Showing posts with label Rhode Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhode Island. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Boston Trip- Days 6 & 7

             Well everyone, this is my final post talking about the trip to Boston on the final full trip and also the trip home. So basically we started out trip back throughout Massachusetts and we stopped at the fishing village which yes it was very fishy smell and we also got to see Lobster traps which I have never seen before even back when I went out to Halifax. Then we drove down the road through the little village which was quite quaint honestly like any east coast villages would look like to see. We also saw the Plymouth Rock which was huge honestly. We were told it split in half and they had to fix it and there is a crack in the middle but the age of the rock shows but very cool! From there we went to through the state of Rhode Island and yes Live PD nation as they film one of their departments out there and also yes Dumb & Dumber was filmed out there supposedly but never know, I'd have to actually look at the locations they filmed at. Anyways we through Rhode Island into Massachusetts again then right into the State of New York and was gonna stay in Albany but we went further in and stopped for the night.

                  The Hotel stunk like a musty smell for the night but it had to do for the night and the next day we continued on and got into Watertown, NY and stayed and obviously we stopped for lunch in the town at Appleby's and there is another food review that will be coming out eventually but not right now and trust me I will not be holding back how I really feel honestly. We managed by 3 pm that we actually got across the border and and headed into Kingston Ontario and on our way back home which was 2 hours from Kingston itself. So overall it was a good trip minus getting lost numerous times but such a historic city and learned a lot about Paul Revere, Fenway Park and getting to actually see the statue of Bobby Orr who was a well known hockey player and actually played in my hometown's Ontario Hockey League team so really cool to be by the TD Garden's home to the Celtics Basketball team and also home to the Boston Bruins hockey team as well. Anyways it was a fun trip and I really enjoyed myself and it is good to be back home and back to a routine again after it took me all of last week to get caught up on things. I will talk to you guys tomorrow with the next food review coming out in the morning as usual.
