Showing posts with label rant blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant blog. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-19-2024]

                 Sighs.... I hate to be sounding like a broken record but this drama with Chris has to STOP!  He's not doing anything to anyone and minding his own business in a YouTube channels to be brought down as a person saying publicly if their going to his stream and saying maybe when their NOT welcome whatsoever.  Banned for bringing in drama and causing all kinds of problems will get you banned for good. Not just him that had enough but myself, Larry, Kevin and Brooke HAD ENOUGH! 

                      Chris doesn't want to be involved with this community anymore.  He's going to be less involved and work on the work that needs to be done for content despite his empty threats that he's made about discontinuing The CBOTW Show and taking Entertainment Man Podcast and being on it's own. I don't think he's serious about that. But this has to stop or he will stop streaming and stop interacting which he loves to do. At this point our network is now 18 + not changing the rules now, if we find out you're under 18 cya, cya. 

                    As for updates not much, Chris has to reschedule one podcast but has an interview Monday and a week Sunday so he's preparing for both interviews coming up. A new episode The CBOTW Show will be recorded next Thursday and excited to hear this one. Chris and Larry both continue to surprise us with new episodes when their not even scheduled to record. Also Chris is working on promoting a few channels here on both Sonal's Channel & Witchbucket Films have been  promoted on here on our website. Going to test it out see it helps them out with views and I'm sure it will with the amount of views we've gotten on this website each and everyday but check it out on the video page. Chris will be away for a few days next week and not around as he will be gone for a few days. Anyways this was rather a very long update and I had to vent briefly and give you updates but I will talk to you guys next week for more end of the week updates.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Why Did The Group Disappeared?

            As you guys probably knew, we had a private Facebook group and I said had very lightly as it is no longer there on the website. This was because of the non sense drama that went on with the group, time and time again and people blocking me, the fan page and my staff. That is a little much to deal with in general. I am very, very annoyed and just the start of problems in this community. I am just fed up of the drama on top of having staff walk out and quit on me. You can see why I am starting to take away things. 

             Plus still dealing with the loss of my grandma, I do not need this garbage from people. I am not naming names but they know they are. I am just going to start blocking banning at this point. I know Jim and Larry have my back, along as my Admin and Moderators and the members of the new Discord server which you can now find it on the right hand side with the blue and white logo at the far right of all four logos that looks like it has two eyes but either way it is an open community but drama free. There are rules to follow. That is my rant post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

OBS Has Become A Problem For Recording

               I can admit OBS has become a problem for me. As you guys know I had a podcast that didn't even remotely last very long. However  I was recording a video version of the podcast too and that didn't even remotely work as 13 mins was recorded and the rest was gone which really did tick me the heck off and annoyed. I have had a bit of issues with this program streaming but seemed to work on certain sites, cough cough YouTube, LOL. Anyways I just do not know what's going on with OBS why the recording only half and it could of been me pushing the wrong buttons which really wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the issue.  However OBS is a pain in my butt sometimes  but just gotta somehow deal with it if there is a point of time where I will have to use the software for example recording Power Rangers Podcast in case but I will try talking to the camera and see how long it lasts and maybe it was just me.

                However I had audio issues the first time around which was strike 1 then the second issue which is the 2nd strike. So as you can see my luck with these programs hasn't been the greatest. Just gotta try and figure things out for myself. I know I usually keep the technical issues to myself but this is or has gotten freakin ridiculous. Why do you think now I refuse to do video all together now. I just do not have the patience to deal with the technical issues and got my own issues as it is with my mixer acting up from time to time. Plus YouTube, well you guys know the story behind that but less headaches to deal with and this is why I wanna get the mix minus setup going so I can do away with OBS all together for good and get rid of it once and for all. I am just tired of the stupidity of issues and I am claiming I am remaining audio only once and for all as I just am over video casting moving forward. I know some of you may not like the decision but in the end it is my decision to not do video but doesn't mean any other podcasts like Billy's Sports Hour which is on hiatus and nothing really known on that project as Billy is assigned to Survivor as of the fall which I will address this week for you guys. Either or, I am very much happy with Audio ONLY and so is my team and we are going to keep it this way with the technical issues I am having currently having.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Not Too Happy and Confused About The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack!

              This game seems to get more and more complicated and this is what I am going to be talking about in today's post. Now yes I consider this a "Rant" post and honestly I haven't done one of these in ages! So it does feel good to be doing this post indeed. Anyways I do not know where to start honestly so here it goes:

1) Sims starting fires:   Makes no sense I turn my back for one second and the damn Sims 4 house is on fire and the death of one or more. After all the hard work I put into the file all hell breaks loose but those are the breaks I guess.

2) Drowning of Sims: I was watching the back of the house and the poor kids drowned so easily and not sure why this is happening and starting to think this video game is just glitched all together.

3) Sims University: This is a big one for the list which is when applying to University you can only do it via  a computer and on The Sims 3, you can do it via phone too if I remember correctly. The next point I would like to make is the fact that it takes a long time for them to accept a sim into university and you also have to have the skills for certain scholarships which I don't have with one of my Sims, Katherine. However I am sure Larry will be able to help me with the game one way or another but I got her into university but failed at a step so I might have to retrace my steps again.

              Either way, I have having a hard time with the game but I am sure I will figure it out eventually. I just got this game and it is a learning curve for me still and like I said Larry is the expert at these games compare to I am. Anyways this expansion pack comes a ton more fun for me and also the game and when I get time which will be very soon I am sure it will be soon but I will have the opportunity to play a bit and this Sunday is definitely going to be a prime example as Larry is coming over. Now to replace the Sims who have passed, I probably will replace them with a new set of sims down the road but I am currently running 11 households so I sure as heck have a lot on my plate still. Hope you enjoyed my ramble or rant and I think Steven is posting or has posted up something this morning or this afternoon recapping Gordon Ramsey's 24 Hours To Hell and Back.


Friday, June 8, 2018

So Frustrated With The Blue Jays The Sequel!

              Yep the title doesn't lie, I am getting more and more frustrated with the Blue Jays as they keep losing game after game. The bullpen strikes again, every time they put the bullpen in, they blow the lead. They had that even with against the Yankees, they had a 2 - 0 lead and long behold Biagini comes in and screws things up... Surprise, surprise! I do not like Biagini whatsoever and I stated that about a week or so ago. But they lost yet again and I sort of want to change what I said before, talk more what they should do at this point. Let me say, I am done with Bleu Jays this year... I just cannot bare watching this three ring circus anymore with the way they have been performing. 

              So with saying that, all I can say the things that need to happen on this team? Well plenty that I can say. First thing I can say is get rid of Biagini, whom keep blowing the lead time and time again. Next thing is those who have been hit with the plague of injuries, maybe it is just time to release them or trade them as this injuries are just getting more and more ridiculous as we continue on this season. Also as I stated above Biagini is one person they gotta get rid of but there are 3 pitchers I can think of on the top of my head at the moment that could potentially trade at this point. 

            Finally, I think after this season, the management has to change, not just John Gibbons as Manager but the General Management of Adkins as the players they get, seem to not work or mesh with the team if that makes any sense whatsoever to you guys but I mean like come on! They should of kept Liriano instead of getting him instead... Yes I can see right through what should of happened. Liriano was doing just fine but they ended up getting rid of him for Biagini.  They have definitely made some mistakes the higher up management and they better honest fix it and fix it fast! I for one, am close to stop watching the games if nothing is done about this injury plague and fast enough... 


Friday, June 1, 2018

I Screwed Up! (SMH!)

           I made the biggest mistake in my life, I mean I should of stuck to 000webhost even when the web builder wasn't working for some strange unforeseen reason which now it seems to be working with no problem currently... I should of remained patient during the frustrating times of running the website but don't forget it's a learning curve for me and everyday I seem to learn something new about websites and I am always figuring things out and quite quickly.

           Also I made the biggest mistake not only the website but having someone help me run a chat built within Why do I say this, you may ask? Well I had two individuals who wanted to help me run the chat within my website. What happened? They both decided to turn their backs on me so I did away with the chat system... Did it really matter if the website had a chat it was holding back and it was hard to get it running and people actually popping by in the website. However, I got another feature in the back of my mind actually but I am not 150% sure if it will work out as I haven't used this feature since back in 2010, maybe before that even.  However, I need to make the right decisions from here on out, making the wrong decisions will not be a good decision to make right now. 

             Yes I made some mistakes with Chris B On The Web, but I am only human to make em and I think at this point of CBOTW being active for the last almost 4 years now, I think it is safe to say, I have indeed learned from past mistakes and this is why I am already thinking way ahead for the future of my website and that announcement comes on tomorrow's blog post to what the future entails for me, my website, the podcasts and the blog posts as well! 


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Toronto Blue Jays Rant for the Week

           Ok, time for a rant blog, not on any person in particular but the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team... Man this is one frustrating season for them, but also us the fans, the die hard fans. You want to see your team do very well, yes but don't forget the team has to have to have a stage in a season where they have to rebuild the team and yes we have had 2 amazing seasons. Players get older and slowing down, it is time to get younger players who can help us win games and hopefully a World Series. I know its been 20 odd years since our last world series victory! I am trying to be sensible in my post today and I am trying to lighten the mood with the fans as yes this is not the easiest season for us as we have no Bautisa, Tuloliski is still gone, we are up in arms of injuries this season, it doesn't help us whatsoever with us being successful. But these guys when they want to win they can win.

            However, yes there is an however to this post. Every time we are in the lead like last night we had a 6 - 1 Lead, but soon as the relief pitching came in, all hell broke loss, we started losing the lead, 6 - 3, 6 - 4, 6 - 5. Of course we managed to squeak in the win but I believe the bullpen is one of the key problems we have on the team, but not only the bullpen, it's our starters are having some problems this season, Estrada, Sanchez and why in the freakin world would they put in Biagini?! For crying out loud, haven't they learned he seems to screw things up for them. Honestly the trade Lirano for him was the biggest mistake they management made. I so wanna make a petition to get him the heck off the Jays ASAP... Happ and this new guy they got Sam Gaviglio whom they got in the trade, now they have done well it's the other starters. Honestly there will definitely be room for changes to be made in the very nearby future. 

             Finally, I think it is just time to finally trade Tulowitzki as he's been injured in the past year and I think he will not be back anytime soon. They said hes coming back but he is still not back... Feel like if there are non stop injuries maybe it is just time to trade or release players that are starting to drag the team down? It is just food for thoughts. What are your thoughts on how the Blue Jays are doing? Let me know in the comments below!
