Monday, August 22, 2022

Tobermory 2022 Trip!

                    Well this is a trip I will never forget. I will talk more about Thursday at the other half of the day on the podcast this week as it is podcast worthy content even though it was scary. We got up there with 0 problems and it was a busy day of travelling up there. Tuesday, we went to the Grotto and we actually ended up going on the wrong path and the long way around to the Grotto to my dad getting injury # 1 of the trip, cutting the top of his hand and blood coming out. What happened was we went on the wrong trail, we were on Horse heads Trail not Georgian Trail so that was a mistake and a half. Yes these are actual trails up there but if you go up there that is lesson one to make sure you are on the correct trail. We ended up on the bumpy and tough trail to the Grotto. 

                    Wednesday, we were on the Great Blue Heron Cruise around the islands, Cove Island, Flower Pot Island, etc. Was a really nice trip and worth 50 something bucks for the entire cruise as it was an hour and a half long cruise so was definitely worth the time and money to go on and if you ever Visit Tobermory, Ontario, I recommend that cruise or even a cruise to Flower Pot to do hiking. Now Thursday was the longest of days I will talk about the first half and will be jumping over to Friday all of a sudden it's cause I am waiting to talk about it on the podcast on Thursday as it is better platform for it. So we got up at 630 am, dressed and ready, we packed up and got there. We tried to go to Craigies but was way too busy and we should of gotten there but found a bagel place that kicked me out cause of my coughing and it's not my fault and I had my mask on and covering and trying to not cough as much as possible. Anyways we ate our bagel and drinks and got on the ferry and relaxed all the way there. We made it to Grundy which I will be talking about the rest of that day on Thursday at 1 pm EST on Audio ONLY. Friday we headed home and stopped in Gravenhurst to look at the Cruise boats Segwun and Wenoah II which Wenoah II left after we finished eating Pizza at Boston Pizza which a review is coming at Wednesday. We stopped at a park before we left and headed home. Most part that is the vacation and was fun up to the end of the week when it got crazy but stay tuned for the podcast and I will talk to you all tomorrow!



Trouble # 2 said...

Great review Chris. Looks like you and your dad had a great time and took in a lot during your trip aside from your unexpected adventures.

Admin said...

@Trouble # 2- Thanks and we did minus the unfortunate accident.