone down a bit. I know my parents and friends and team are giving me that distraction during this, especially Eric, Larry, Jasmine, my neighbor who I've spoken to over Skype, Discord or even FaceTime. Also talking to my neighbors outside from a distance and even talking to my Grandma every couple of days when I get a moment. I have my strategies and it seems to help me out and I gotta remember to use those strategies. I also wanna point out I have started to watch seasons of Survivor I haven't seen yet, watching Home Improvement again, Monk, Supergirl, seasons 4 and 5 which I gotta do a review for soon. Either way I find something to do regardless during this pandemic.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Events and Studio Closure Updates for 2021!

               The last almost year has been really rough for all of us, not just physically but mentally and we've watched Chris's Mental Health gotten bad from him losing weight to gaining weight during this pandemic. Today I want to talk to you guys about the updates on the CBOTW Studios closure and also him going to events each and every year. I want to start with the events and unfortunate bad news is Chris has cancelled all events for 2021 as we are in stages of the vaccine coming out there are no plans to go to events even locally there are absolutely no plans moving forward. I don't blame him whatsoever for doing this and he has to do what's best for him and his health especially. I can be honest, I do not think there will be events this year and I realize it is just January and got plenty of time but he's doing what he thinks will keep him safe this year and I am honestly proud of him for making this decision early. 

               To the CBOTW Studios being closed, it will continue to remain closed for the entire year unless we have a major turn around with the cases in Ontario but he has decided to wait till January 2022 to make the decision whether the studio opens this year or not and he has made the decision to keep the studio shut for the remainder of this year with hopes to actually open the studio in 2022. One problem he has mentioned only way for guests like Larry for an example well there is no bus to get to the house and to the studio so that is one of the major issues moving forward and Larry has no way here till they reinstate the route that Chris takes within his area. When things start getting back to normal he will assess the situation and the plan moving forward but right now we continue to keep the studio in complete lockdown as we did 10 months ago.

Matt, Site Admin/CBOTW Management

Monday, December 28, 2020

Plans After This Pandemic?

              The plans moving forward after this pandemic well I am not planning too far ahead as right now, we are in currently in lockdown and I am not even thinking about this and this has been requested yet this is why I am making my post. I'm sorry, I just cannot think clearly right now, processing things right now and I know I sound annoyed and I assure you I am not, just frustrated with the fact that I am stuck in this damn lockdown in the house not able to go far minus the corner store here and there and this pandemic has really taken a toll on me mentally especially sleep wise. Anyways I am off topic right now the one big thing I look forward is seeing my friends and family again and able to see them physically in person again and this is why I have started to show my frustration on here and I just cannot bottle it in and I know it isn't easy to write this post. Anyways, off topic once again, the next thing I am looking forward to is being able to record with Larry and my alum in this studio again as it has been awful quiet around here not being able to have them in the studio to actually record and maybe it's one of the reasons for the Collaboration Podcast going on hiatus? Yes I put a question mark as I am not sure really but I am trying to be optimistic to having him back in studio physically soon but we will see how things go with this vaccine this upcoming year.


                So really I have 2 big plans to see friends and have my Co-Host over but again like I have been rambling on in this posts I am not thinking too far ahead right now till we are out of  this lockdown and down to Red or even the yellow level once again but that will come in time right now I am focusing on now and what is happening but I plan on not rushing myself after this pandemic is over because we do not know how much longer this pandemic will be lasting and we do not know know how long it will take for the vaccine to be distributed.  So I just do not wanna promise or make plans because soon as things hopefully get back to normal, first thing I have to figure out is my bus situation as right now, I got no regular bus service but more about that in the New Year as that is a post alone itself but I am planning on actually taking my time with going out once this is over.


Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas! (Christmas 2020)

             I just wanted to write a short message to wish you all an Merry Christmas and hope you all make the best of this holiday, despite the circumstances this year with the pandemic. Please do stay home, stay safe, follow all the restrictions that you are under. Breaking the rules just to see family is definitely not worth it honestly, there is a thing called Zoom Call or Skype or Discord or even Facebook Video call or even better yet, FaceTime which I use quite often during this pandemic with friends as I am staying in touch. Even a phone call you can also do, there are tons of ways you can talk to your love ones during this pandemic. Anyways I am rambling on right now and I wanna say is stay safe, stay home, wash your hands thoroughly and just enjoy Christmas with the family in the immediate household and there will be a time you will your loved ones just have to be patient as we are just coming out with the vaccine for this entire thing. I am still having dinner with my parents since I still live with them and thankful to be with them still and taking care of them and helping. Either way please do enjoy your Christmas, make the best of it and I will be talking to you guys tomorrow and apologies for a very short and sweet post but I promise you guys it will be longer down the road as I am trying to do this in a few short hours so you guys got some kind of post coming out.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

What Are My Plans For Christmas?

             What are my plans for Christmas this year? Nothing, my parents and I for right now, really cannot do anything this year since the rule of Quarantine is 5 people and if I had my aunt, uncle and Grandma here that breaks that rule technically. This goes for my brother, sister in law and niece and nephew so we may have to have a driveway visit to exchange or just leave gifts on their porch or something really but this year there is absolutely no plans for us at this point as we are currently in the Red stage of this pandemic and could be seeing the grey level and a potential lockdown.  However we are making the best of this entire pandemic and what is most important for us to do what we need to do to remain safe and home. As you know by the time you are reading this I am enjoying my spare time before continuing on with some new content for you guys.

               This will not be a very long post today as I am pre written a ton of the posts that I made over the weekend so I can make sure to get posts out to you guys on a timely manner and I am sure I am doing a fine job getting the content out to you guys even during the holidays and while the studio remains dark for the few days I am away from recording or working on content. So it will be a quiet Christmas and honestly that is OK to have it even though I really wanted to be with the family at this time of year and nothing we can do, if we are in a lockdown then it is what it is what it is and just have to keep following the rules. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

State Of The Studio Closure (Updates)

           I have some information that Chris wanted me to share with you guys since he is indeed off this entire website from posts and I have written posts for the entire week in one night. As you guys know the studio has been closed for an entire 9 months now and the update is at this point of this COVID-19 Pandemic, Chris has made the decision to extend the closure up to June 2021 at this point. Now I know what your going ask what about the Collaboration Podcast. Remember when he announced on Oct 27th, 2020 there would be an hiatus of the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and up to June 2021 there are no plans to start up the Collaboration Podcast, but I can hint it will be in June sometime and another announcement is to come eventually as Chris and Larry are going to be working on fixing it. Another blog post to come about this tomorrow with some information the boss man has given me to tell you guys on a hint to when it could return and what not. He's up to something and I know it. 


          So this not affecting the collab and Chris will still be working on Entertainment Man Podcast and probably will be working with Larry on constant testing on the new mix minus setup which will make things a lot easier and he has the setup and has tested it all together. But he's not tested it all. But that's another post to do that i will do in the coming days. I am exposing the inner workings of ChrisBOnTheWeb. Chris prays and hope even by June to be able to see Larry in person again but that will all depend on the state of this pandemic. He will be making a further decision by June of next year to what the next stage of this closure is and if there will be restrictions or if he will continue to keep it shutdown publicly to the team as I have not been there but been in close contact via phone and video chat to any updates that he has and keeping an eye on him how he's doing with his mental health.

Kelsie, CBOTW Management