Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

             Merry Christmas! I am so blessed to run such an amazing team and to be part of the amazing community this has begun. I look forward to the holidays, spending time with the family and hopefully plan on meeting up with Chris after Christmas for a coffee and chatting with him. Just get to know him at a personal level outside of our working relationship. 

          As you all know, we are closed still till tomorrow till 12 pm EST. We are going half days or closing earlier then usual here and there and here is the rest of the schedule:

December 26th, 2024 Half day, closed at 12 pm EST
December 27th - 30th, 2024: Semi Normal schedule, closing at 3 pm EST.
December 31st, 2024: Studio & HQ shutdown for the New Years
January 1st, 2025: Studio & HQ shutdown for the New Years
January 2nd, 2025: Normal Schedule!
          That seems fair to you guys and I heard Chris is planning to stream a bunch over the holidays so be on the lookout for those. I did some research and we took 2 days off from blogging and my first decision as CEO was to bring back blogs on Christmas. Again Merry Christmas and I will chat with y'all Friday!


Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media  

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

What Am I Thankful during the Christmas Season?

                So what am I thankful for this Christmas Season? Of course Family. They have supported me through the thick and thin of things this year with my Autism Meds dosage changed and going through the diagnosis with Anxiety. My family, my parents, my brother, sister in law, my niece and nephew. Not just my family but neighbors who knows my involvement with the company both as Founder/CEO & Director of Content/Executive Producer/Host/Blogger. 

                 Also my friends and the team have been at my side especially with this year being a really rough year with friendships and issues with the team and with me stepping down as CEO was a major change in my life and I am thankful for the team supporting me on my decision. Also the community for having my back during the changes and it's been a bit crazy mess this year but thankful a lot of you stuck around. Anyways that is the post for today, Wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and I will talk to you all in the New Year!


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Counting down to Studio Shutdown for 3 days!

                Less than a week from now, I will be talking 2.5 days off from ChrisBOnTheWeb so I am finish up all the recording and editing I need to get done so we can post during the 2.5 day break. There is a possibility we are going to shutdown on Boxing day too but we will let you all know but I am pretty sure it will be 3.5 days and then we are back on the 27th. This way I can work on preparing new episodes for the New Year as things should be back to normal. 

                After Christmas between the 27th - 30th, I will work on new episodes for both podcasts and will work on the issue and going to email them again because I do not appreciate being totally ignored so I am going to keep emailing them till they stop ignoring me. I have a plan when it comes to that but I will update once we are confirmed and back online with other platforms. Anyways I look forward to 3 days off and been told to take it off by boss lady Sara. Anyways that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer-- Funny or Just Cruel?

                The song Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is a funny song but I've listened to the song a bunch and some of the LYRICS are funny but sometimes it feels cruel but I understand it is just suppose to be a silly song for Christmas time. But I do think some of the lyrics for the song are a little cruel but yet again it's a funny song. The hoofs on the forehead and incriminating marks on her back is a bit much. 

                  I know it's funny but the more I think of it is very much cruel of a song. at the start but the rest just goes along with the start of it so honestly I am half and half on whether it is funny or just cruel. It is just hard to dissect this as I spent a lot of time on looking at the lyrics but let me know what you guys think in the comments below and be sure to hit follow on the right hand side if you want to see more content like this. That is the short blog for today but will speak to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Old Christmas Specials

            Growing up, there was a lot of different Christmas Specials that I grew up with. I might not be able to mention all of them but here is a few on my list:

Merry Christmas Mr. Bean: It has been a yearly tradition for me to watch either closer to Christmas but normally is the last of the videos that I watch actually. I love the episode cause of the part where he puts the turkey on his head is hilarious! 

Charlie Brown Christmas: I know it's an old special and I remember it a a kid and watched it a few times during my childhood. Haven't seen it in years but a lot of great memories with it. I even have seen the one with Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin for Halloween and maybe I need to get back into those. 

Frosty The Snow Man: Another classic and actually near Christmas time they use to air these on Global TV or even CBC here in Canada. A classic indeed and also was a big part of my childhood.

The Grinch who Stole Christmas (Cartoon):This was a part of my Childhood also but also has become a part of my yearly tradition now as it is always on my list of movies and shows or episodes to watch during the Christmas Season.

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer: A classic song as well as a show that I watched growing up. Again when they aired it on one of the Canadian channels it was literally back to back near Christmas time.

              Anyways that is the post for today, big thank you to Bob for the suggestions and I have another posts suggested for tomorrow's post to wrap up any blogs for 2023! I am already ahead for blogs for 2024 already and have ideas flowing! Anyways talk tomorrow!


Thursday, December 1, 2022

ChrisBOnTheWeb Holiday Schedule 2022

               With holidays closing in on us and the end of the year close, today I wanna give you the schedule for the holidays:

Friday, December 23rd, 2022- Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Saturday, December 24th, 2022- Studio is closed down for Christmas, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

Sunday, December 25th, 2022- Studio is closed down for Christmas, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

Monday, December 26th, 2022-  Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Saturday, December 31st, 2022- Studio is closed down, Management team will still be monitoring the social medias, emails and answering any questions or inquires.

Sunday, January 1st, 2023- Studio is closed down for New Years, any emails or messages will be returned soon as possible. 

            There is the schedule, and when my team has a chance to answer any questions and inquiries but note tomorrow I will have more information about the podcasts between Christmas and New Years on the end of the week updates for you guys about that. Any blogs will still occur from December 19th and December 23rd and December 27th - December 30th with returning to normal posts on Monday, January 2nd, 2023. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you tomorrow!



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What Am I Looking Forward To With Christmas & New Years?

               There is a bunch of things I am looking forward to with Christmas this year. The one thing is spending time with the family. Something that didn't happen last year due to the lockdown in this pandemic. This will be the first time in 2 years being with family during the Christmas Holidays. It is one thing I truly missed last year and ready for some time with the family. This year has been a rough year for me and being with family really helps me cope with the things I have gone through this year. I love spending time family and it doesn't specifically has to be a holiday, it can be any time of the year regardless.

                I think I am also looking forward to some well deserved time off as the last 6 - 7 months has been busy for me and even now I am still working away on content and preparing it to post as you all know I am backed up in content right now. Either way I am looking forward to a break from content and just spending time away from working and as you know I am off on the Dec 24th - 26th then Dec 31st, 2021 - Jan 2nd, 2022 so I have some time off and I know I will catch up with TV Shows as I am behind on and I will catch up in time on the shows I watch. Mind you I stopped watching The Price Is Right, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and maybe 2 I will get back into eventually. However that is what I am looking forward to with Christmas and New Years. I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the final post of the week before the Christmas 3 day break from content. 


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019!

           First all Merry Christmas and I know I am a day late but between me trying to sleep properly to traveling. One of the real reasons I have been away from social media recently is because I have been spending a ton of time with the family and was my entire intention during the holidays. My holidays so far since I have today off which I know there will be a ton of TV, YouTube and gaming today so I do not plan to do anything. Right now I am enjoying what I have left of my final day before holidays are up and I am back to work tomorrow and I know what I need to do tomorrow and that is typing up the notes for Power Rangers Podcast and I hope to get it all done before Jan 1st so there will be a ton of long nights for me and lots of YouTube videos, Big Brother Canada and what not but worth it as I hope to end up recording sometime in January/Hopefully. So with Christmas we celebrated my sister in law's birthday then we came back over the next day for Christmas Eve dinner and we had perogies with onions. Also had Smoked Salmon but I had breaded fish as I am not a big fan of Salmon but I tried it one way or another and it was really good! 

            Now Christmas Day, yesterday which I should of still written a post for you guys but I did not due to me feeling tired but yet I wrote this at 4 am this morning, never a dull moment around here even when I am off. Anyways my brother, sister in law, niece and nephew, aunt and uncle my parents and I had dinner. Had turkey, mash taters as I always call it, Corn, stuffing, buns, all good stuff honestly. Gift wise I got the missing Star Wars movies I got, pair of pants, more socks (meh). Also I got Futurama which is a cartoon series but hope to collect every volume from the start to finish. Also a gift card for Best Buy for 40 dollars which is really cool and plan on going after the New Year to see what I can get with it! It was another amazing Christmas and I really enjoyed my time with my family and look forward to getting back to sort of a normal schedule but remember with the New Years coming the studio will be empty once again for December 31st, 2019 & January 1st, 2020 for the New Years Eve and Day,


Monday, December 23, 2019

Chris B On The Web Holiday Schedule

            I forgot totally to mention this to you guys but with the holidays 2 days away, well less now I forgot to mention the holidays. Now I feel like this is a very reasonable schedule and I will be working a few days between and if I have to step out I will. The messaging system on the Facebook Fan Page will have an away message, same with the email system as no one on staff will be available between the days that the studio is shut down for the holidays. Now what are the days we are closed and open? Well here is when we are open:

Studio Closed:

December 24 - December 26th, 2019: Closed for Christmas Holidays

December 31st, 2019 & January 1st, 2020: Closed For New Years

Studio Open:

December 23rd, 2019: Throughout the day will be in and out of the studio during the daytime.

December 27th - December 30th, 2019: Open and like I said it can be hit or miss with me around the studio but will be around.

                If I do not answer or my team, we will get back to you. With the holidays we are busy with our family's and from the CBOTW Team to you all, We wish you guys a Merry Christmas and Happy  New Year. There will be posts over the holidays and I will be keeping you guys in the loop on the progress off planning and what I have been up to on the holidays. I will make time to write posts between and we are excited for the conclusion of this year and moving into what will be how amazing 2020 will indeed will be. I will talk to you guys for the Christmas post tomorrow.

- Chris

Friday, December 13, 2019

Fried Perogies At Toronto Christmas Market Food Review!

              As I promised you guys I would do a food review for you guys from the Toronto Christmas Market back on Wednesday and yes I did a double blog post for you guys today. As I mentioned in my post back at noon I had the Perogies with onions and also bacon and not small pieces of bacon either big chunks of it too. They even gave me a ton of sour cream which made it so good. Now the Perogie isn't your typical boiled as it was actually fried European Style which was really, really good even tho it was tough to actually cut but I someway, somehow seemed to manage it with no problem. In the perogie there was potato and cheese the kind we have sometimes every 2nd week or so when we cannot figure out what we want to eat for dinner. The dough was tougher then usual but manageable but it was really good even with the bacon, onions and sour cream.  It wasn't my favorite but don't forget this is the first time I have had this and it is honestly hard to cut that was pretty much my main issue.

              However I am overlooking that part of the meal the bacon, onions all well cooked and had a ton of flavor so that was good and the cheese and potato were super good too so out of it all it would be a 4 out of 5 and yes I am being generous with the entire meal. Now would I do it again? Hmmm maybe, I really unsure but again I could be feeling different from this review come this time next year when it is time to go to the Christmas Market 2020 as I am sure my dad and I will be back there again at the end of next year. However I want to try something different there instead and kind of switch things up each year and I am sure I will be back to the same thing eventually but who knows. Either way I ate it and enjoyed it and that is what entirely matters to me and really I didn't complain about it but it was in the back of my mind on the one issue but really I didn't worry about it at all. I am all about the experience at the Toronto Christmas Market every year that I go with my dad and we made time despite the busy schedule around this studio reno project. Finally I hope you enjoyed this bonus post and I will see you in tomorrow's regular post at the usual time. 


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas & Updates!

            This is not going to be a overlong blog post as most of you know by my Tweets and Instagram photo I have been indeed been sick in bed with the flu for the past 3 days and today was a better day honestly despite still being ill and in bed part of the day but rest was  indeed good for me and I did see my grandma, just worried she will get what I had and what my mom and dad now has which is not a good thing right now. Overall Christmas was very quiet, but good and I tried spending time with my parents yesterday but was just completely out of it slept the entire evening right into the morning today so my sleep is getting better and yes I realize its getting late and I should be in bed soon and soon as I am done tonight's post that is where I'm headed and soon as I wake up tomorrow, I am back in here writing the next post and trying to get back on the right track of things with these blog posts and getting the next The CBOTW Show Podcast up. 

               Finally in this shorten blog post as I do not want to take up a lot of your time today from spending but I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you enjoyed spending your dad with your loved ones and you had a very blessed holiday. I know you weren't expecting much of a post but this is what you are going to get a very small post but they will get better in the days coming when I am not as tired and exhausted from being sick for days. I really missed you guys and I feel entirely bad leaving you guys a message sooner when I was sick but the only thing I could think of was an Instagram post at the time as it  was the only thing that really came to my mind. I really looking forward to catching up with you guys in the coming days and I have to re-evaluate the timetable for the coming days but you will see what I have planned down the road. Finally i got a DVD of one of my favorite TV Show, CSI NY, a pair of pants and a nice blanket for on top of my bed as well! 

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 16, 2018

I'm Excited for Christmas and New Years!

           I am pretty much done with my Christmas shopping all together but I still gotta get my grandma something and that is pretty much it for Christmas shopping but I dread it every year but it's part of the holiday season. I know my Grandma told me to not get her anything but I am as shes family and I have always gotten her something each and every year. I usually procrastinate with not shopping till the final week before Christmas but this year I wanted to get it entirely done ahead of time. I do not like shopping for a long period time, especially if I do not know where or what I am getting family members so it does make it tough to know where but if you know where you have to go then it sure as heck makes it a lot easier. I need to get the one present then I am done. 

           Now am I excited for Christmas? Of course I am. It is time for me to spend a lot of time with the family and not so much in the studio hence why I have shutdown days where I will not even be in the studio to work on things. That announcement is coming tomorrow's post on here. I know my niece and nephew, brother and sister and law are up north but still got my parents here, my grandma and I know we will definitely do something at least on Christmas Day this year in the afternoon. I cannot believe it's Christmas time already and also this year is almost over and a new year is upon us which means big plans for CBOTW is coming! The domain is coming back, desk is being rebuilt mid 2019, second boom arm is being added so a lot to be excited for. 

           The biggest part like I said is spending time with family and we hope to have the neighbors over on New Years eve to celebrate and ring in 2019 with them as my neighbor actually mentioned it when I saw her last so that will be nice as we haven't do that in years so it will be nice to be in company of the neighbors as well. Also when my niece, nephew, brother and sister in law gets back we will be having a late Christmas celebration so that will be nice and not sure if were hosting yet or they will but either way that is our tradition when they are north for Christmas Day, we get together after they get back on the 26th or 27th. 


Sunday, December 9, 2018

What Is The Plan Now That I Am Done Events For The Year?

         So what is the plan now that I am done with events for the year by the end of this week? Well I have already been working on Power Rangers Podcast and today I got to record 2 episodes with Larry here in the studio and boy it was a fun time indeed and we went longer then the original 3 episodes had in time length per episode. I also now have to start the editing process of the two episodes this week and next week in order to release episodes on December 26th, 2018 (Yes, Boxing Day!!!!) and also on January 2nd, 2019 which is 2 days before Music City is Released on The CBOTW Show Page. Also I will be releasing on January 2nd, 2019 and the January 9th, 2019 some off season podcasts so over the holiday break, I will be mass recording some off season Podcasts. Also on the 14th I will have to prep for Celebrity Big Brother US before but will be releasing on the 14th the preview podcast and my draft who will win the season so do sty tune for that.

             Other then that I will be working on blog posts and try and continue to post up daily if I can and I know I have been missing a couple of days here and there but will try my best to continue on with my daily blogs and I have tons of ideas up my sleeve for posts and tons of stuff written down to talk about. Also in the New Year I will be preparing the next Power Rangers Podcast which I cannot really give a date for it yet but I will slip it between my busy schedule somewhere when i have the time to record it but if the notes stay in my inbox here in the studio for a while till I am able to squeeze time in so be it I will just do that but I plan on prepping between January and March with Power Rangers In Space and getting it done before Big Brother Canada 7 starts as you know that is my busiest schedule is during that season which busy is good. Also in the New Year I gotta plan what events I will be going to locally and in Toronto as well so that is also currently on my list for 2019 but will have plenty of time to work on that from January till end of April but it is on my list. As you know winter there are no events really to go to till May when the Maple Festival happens in Bowmanville and so on so I gotta make the best time with my open time and use it to it's full potential.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Got To Go To A Local Parade!

          I got the chance back on the weekend to go to a parade locally and only reason we went was because my brother was in it with his work and he brought his daughter (My Niece) on the float. Also my nephew was in was in the parade earlier with his Beavers which is part of the Boy Scouts for ages 6 - 7. I was somewhat disappointed in the parade as they had the politicians there but non of them there or present at the time and I understand if their still in Ottawa or Toronto but the Mayor and Councillors could of been there in the parade. Now our mayor, MP (Member of Parliament), MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament) was there and attended our parade right here in my own hometown here as this parade and I am talking about a couple of years ago technically. That was the only disappointed in this parade but the rest I really did enjoy and seeing my niece and nephew in the parade. We were at the end of the parade where the parade ended and we managed to see my nephew at least but I added in the picture on here of my nephew and I and yes hes got part of his uniform on.

              Would I do this again? Of course, we would do this again if any of them are in the parade I will be there to support no matter what. Family means the world to me! They are my number 1 priority from this and I love spending time with the kids each and every week and to have a bonus visit with this is a bonus itself. Like my Twitter says I am a "Proud Uncle" and darn right I am a proud uncle. I probably get to see the kids twice this week, tomorrow for my birthday and Friday if we are to get them this week as normally but we will see how things go. Either way I get to see them regardless this week. I had a good time and it was time outside of the studio to be with my family which I haven't done much of lately due to my very hectic schedule around the studio and going to events but with events now done for the year for me, I got more time for family members even more. 


Friday, November 30, 2018

CP Holiday Train 2018

               I got to go to the CP Holiday train right behind one of our local Walmart's here and I didn't go with my dad, I went with my friend Dave who is being tested out as a potential camera man for Chris B On The Web. That's right I will have an assistant if all is well and right now I am evaluating his work for yesterday.  I met up with him around 145 pm as I had to go to the Dollarama to get a note pad and pens and mind you the 1 pen out of the pack of 2 died outside, despite the 2nd working out of nowhere. We had a few minutes at the food court table but then had to leave to get the bus no longer after I arrived at the food court. So we left, Dave had to stop at the dollar store himself to get some drinks for the time we were down behind Walmart. We got on the bus and arrived to the back of the Walmart. I left the can food I brought to donate to Feed Durham and we got into our spot to stand and watch the music. Also we got to shake hands with our Mayor whom will be not out Mayor anymore as he was elected to the Regional Chair. Also I saw both my Regional and Local Councillors for our ward there as well. 

               The train came and we listened to Kelly Prescott, Sierra Noble which Kelly Prescott and Sierra Noble are Country Artists. Kelly was on the guitar and Sierra with her wicked fiddle playing and I could not believe how fast she played the fiddle. I was really in complete aw with the way she played the fiddle the entire time. There was a couple of songs I recognized that were Christmas related songs, such as Deck The Halls & Run Rudolph Run as well. Also they sang some songs they wrote so it was nice to mix it up from Christmas to regular Country. I actually started to appreciate Country music a bit more and I am planning on listening to Terri Clark on YouTube as I have not really listened to her music before. Yes Terri Clark came out at the very end of this performance so they saved the best for last and it was a great performance by all 3 of them. Yes all three played together and so well mind you. 

                In conclusion to today's blog post, I really hope they come back through the city here again next year as I think it was a big hit with people and was a great turnout for the Holiday Train 2018. Not every year it comes through, it's like sometimes every 2nd year it will stopped here but I would like to have it come through but honestly, beggers cannot be choosers but we can only hope they do come back next year and I can add this to the list if they are coming through but do not expect an announcement till it gets closer to the date of the train coming through the town. Was pretty neat with all the music they squeezed in in 35 minutes of them actually being there to perform for us. I know they are now on their way to British Columbia as that is their final destination point. We both had a good time and let's see who will be singing next year. 


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Started to Decorate My Studio!

            Christmas season is pretty much upon us and i have already started to decorate the studio but it is not fully done as the snowflakes and other Christmas decorations are now up up but I will be working on those soon hopefully. But I have started using the lights in the studio and I rather wait till December to really start lighting up the studio for the season so in time but I have started to light things up here in my studio. I have to figure out how to put the curtain snowflakes up due to the fact I currently have my Green Bay Packers flag up behind me at the moment that may either have to come down or put the snow flakes behind or around it if worse does come to worse. This year I did 2 different levels of Christmas lights in the Chris B On The Web Studio one at the first shelf above the desk area so the new set of lights are up there. Now new lights? Yes the ones that are now at the bottom of the desk where my screens do sit on is where the old lights are setup and i got them both hooked up to a clicker beneath the desk where I am use my foot to activate the lights and I have tested it and works very well.

               I think I will wait till Larry is here in the studio on December 9th which yes it is my anniversary of when I started this 13 year journey as a media man but I do need his help with the finally touches and I think I still got my old tree that I can use here in the studio but not sure if the lights work. I thought i got rid of that tree but apparently not, it wasn't thrown away so I have it still unless my parents are referring to the gold tree of mine that could of been it but never know what she means but I will most definitely have to ask as I sworn I actually thrown it away but it's whatever I guess, I must of stored it away since stopped using it recently so I am guessing it is still in the house. Anyways I am derailing myself from the topic at hand and that is when Larry is here next time, he will be helping me finish up the studio for the Christmas and winter season as I always keep the snowflakes up during the winter all the way into late March/early April at the most. So I have started to decorate the studio and slowly getting to it and in the new year I will have to take it down as I am fixing up my desk but I get to enjoy the lights right into the new year at least.

- Chris

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My Christmas 2017!

               First of all I gotta say, hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and had a wonderful holiday, I sure did, kind of odd but it was a good Christmas all together, also sorry I am late for this point. I would consider it more of a very quiet Christmas this year as it wasn't like any normal Christmas I have had in the past! This year with my mom's side of the family not doing our traditional get together on Christmas Eve but that's not the point, the point is my brother, sister in law, my niece and nephew, my parents and I got together for Christmas Eve and it was fun, just finger foods, drinks and a good time. The kids wanted to see Minecraft what I have been up to but since changed and reverted back to the old world I had when I ended my playthrough of the game. I got my gift early which was dress boots for when I go to church every week for the winter season. Also got 

                Now, Christmas Day, I got from my grandma, Hawaii 5-O Seasons 4, 5 & 6 from her, now I need seasons 2, 3 & 7. My mom and dad and I went to my grandma's, my mom's mom and my aunts and uncles who live close enough to come and visit joined in and we had a wonderful visit, we had some Quiches one with egg and ham, the other with egg and spinach in it which was quite tasty if you ask me and I enjoyed it. Oh I almost forgot to mention I got to see some of my aunt and uncle's cruise trip but not all the pictures of their trip which we will get to see in the new year at some point. We got back I tried the best I could watching Hawaii 5-O but I ended up napping for an hour and a half  to 2 hours and this week I gotta make an effort to catch up on all the TV Shows, so that was a fail and a half with catching up on Television TV Shows. 

                   So in the afternoon we went to my brother and sister in laws, for Christmas and I got to play the Playstation 3 with my Niece and Nephew and of course we played Minecraft which will be my post tomorrow Minecraft On PC or PS3? Which One Do I Prefer? but I have played video games on Playstation before but not minecraft but again, that will be on tomorrow's blog post. We played on the floor a bit, hide and go seek, yet my nephew and I were good hiders, haha. We had dinner which was turkey, ham, mash potatoes, home made perogies made from both potatoes and cheese and pork which I had the pork which was different but really good and I would like to learn how to do the pork ones actually. I opened my gifts I got Simpsons Christmas DVD, apron for cooking as my brother, sister in law, my niece and nephew and even my parents know I love cooking and I need to do it more often! Also got Star Wars Battlefront II which is NOT compatible with my computer, I'd had have to update my entire computer to a I5 core 6600 or higher so I do not want to since this one is running smoothly most of the time, knock on wood, haha! I will take the game back as I got a gift receipt for it. I got The Simpsons Movie but I have it so I will be getting something else other then that. I played a tad bit of the WIIU with my nephew but didn't last long, we had a late dessert of Apple Pie played with the kids a bit more then I ended up cuddling with my nephew as both are sick and he kept me warm as I was getting cold. Overall it was a quiet but fun Christmas and I needed yesterday to re-cooperate from Christmas.

Have a good afternoon!


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Port Perry Santa Claus Parade 2017

            This is a different blog from any of the previous blog posts, I have done in the last couple of days and change is good. So last night I got to go to the Port Perry Santa Claus Parade, the first time since November/December 2009 which is almost 10 years ago since I have went to the parade last. So it was quite sometime ago since I was there and would like to try and go every year since we missed the parade in my city where I'm from. 

            So we left a bit late so we ended up parking further away then usual and of course we ended up walking where we were going to stand but hey it was good, because it was close to a spot where we can see the parade and also we got a treat, my dad got a coffee and a tart, I just had a raisin scone as I wasn't thirsty at all but the scone was delicious.

             As for the parade it was good, but there were somethings that I wasn't happy with, one being the parade was spaced out way to much and I felt like it was slow in sections. I know I am whining and complaining but it was the truth. I didn't really care it was a smaller parade because I understood it was a small town which I thought it made it more quaint for a parade. Would I go back? Probably as long as they don't space it out a lot, I will be more then happy to go back next year for the 2018 Port Perry Santa Claus Parade!


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas 2016!

I know I am a couple of days late but I wanted to write this blog post anyways... First of all it was a good Christmas, was a busy 2 days. The 24th (Christmas Eve) I went to my cousin Jason and cousin to be Karen's place for Christmas Eve and had a great time and re-connected with two of my cousin Corey and Chad. Last time I saw Corey was at my Grandma's 90th birthday party and Chad I haven't seen in 6 - 8 years! Got to talk to me Cousin Katherine which she married Corey this year so it was nice to talk with her, which I didn't get to at my Grandma's 90th so that was really nice. I got to see my pain in the butt Uncle Mike, got to pick on him a bit hahahaha, when don't I? I always pick on Mike and my Uncle Chuck all the time! I am glad I do not do YouTube anymore I  get more time to spend time with the family and look for a job which I got a job interview tomorrow which I am very excited about! 

Now on Christmas day, I got a new business ish bag for appointments, Dumb and Dumber To and Dumb and Dumber, some things for the shower, scratch tickets which I didn't win anything at all... SMH....  Anyways I got Grand Theft Auto 5 which I have been playing non stop recently so you can say it, I haven't been around online the last few days as I have been a hardcore gamer the last few days... hahaha, however i am getting use to the game and the controls of the game, let me tell you it is completely different from Grand Theft Auto IV. So also on Christmas Day, I started to cook Christmas Dinner what needed to be cooked, and everyone enjoyed it even though they said it sucked in a joke. But it felt good and if my brother, sister in law and my niece and nephew come here for dinner, I will plan on cooking once again, I sure enjoyed it.

I will talk to you guys on the next blog post, until then have a great night!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tyrone Parade of Lights & 70th Blog Post!

First of all this is my 70th Blog Post, cannot believe it has been this many blog posts already and time has flown by very very fast and I am only 30 posts away from 100 and trust me it will be a special one indeed. I cannot believe I keep on writing these blogs for you guys and I am sure you guys are enjoying my blog posts each and everyone that comes out on a almost regular basis. Trying to keep on a daily basis, however at the most it is every second day at the most if worse comes to worse.

Anyways the main focus of this blog post is the Tyrone Parade of Lights up in Tyrone. Obviously I went with my dad and my 5 year old niece and nephew and was neat in a way to share this experience with them and what I do as a blogger, going to local events and taking pictures and writing a blog post about it. This is what I enjoy on top of the podcasts I do on the website. So we arrived we got cookies and hot chocolate for the kids, always for the kids as Dan Gheesling says on his playthroughs. I didn't indulge due to me still on my diet and I am on my diet till i lose the weight I want. So the wait started, I was cuddling with my niece which before we went, she was being dramatic, typical 5 year old... yes... I played around with her we were playing around with the snow that was on the ground and what not. We then eventually moved down the road a bit and it began. I recognized the first tractor, the white one with the stars sticking out so we knew that was always in the first or second tractor. Some tractors or truck in the farming community we didn't recognize so was nice to see some new entries as well as entries from past parades. In conclusion the parade was once again amazing and loved every moment of it. Below is a few pics.

Have a great night everyone!
