Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

My Vacation 2024!

             As you know I was away on holidays to Quebec. I learned a lot about my family and got to see where my mom and her side of the family lived which was really neat to hear the history of my family. We also visited where my grandma is buried at the cemetery twice so it was nice to visit as I miss her every single day since she passed. Also got to ride the ferry there and back twice which was nice and I took some pics and can be found on my Instagram as I didn't post everything as there is way too many pictures. 

I also got to eat some of the most amazing food ever and I will talk about that on another blog tomorrow. Anyways we went shopping a bit and got myself a Nordiques hat, 2 pens including one for Larry as I thought about him while on the trip. Also got to go to church in a beautiful parish there I was completely in awe. We also got to go look at the Coliseum where the Nordics played originally and the Video Tron Centre where the Nordics could play if they became an expansion team again or a team moves to Quebec from other cities. Anyways that is my trip and I will talk to you guys tomorrow to talk about a few of the meals I really enjoyed, I'll leave out the negative experiences though. Talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Studio is Semi Open Today (Due to Holidays)

            Today, here in Ontario is Family Day and any other year on this day, the ChrisBOnTheWeb Studios would normally be closed. However this year is certain circumstances as this week, Larry and I are back in the studio this week and I am closing in on finishing up the notes! 

            So there is really no studio hours today, I will be both in and out of the studio today spending time with the family today as it is after all Family Day and the reason behind this holiday. So I am going to be in and out of here all day long but plan on working when not playing games with my parents or watching TV shows with my mom. Other then that this is going to be a day that is really out of the ordinary. Usually on a holiday, there wouldn't be a blog today but decided to do one normally and depends on the holidays really. It doesn't take a long time to type one, the matter of minutes actually. Anyways that is today's post, have a great holiday and as always, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, December 1, 2022

ChrisBOnTheWeb Holiday Schedule 2022

               With holidays closing in on us and the end of the year close, today I wanna give you the schedule for the holidays:

Friday, December 23rd, 2022- Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Saturday, December 24th, 2022- Studio is closed down for Christmas, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

Sunday, December 25th, 2022- Studio is closed down for Christmas, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

Monday, December 26th, 2022-  Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Saturday, December 31st, 2022- Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Sunday, January 1st, 2023- Studio is closed down for New Years, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

            There is the schedule, and when my team has a chance to answer any questions and inquiries but note tomorrow I will have more information about the podcasts between Christmas and New Years on the end of the week updates for you guys about that. Any blogs will still occur from December 19th and December 23rd and December 27th - December 30th with returning to normal posts on Monday, January 2nd, 2023. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you tomorrow!



Monday, August 22, 2022

Tobermory 2022 Trip!

                    Well this is a trip I will never forget. I will talk more about Thursday at the other half of the day on the podcast this week as it is podcast worthy content even though it was scary. We got up there with 0 problems and it was a busy day of travelling up there. Tuesday, we went to the Grotto and we actually ended up going on the wrong path and the long way around to the Grotto to my dad getting injury # 1 of the trip, cutting the top of his hand and blood coming out. What happened was we went on the wrong trail, we were on Horse heads Trail not Georgian Trail so that was a mistake and a half. Yes these are actual trails up there but if you go up there that is lesson one to make sure you are on the correct trail. We ended up on the bumpy and tough trail to the Grotto. 

                    Wednesday, we were on the Great Blue Heron Cruise around the islands, Cove Island, Flower Pot Island, etc. Was a really nice trip and worth 50 something bucks for the entire cruise as it was an hour and a half long cruise so was definitely worth the time and money to go on and if you ever Visit Tobermory, Ontario, I recommend that cruise or even a cruise to Flower Pot to do hiking. Now Thursday was the longest of days I will talk about the first half and will be jumping over to Friday all of a sudden it's cause I am waiting to talk about it on the podcast on Thursday as it is better platform for it. So we got up at 630 am, dressed and ready, we packed up and got there. We tried to go to Craigies but was way too busy and we should of gotten there but found a bagel place that kicked me out cause of my coughing and it's not my fault and I had my mask on and covering and trying to not cough as much as possible. Anyways we ate our bagel and drinks and got on the ferry and relaxed all the way there. We made it to Grundy which I will be talking about the rest of that day on Thursday at 1 pm EST on Audio ONLY. Friday we headed home and stopped in Gravenhurst to look at the Cruise boats Segwun and Wenoah II which Wenoah II left after we finished eating Pizza at Boston Pizza which a review is coming at Wednesday. We stopped at a park before we left and headed home. Most part that is the vacation and was fun up to the end of the week when it got crazy but stay tuned for the podcast and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Not Ruling Out Holidays Yet!

                I do understand if we are not well enough, meaning we are not fully strong enough to do the trip north then I totally understand. I can always take a week off ChrisBOnTheWeb and do some major gaming or I could always use it to catch up on the work I missed but we'll see how we are by Thursday. I know I will be testing to see what it gives me and I am giving myself a week and a half to see how I am. This is why we are not away is cause all 3 of us are sick. However I am not ruling out that I am not going out on holidays and it depends how we actually feel with it. 

                I do have a back up plan in case of cancelled holiday and that is just keep on working on what I have been working on to get things done and finished as things may be taking a twist this fall with the recent illness I have had, Larry may not feel comfortable enough so I have been working on a plan B. Anyways, remember how it is always good to have a plan a and b which I think I did talk about it on the blog here and I know I will be talking about it on the podcast at some point but always good to have a plan A and B and I have an idea in the back in my mind but we'll see and stay tuned to my social media for if I am going to be away next week or not. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter 2022

                 Easter is here tomorrow and what a great time for not just myself to take some time off from ChrisBOnTheWeb but the entire team. We have been grinding so hard on content this year and bringing out our best content that we have ever done within our network. This will definitely be good for us to recharge and refocus as we are close to wrapping up The After Show With Amy F's first season on the air. So reminder that chat is again closed tomorrow all day long and is closed on Monday as well despite there will be a blog and already have it scheduled to post up on Monday so I am ahead of schedule right now. For now we just enjoy the break from content and I know there are missing holes with content that needs to be done and I will get it done but that will be as of Wednesday morning. 

               I am off till Tuesday technically but that is besides the point but I am just glad we get this opportunity to rest cause the tensions between everyone has been high and we're just all passionate about creating content and we have to remember to take breathers and just rest and we need this opportunity to recharge and get refocused for the next half of this crazy adventure especially with Amy's podcast as it's a lot of work making sure we stay on schedule. Yeah I wanna do a post about scheduling down the road maybe this week perhaps but at this moment, I would like to wish you all a very safe, healthy and Happy Easter not just from the Founder/Owner but also my team, Tori, Amy and Larry. We hope you guys enjoy your Easter and I will speak to you all on Monday. 


Thursday, December 24, 2020

What Are My Plans For Christmas?

             What are my plans for Christmas this year? Nothing, my parents and I for right now, really cannot do anything this year since the rule of Quarantine is 5 people and if I had my aunt, uncle and Grandma here that breaks that rule technically. This goes for my brother, sister in law and niece and nephew so we may have to have a driveway visit to exchange or just leave gifts on their porch or something really but this year there is absolutely no plans for us at this point as we are currently in the Red stage of this pandemic and could be seeing the grey level and a potential lockdown.  However we are making the best of this entire pandemic and what is most important for us to do what we need to do to remain safe and home. As you know by the time you are reading this I am enjoying my spare time before continuing on with some new content for you guys.

               This will not be a very long post today as I am pre written a ton of the posts that I made over the weekend so I can make sure to get posts out to you guys on a timely manner and I am sure I am doing a fine job getting the content out to you guys even during the holidays and while the studio remains dark for the few days I am away from recording or working on content. So it will be a quiet Christmas and honestly that is OK to have it even though I really wanted to be with the family at this time of year and nothing we can do, if we are in a lockdown then it is what it is what it is and just have to keep following the rules. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Plans For Traveling This Summer?

             So this has been coming in my mind a lot lately and the question I am going to answer for you guys is am I going to go away on holidays this year? Well I hope so! I do not think we will be traveling to the U.S. this year, Minnesota especially but you know I would love to go back to visit cousins down there but again it's a money thing especially to fly down. However I do have 3 places in the back of my mind actually and I am going to mention them in this post:

1) The one place is going back to Pelee Island with my mom and dad as we would love to bring her there but could also be just my dad and I that is undetermined right now. However either way I would love to go back on more time.

2) Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, New York- Been there so many years ago, I was fairly young at the time but I just do not know if I would ever go back anytime soon it is hard to tell. Also I do not think it would be this year as I do not want to go back to back years going to the U.S. so more then likely be a trip somewhere in Ontario but again you never really know. 

3) Third and finally is Tobermory once again. There is 3 more things on my bucket list I want to do before I finish everything off with what I want to see and do. One is take the Great Blue Heron for a 2 hour cruise around the islands which we have never ever done during the daytime. Still do our trip to the Grotto and Singing Sands Beach as well if we have the time to do that. Finally spend an day on Manitoulin Island and explore the island a bit and yes see the good old Norisle that is sitting there at the shore slowly sinking. Just hope they can restore it eventually it would be nice to actually go on there and see what it is like. 

               There is my list and more then likely this year, my dad and I will be doing Tobermory and just do not the full extent of the plan but the 2 Hour Great Blue Heron Cruise and exploring Manitoulin Island but not sure if we will be able to squeeze in the Grotto and Singing Sands but we can do a full 5 days Monday to Friday with the Friday to come back home after the trip. So I think that is the plan but there is one other thing but it would be quite a travel as we have to go to the U.S. for this but see the Museum where the Edmund Fitzgerald's Bell is which they pulled up after she sank in the water. I'm not sure if I'd ever do it but it is definitely a dream to do and something I'd love to see in person. 


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019!

           First all Merry Christmas and I know I am a day late but between me trying to sleep properly to traveling. One of the real reasons I have been away from social media recently is because I have been spending a ton of time with the family and was my entire intention during the holidays. My holidays so far since I have today off which I know there will be a ton of TV, YouTube and gaming today so I do not plan to do anything. Right now I am enjoying what I have left of my final day before holidays are up and I am back to work tomorrow and I know what I need to do tomorrow and that is typing up the notes for Power Rangers Podcast and I hope to get it all done before Jan 1st so there will be a ton of long nights for me and lots of YouTube videos, Big Brother Canada and what not but worth it as I hope to end up recording sometime in January/Hopefully. So with Christmas we celebrated my sister in law's birthday then we came back over the next day for Christmas Eve dinner and we had perogies with onions. Also had Smoked Salmon but I had breaded fish as I am not a big fan of Salmon but I tried it one way or another and it was really good! 

            Now Christmas Day, yesterday which I should of still written a post for you guys but I did not due to me feeling tired but yet I wrote this at 4 am this morning, never a dull moment around here even when I am off. Anyways my brother, sister in law, niece and nephew, aunt and uncle my parents and I had dinner. Had turkey, mash taters as I always call it, Corn, stuffing, buns, all good stuff honestly. Gift wise I got the missing Star Wars movies I got, pair of pants, more socks (meh). Also I got Futurama which is a cartoon series but hope to collect every volume from the start to finish. Also a gift card for Best Buy for 40 dollars which is really cool and plan on going after the New Year to see what I can get with it! It was another amazing Christmas and I really enjoyed my time with my family and look forward to getting back to sort of a normal schedule but remember with the New Years coming the studio will be empty once again for December 31st, 2019 & January 1st, 2020 for the New Years Eve and Day,


Monday, December 23, 2019

Chris B On The Web Holiday Schedule

            I forgot totally to mention this to you guys but with the holidays 2 days away, well less now I forgot to mention the holidays. Now I feel like this is a very reasonable schedule and I will be working a few days between and if I have to step out I will. The messaging system on the Facebook Fan Page will have an away message, same with the email system as no one on staff will be available between the days that the studio is shut down for the holidays. Now what are the days we are closed and open? Well here is when we are open:

Studio Closed:

December 24 - December 26th, 2019: Closed for Christmas Holidays

December 31st, 2019 & January 1st, 2020: Closed For New Years

Studio Open:

December 23rd, 2019: Throughout the day will be in and out of the studio during the daytime.

December 27th - December 30th, 2019: Open and like I said it can be hit or miss with me around the studio but will be around.

                If I do not answer or my team, we will get back to you. With the holidays we are busy with our family's and from the CBOTW Team to you all, We wish you guys a Merry Christmas and Happy  New Year. There will be posts over the holidays and I will be keeping you guys in the loop on the progress off planning and what I have been up to on the holidays. I will make time to write posts between and we are excited for the conclusion of this year and moving into what will be how amazing 2020 will indeed will be. I will talk to you guys for the Christmas post tomorrow.

- Chris

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Boston Trip- Days 6 & 7

             Well everyone, this is my final post talking about the trip to Boston on the final full trip and also the trip home. So basically we started out trip back throughout Massachusetts and we stopped at the fishing village which yes it was very fishy smell and we also got to see Lobster traps which I have never seen before even back when I went out to Halifax. Then we drove down the road through the little village which was quite quaint honestly like any east coast villages would look like to see. We also saw the Plymouth Rock which was huge honestly. We were told it split in half and they had to fix it and there is a crack in the middle but the age of the rock shows but very cool! From there we went to through the state of Rhode Island and yes Live PD nation as they film one of their departments out there and also yes Dumb & Dumber was filmed out there supposedly but never know, I'd have to actually look at the locations they filmed at. Anyways we through Rhode Island into Massachusetts again then right into the State of New York and was gonna stay in Albany but we went further in and stopped for the night.

                  The Hotel stunk like a musty smell for the night but it had to do for the night and the next day we continued on and got into Watertown, NY and stayed and obviously we stopped for lunch in the town at Appleby's and there is another food review that will be coming out eventually but not right now and trust me I will not be holding back how I really feel honestly. We managed by 3 pm that we actually got across the border and and headed into Kingston Ontario and on our way back home which was 2 hours from Kingston itself. So overall it was a good trip minus getting lost numerous times but such a historic city and learned a lot about Paul Revere, Fenway Park and getting to actually see the statue of Bobby Orr who was a well known hockey player and actually played in my hometown's Ontario Hockey League team so really cool to be by the TD Garden's home to the Celtics Basketball team and also home to the Boston Bruins hockey team as well. Anyways it was a fun trip and I really enjoyed myself and it is good to be back home and back to a routine again after it took me all of last week to get caught up on things. I will talk to you guys tomorrow with the next food review coming out in the morning as usual.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tasty's Burger Food Review In Boston

             This is one of the 2 reviews did not get a very good rating but I am going to try and make it positive. We were originally suppose to go to another burger joint, however that changed as we decided to go to tasty's. Now it is a very nice quaint place honestly and I had water with also a chocolate shake which was very yummy. Now I had a burger with no tomato yet they put a tomato on it anyways so I just said the heck with it I will remove it as not always I like to have tomatoes on my burger from time to time.  The next thing is my burger was a little over cooked as it was crunchy a bit as i normally like mine done not burnt nor rare like Mid rare is the way I like my burgers normally. The final thing that really did bother me was the fact the fries were soggy as we got the half and half half fries, half onion rings but I technically wanted to try the hush puppies for the very first time as I never tried it but apparently that wasn't an option at the time.  The onion rings were very good and tasty and yes they are normally greasy but I actually did enjoy those. I know I wasn't overly happy with the experience. I should of just done the hush puppies, I probably be giving it one more star then that I gave it but its mid right in the middle.

             With saying that, I have to give em 3 out of 5 this time and if we ever go back, I probably will not be back to a Tasty's down there but I think I am going to pass on going back if that was the case but I do give the server A as he was really good and I understand the chefs were busy but it would of been nice to have a little quality control on the food and overall wasn't the greatest experience overall for me and wish I could give em more of  better rating but unfortunate I had to do this and is one of 2 not overly great experience with the restaurant while I was out there but majority of the places we ate were very good but you will always have at least one of two bad places but that is today's food review. I wasn't too pleased but in the end it is what it is. Trust me, the last food review in the bunch I did out in the States will be a doozy and I am dreading talking about it but that is why I am leaving it for last technically but it will definitely not be a fun one to write indeed.  


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dunkin Donuts Food Review

            On today's blog, I am going to review what I thought of the Dunkin Donuts... well donuts of course! First of all I am sorry about yesterday was primarily focused on the Podcast and trying to catch up so I would be able to go live tonight. Sometimes I need to sacrifice the blog to catch up and I know you guys will understand. Anyways I went to Dunkin Donuts somewhere in the state of New York I honestly have no bleeping clue where it was so I cannot really give you guys an answer but it was one of those stops on the side of the highway honestly. Anyways I ordered a honey dip donut. The first reaction of the donut was it was so soft, so fresh and the actual glaze wasn't a mess like any other one that I have had in the past or at anywhere. It was really good and I actually had a second donut from Dunkin Donuts later on like once I got to Boston and that was good too but gooey but still regardless sooo good!  Now I never have had Dunkin Donuts and this was my first time having it ever in my entire life! The second time I went to the Dunkin Donuts I had the exact same thing and pretty much still the same results like the first time I had Dunkin so pretty much I had nothing negative to say about it honestly.

               This trip I tried a bunch of new things that I never had before and there is nothing really wrong with that honestly. That is why I went on this trip to try some new things and this year is about me trying new things and I have definitely gone above and beyond on that and so far I think it went well minus two or three negative reviews I had and I will get into that on another post. Now for the rating of Dunkin Donuts is 5 of 5 all day long! Like I said before there is nothing remotely negative to say really. Loved it and if we go back down, I'd consider going back if I wanted a sweet treat and probably end up doing their Boston Cream which is one of my other favorite donuts and will definitely try that. Either way that was the second one I did as you know that I did Arby's first but I festered up and did this one first but it is coming probably by next week set of posts that are coming as I got a pile of food reviews which will be out every 2nd day. Either way I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think of Dunkin Donuts? Leave your comment below in the comments! I will talk to you guys tomorrow with Days 3 & 4 for the Boston Trip.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Boston Trip- Days 1 & 2

              Here it is the official blog posts about the vacation. I know I did a post this morning announcing the podcast but decided to keep this post scheduled. Anyways every second day I will have a post about the trip with Food Reviews every other day till I have covered everything. So we left around 1040 am in the morning and on our way to Kingston with a stop for lunch, which I did a review on Arby's Crispy Chicken sandwich which will be coming up in the coming days, which is no particular order really as I was going to originally going to do that but either way you guys will get all the food reviews one way or another. So after lunch, we headed to the border which we had to go over the bridge which was the 1000 Islands which is beautiful. We finally arrived in the States and on our way throughout the State of New York. We actually stopped in a town called Little Falls, NY for the night. Room wasn't the greatest, the Air conditioning was loud and didn't sleep overly well that first night but it is what it is and the vacation finally started up. Not much more on the first day but traveling and being in the car all day long.

             Now onto Day 2, we were once again in the car again traveling into the state of Massachusetts an Boston which was our final destination for several days that we were staying in the State of Boston as we were there for 3 - 4 days before we headed back north of the border home. We pretty much were in the State of NY till we got to Massachusetts. Now we got to the hotel and we actually got Valet which  was the cheaper option and all we had to do really was call for the car and they would bring it around. Now the hotel, AC Hotels in Boston was a 5 star hotel and one of the best hotels I have ever stayed at honestly. I do not apparently have the images of the hotel unless it is on my phone or Instagram I'd have to check. Anyways the bathroom had a walk in shower which I have never used one in my life time and honestly the only time I probably will ever will the rest of my life so I sure got the luxury experience of a life time.  We had a heck of a time finding food but found this little Italian and Deli restaurant and I ordered a Ham sandwich which was good as that was one food review I did not do on the trip and I honestly got enough of em to cover anyways. The next trip post I do will be on Thursday here on the blog and cannot wait to continue it as tomorrow will be officially a food review from the trip.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Coming Home Tomorrow!

             As you all know I pre-written posts for over my holiday so I am not leaving you guys hanging for nearly a week but tomorrow things we will be coming to a full swing as we are going to be back home from holidays and which means I will have a bunch of content to write as I will be blogging my ears off for you guys to what I have been up to for the last 6 days while on vaca from being in this studio for such a long time now.  I am however excited to be back home and getting back into the swing of things again and continue to podcast for you guys. I know I probably worrying about losing subscribers but I put a notice on the last episode that I am away but if I lose a couple of subs then it is what it is. But I know you guys are very understanding if something goes all to heck especially technically but again I cannot make a damn excuse as I got the other microphone I can use by switching seats temporarily while I try and fix it. However the tech issues now are very mimimal at this point. I am looking forward to getting back behind the microphone and recording again but it was a nice break for me but always nice to get back to normal.

              Anyways I will make sure to have a safe journey home as we drove out instead of flying and looking forward to catching up with you guys and the way the blog posts to catch up on what I was up to at the East Coast is Days 1 & 2 will be in one post, then Days 3 & 4 on another and finally Days 5 & 6, so 3 posts it will take to get covered then we will be back into normal everyday topics on the blog so it will be span 3 days that is it. It has been a fun filled trip and I have so much to talk about and excited to write the posts once I start writing again after catching up on things being back in the studio over the next couple of days. Speaking of which the next couple of days will consist of me recording podcasts and getting back on track. As for Twitch as you know I streamed on the weekend before I left and I am not sure when I will be back to it as I made the switch to do the podcast which will be explained eventually as it is only in the testing phases right now. Either way I feel energized to continue on with the podcast for the rest of the summer and excited to what is coming next for the podcast, blog and the website!


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Last Post For A While....

              This is my last post for a while as tomorrow I am off on my trip with my parents for 6 days and on my way to Boston for a vacation and this has been talked about for the past couple of years. I am excited to be getting away from here and last night it finally clicked that I am seriously am leaving for 6 days. You will notice on the podcast that I spoke for a good 5 minutes with instructions to what to do and (not to unsubscribe) from the Audio ONLY feeds and to hang in there and obvious talking about no live broadcast on Twitch till July 18th so I am giving you guys the instructions about the Audio ONLY for when I do return home to get caught up a lot more easily. Today besides me going to my grandma, I will be wrapping up all the small things around the studio for tomorrow as things are being shutdown for a while. Either way not much work will be done, minus maybe writing down ideas for future blog posts when I get back as I need to start planning out more posts but that is the only thing. I won't have my CBOTW Shirt or tags, this is legitimately my time off, when I said I needed a break I meant it. I sure do need a mental break from this and my brain is working a mile a minute right now so I sure do need the break and this is why I pre-written posts up a bit passed with me returning home. 

                 It will take me two day to get down to Boston but either way today I am going to work hard all day to get all posts done and get the podcast posted up as it is currently sitting on my desktop at the moment as it was recorded Live on Twitch late last night after the episode aired on TV. Either way today will be a busy day indeed  to prepare for the shutdown of CBOTW Studios for 6 days. Next live blog post that I write will not be for quite some time as I have written ton of content for you guys up to the 14th or 15th of this month if I remember correctly that is when I start writing newer posts for you guys. Finally I wanna say I will miss you guys while I am gone. I will post here and there on socials to what I am up to in the evenings and posts will automatically through twitter and is the only time I will auto tweet things is blog posts and podcasts but either then that majority of my posts are live from me Tweeting. Anyways have a great week and looking forward to catching up with you guys when I get back and getting back into the grind of things once again.


P.S. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all my American fans out there! 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Vacation Booked & Everything About Reality TV Podcast Schedule Week of Holidays!

            Obviously I am going off on holidays next week which means Everything About Reality TV Podcast is going to be on a hiatus for a week and a half but I have to figure out if it will take me a few days to catch up or how soon to get caught up. However when I get back I am going to already have a couple of days worth of blogs to go up so you guys are all set with some content while I plan to catch up but I will be covering that when I return you will see the post I did. Now I am leaving on Friday, July 5th and back on Thursday, July 11th, 2019 from Boston. I will indeed be covering what I did in Boston and on the trip after the posts I have schedule has been posted up. Now the question is what about Friday's podcast next week what is the schedule next week? This is what next week is looking like. Any bold means things are staying the same: 

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019: The Amazing Race Canada, Season 7  RECAP, 9 pm EST  (Things Will Remain the same)

Thursday, July 4th, 2019: Big Brother 21 RECAP, 9 pm EST (Temporary Schedule Change for this week)

            There is the schedule, it was so easy to do a re-schedule next week and I am actually looking forward to going away on holidays and I was able to cater to the change of the schedule and I have already gone ahead and re-scheduled for the next week and I am taking it one day at a time. I'm sure Friday that I am back I will be officially catching up on the Reality TV Shows during the day and by the weekend recording and maybe it will be an early post up so I am up to par to start a fresh week but either way by the end of that week I should be up to par but that is for another post for after I can get back from the holidays as that will be probably the ultimate test which I could of doubled up but I am not going to. I am going to make the effort to catch up when I get back. Either way there is the timetable for next week as that is the primary focus for right now is to focus on next week then the week after and so on. Any questions about the schedule change do not hesitate to contact me on Social Media or Contact Page at 


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter 2019!

                 First of all I have to say, Happy Easter to you all! I love this time of the year like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today I am spending time with my family, my brother, sister in law my niece and nephew and of course my parents and I will be having dinner this afternoon not long after this post goes live here on Yes I am taking 2 days off from the podcast right now as I need a tiny break as I have been going non stop since January and need to take a break from it all but mind you I am still watching the live feeds and reminder I did remove live feed stuff as you guys did not like the idea as I lost mad amount of subscribers. Anyways I got some things the kids and I can do as I will be the entertainer for the kids especially. My friends call me Entertainment Man for a reason and why a certain web series which is no longer active as a series no more is running but another story and could just be a Throwback story for this week actually. This will be a nice break for me and gets my mind off of all this craziness and preparing for the future of CBOTW.

                  So with saying what I had to say and I know this is not the longest post in the world but I wanted to take the time and wish you all a very Happy Easter and there will be a post tomorrow but in the way of work nothing else is being worked on and I will be back in Studio working on podcasts and that darn menu bar trying to make it work better. I think I do know the issue but I have to find it in the CSS Code to where it will make it work. Anyways I hope you all have a great Easter with your family and I will be back back tomorrow with another post which will be an amazing post that is coming out to you guys tomorrow.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Looking Forward To Easter and 2 Days I Will Have Off!

             After this week being even more chaotic then last week, I am just looking forward to sitting down with the family and enjoying everyone's company at Easter dinner and of course my is to entertain my niece and nephew we will either be in my room, or playing hide and go seek or video games which they haven't seen me play for the longest time since I have been busy taking care of my mom and her full knee replacement. So you can see my dilemma but I get through. I honestly I thought that we weren't going to have Easter with my parents, brother, sister in law, my niece and nephew and my grandma but my mom is progressing very well in her recovery that we are able to have Easter as my dad and my brother got the dinner covered but I offered to help but like I said I will be with my niece and nephew keeping them entertained during their visit. I know were are planning on a more simple dinner since we are limited on the help this year as my mom will be sidelined to helping and I will be making sure she is not helping. This will be definitely be looking forward to relaxing for once as I need to relax and like I said on the blog post that yes I said last week was a very stressful week for me and this week will be a busy week for me so it will be to sit back let loose and just do nothing for the day. Monday as well I am planning to take the time off Monday too. I just need that break and even if it is a day or 2 here and there that is a good thing and I know I will have 2 extra days the week Easter Sunday is on that Thursday, the 25th as I may actually be out of town but I will know this week. Also the 2nd of May I am out of town again. I am out of town quite a bit leading up to the Big Brother Canada 7 Finale.

                I love the Easter holiday or any holiday so to speak as it is a time for me to rest and get my juices in my head but any holidays I do enjoy any holiday honestly because I like to spend the time with the family and it really gets my mind off of things as my mind is always on CBOTW 24-7 pretty much. My world seems to always revolve running this website and making sure you guys are happy. However, it is a good idea to actually unplug from the online life I live on a regular basis. Sometimes to unplug for a while here and there is really good idea as you cannot keep going on and on stressing yourself out. Sometimes you have to say what the heck and unplug from social media. However I sometimes take a day or two to myself and not worry about it whatsoever. I can look forward to the 2 days off and the odd day off over the next couple of weeks which help me prepare for shows ending their season runs and moving into the off season transition very smoothly.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas & Updates!

            This is not going to be a overlong blog post as most of you know by my Tweets and Instagram photo I have been indeed been sick in bed with the flu for the past 3 days and today was a better day honestly despite still being ill and in bed part of the day but rest was  indeed good for me and I did see my grandma, just worried she will get what I had and what my mom and dad now has which is not a good thing right now. Overall Christmas was very quiet, but good and I tried spending time with my parents yesterday but was just completely out of it slept the entire evening right into the morning today so my sleep is getting better and yes I realize its getting late and I should be in bed soon and soon as I am done tonight's post that is where I'm headed and soon as I wake up tomorrow, I am back in here writing the next post and trying to get back on the right track of things with these blog posts and getting the next The CBOTW Show Podcast up. 

               Finally in this shorten blog post as I do not want to take up a lot of your time today from spending but I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you enjoyed spending your dad with your loved ones and you had a very blessed holiday. I know you weren't expecting much of a post but this is what you are going to get a very small post but they will get better in the days coming when I am not as tired and exhausted from being sick for days. I really missed you guys and I feel entirely bad leaving you guys a message sooner when I was sick but the only thing I could think of was an Instagram post at the time as it  was the only thing that really came to my mind. I really looking forward to catching up with you guys in the coming days and I have to re-evaluate the timetable for the coming days but you will see what I have planned down the road. Finally i got a DVD of one of my favorite TV Show, CSI NY, a pair of pants and a nice blanket for on top of my bed as well! 

Merry Christmas!
