Showing posts with label Studio updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Studio updates. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2023

End of The Week Updates [09-01-2023]

              Another week has come to an end and here are the first set of updates for the first Friday of September:       

10th Anniversary Updates: After the mishaps I was causing and funny story, I was going through my stuff and still had hard copies for the event I could of used and this is after I had redone everything that was destroyed/deleted. However I am back on track now and a little over budget by 12 dollars. I do not how the heck I managed that but I could of miscalculated the numbers and that could of been an user era perhaps but I have to remember that I am taking this budget from a event to event bases but still I do not know how I ended up beyond the budget by 12 bucks.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Things are going great recorded and have it ready for this weekend's episode. Now I have more time to work further on other projects here in the studio:

Studio Updates: This studio is getting some new shelves for the drawers that are just piled up in the corner as you enter the studio itself. Next week, it will started to be worked on next week. 

The CBOTW Show: This weekend I am going full throttle on Power Rangers Podcast, I have or should have had it finished by now honestly. I am so far behind on it and it is a must to finish so I hope to finishing it by the a week Sunday so I can start typing up notes and have it ready for when Larry returns.

Studio Closed Monday?:  I know this weekend is a long weekend but with me strapped for time with the podcast with Larry, the studio will be open all weekend long including Monday. Gotta get going on the grind and use to the grind these days.

             That is the updates for the week, I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday with more blogs but till Monday enjoy your Labour Day Weekend!


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Studio Updates [08-18-2021]

                    Got a bit of an update to the studio. I have made a couple of changes made to the studio and the first one was the purchase of a brand new USB Mixer. Now I had a BUS Mixer originally the Samson MDR624. As you guys know the wire popped out of the end and the reason why there was a problem with it and I couldn't get the wire replaced so the Mixer was thrown out as it wasn't usable anymore so I ended up buying this mixer and to be quite honest with you guys, I love the mixers with the fader its so much easier to actually and the knobs are not a problem with my fat fingers hitting the knobs so it made it very difficult to actually turn on mics and what not but what matters now is I have the Behringer x1204 USB Mixer. I can also say I love this mixer. My favorite one that I have had over the years out of the 3 mixers I have owned.

Now the other thing that has changes is the microphone is repositioned into a up right position almost.  Also you probably seen on the microphone the mic flag with the CBOTW logo. I have had that for almost 2 months now and it looks so professional within the studio and I have really up'd the studio look and I continue to up the studio and things continue to look amazing and I can say this is definitely a professional setup now. I would like to add another screen to my setup eventually and will to add the additional screen to the studio and would spend the extra money to get it but we'll see how I feel and maybe I will and it depends if I wanna add in a 3rd and final screen. I'd have to find another mounts for the screens as this one has 2 at this moment. Anyways that is today's post, hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Few Things Are Pending...

                 As you know there is something that isn't working on the mix minus setup with the new mixer board and I probably went and screwed something up and did not set it up properly. I am still working on SPD right now if this podcast is still going to be a thing unless we end up cancelling till were able to be in the same studio as one another but I am going to try and fix this issue. I hope to be done by July 15th, 2021 for recording but we will have to see at this point. I got practically a month to go and going to multi task to do both preparing it and been working on Entertainment Man and SPD in a combo, also working on scheduling the Entertainment Man Podcast. No matter looking up on forums and online, I seem to not find any damn answers on the issue and at this point, I may end up calling or emailing the damn store for some help with this issue. Dunno what I'm doing anymore and anything will help me get Power Rangers Podcast back on track again. It is one thing after another. 

                 So I cannot really say if we will be back in Mid July at this point but I have sent an email to Long and McQuade and we will see what is said back about getting this mixer properly sync'd up with the computer for Audacity and recording Podcasts. However I have a plan to try and fix all of this even if it takes me some time to figure out the issue. I have a plan and may as well say it, I could use OBS and the computer audio section on OBS and still record till this is all fixed. I kind of went off on Larry after and blocked private messages from him but I better remember to reverse that before he's on this afternoon before he gets on and wonders why I am not replying back as anything. Anyways I do have a backup plan in case but we'll see what the music store says and if they can shine any light why its not being picked up on Audacity. I will report back when I get more information on this and when if it is fixed. Just hope it's working by July 15th for the next collab podcast at the most. 


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Events and Studio Closure Updates for 2021!

               The last almost year has been really rough for all of us, not just physically but mentally and we've watched Chris's Mental Health gotten bad from him losing weight to gaining weight during this pandemic. Today I want to talk to you guys about the updates on the CBOTW Studios closure and also him going to events each and every year. I want to start with the events and unfortunate bad news is Chris has cancelled all events for 2021 as we are in stages of the vaccine coming out there are no plans to go to events even locally there are absolutely no plans moving forward. I don't blame him whatsoever for doing this and he has to do what's best for him and his health especially. I can be honest, I do not think there will be events this year and I realize it is just January and got plenty of time but he's doing what he thinks will keep him safe this year and I am honestly proud of him for making this decision early. 

               To the CBOTW Studios being closed, it will continue to remain closed for the entire year unless we have a major turn around with the cases in Ontario but he has decided to wait till January 2022 to make the decision whether the studio opens this year or not and he has made the decision to keep the studio shut for the remainder of this year with hopes to actually open the studio in 2022. One problem he has mentioned only way for guests like Larry for an example well there is no bus to get to the house and to the studio so that is one of the major issues moving forward and Larry has no way here till they reinstate the route that Chris takes within his area. When things start getting back to normal he will assess the situation and the plan moving forward but right now we continue to keep the studio in complete lockdown as we did 10 months ago.

Matt, Site Admin/CBOTW Management

Sunday, August 30, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Update [08-30-2020]

            This is our last Weekly blog post for the month of August as we are heading into the fall and September this week, I do have some updates for you guys that are great updates for this week. Again another busy week for Chris and the rest of us here at CBOTW and we have been so busy lately it is unreal. Here are the updates:

Power Rangers Podcast: Chris has officially finished Wild Force and the podcast has been put to the side at this moment as he is working on other projects that is more important but this week he's gonna hopefully get back into it and back into the groove of things for that so he can be ready for end of September when him and Larry record the next one via Skype. 

 Podcasts: He wanted me to make it clear to you guys that he is planning to record podcasts via Skype as he is not planning on opening the studio to his team at this moment as this pandemic isn't over yet and he is planning to keep it closed till start of January 2021 at this moment. So this means Entertainment Man Podcast episodes with the team or Power Rangers Podcast will be recorded through Skype or StreamYard. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Chris has completed episode # 6 notes and will be working on recording it this week and editing it as he will be returning to it this week and he is very excited to be returning to the podcast after a 5 month hiatus, he is getting back into it. 

6th Anniversary: We are in full steam ahead with Anniversary planning and we have to do one last thing and that is record an anniversary podcast for just the website alone, edit it and have it ready to post and for the most part we will be ready minus scheduling the Live Stream that day and we will have a full schedule out this week from Chris himself, not sure what day it will be on but it will be this week. 


         There is the updates for the week and we had a ton more to say this week as we have a lot ahead of us and looking forward to getting a ton more stuff done this week so we can start releasing this stuff to you guys in the very nearby future and we're on a very busy time of the year even without going to events, we are still very much busy with things. Till next week, have a great week and I will speak to you guys next week!


- CBOTW Team

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Studio Update-- 03-17-2020

               Studio is coming along nicely, today we are working on the ceiling today but I will have pictures next week, I promise as we only have two, well 3 plus the one tile at the time of me writing this post. However it is starting to look like a studio and we will have the final strip to put the white piece up today and all we have to do then is actually get the tiles in. The next step after the ceiling is done is clean up and shelves gotta go up. Before we do any of that, we have to actually fix part of the wall as it cracked at the top due to the fact we were screwing in the edge pieces for the ceiling so we have to fix that but that is at the end. Give us till the end of next week but you never know we could have it done sooner then we expect. However with me Self Isolated in the house here which I will talk about it later on about what is going on.  Mainly it is the ceiling of the entire one side where Chris B On The Web studios is located in the basement. Anyways it is just a very long process with the ceiling work and getting it done, however it will get done and I'm sure it will be done eventually. We have had a few issues along the way but hopefully soon it will finally be finished and completed.

                 That is the update and like I said there will be another post at 6 pm to update you guys what is going with me and this COVID-19 and how I am holding up with all of this. I hopefully have another studio update with pictures as I want you guys to see the progress or at least by the time you guys get another update to have the final product but keeping hopeful this can be finished as we have been going at this for 4 months as this was quite a long process but patience is a virtue! We will have get this finished it is just getting around a round unit and the lights in here. I know this wasn't my idea to do a ceiling but least it will look nice in the end. I hope you guys enjoyed this mini update I have given you guys and I will talk to you guys tonight. 


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Another Studio Update [01-12-2020]

             So it is time for an update on the studio. I have been posting updates and you need to hear it from word of mouth from moi! So as you know we have 3 panels left but as you see on the right hand side that all 3 panels have been put in and I helped a tad on the first of the 3 but I was busy the last day of putting up the wall my dad finished it without my help and he ensured that he was fine without me and if he wasn't OK with it I most certainly would of cancelled my errands to help him out to finish this out. We actually got this finished before the New Year which we were only planning to finish it in the New Year so we got ahead of schedule and since January 1st we have definitely been full speed ahead since and you will see in the second part of this post today. Yes I realize my chair is in the way and during this construction I ended up having to replaced wheels on my chair cause they broke as the wheels got jammed so those got replaced. Anyways that is definitely besides the point but you can see that we moved things about and I will address one more thing towards the end of this post today.

             The second picture to the left is a picture of the walls primed with the primer and now awaits the actual coat of paint which will be happening today as you guys see and read this post, we will be working on painting and when I wrote this I noticed the wall theres a line so something isn't right and we may end up on a small road block as some of it wasn't sanded properly and there is a bump in it so I will or have told my mom on that issue. Anyways it will be all fine in the end I am just picky person I guess. Once the painting is done probably the ceiling above the space where I am going to be recording will be finishing up the ceiling then we will be removing the carpet in the room entirely with the bare floor and I will be getting a area rug at Walmart so we won't have cold feet recording. Once that is done I am going to start placing things around the room and I am probably going to move the desk to the corner even without it's top which is now off as you can see which needs repairs which my Uncle and I are going to be working that once the ceiling and rug is removed and we have things a lot more organized which Larry and I will move my stuff upstairs on Thursday and pack up my dad's records as I already destroyed one or two records so it is better safe in a box which I told him to originally but it was stuffed behind my desk but again I think I will ask for an hour of Larry's time to pack up and move things about and I am sure he won't mind hes been helping when I need it with packing up or moving things around and he did help move the ailing desk that is sitting here no top which is a throwback Thursday Story for this week. Anyways that is my update and I know it's long but hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next post.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Studio Update 2 [11-27-2019]

           So I have made some changes and got some unfortunate news on the desk I used for the last 5 years. So in this post I will cover everything with where the studio is at right now:

1) Insulation completed for the walls. Walls are finished with the insulation however the ceiling isn't finished and we are still needing to do the ceiling above my area where I am going to have my desk at and where all the recording is going to be done. 

2) The computer has temporarily been moved to my dad's old desk and it is quite a tight squeeze for me but it will have to do for the next while until the work is done with the space and trust me I am sure it will go fast enough I'm sure. Once my space is done and painted then we have to work on the next part.

2B) Which brings me into the point of this post: The desk I have been using for the past 5 years is falling apart, it is weak on the top and has cracked underneath. The next thing is the desktop on the right side isn't being held by anything at all so that raises for a ton of concern. 

            Once the space is painted and finished then I will decide what the heck to do with the desk or give up and buy a brand new desk for myself. However I am going to try and fix the desk and strengthen it so it can last me another year at the most before I make that decision to replace it but it is neither here or there on the decision right now that I should make the decision to make the changes right now. That will come in the next few weeks and hope to get it repaired in time for me to make the move back quite quickly. Today we got one panel installed and we will be continuing on with this on Friday so were trying to get it done several times a week and we will finish this im sure in a few weeks before Christmas but I told my dad I do not wanna move anything back till the desk is repaired so that means the monitor stands will be sitting on the side till then. There is the update and by Sunday I should be able to update with pictures to what has been done here in the studio.
