Showing posts with label changing things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label changing things. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Changing Up My Strategy With Things....

                     Like the game of Big Brother, expect the unexpected. This week has been full of twists and turns with the content. Now you know exactly what I am doing this week with recently knowing that I am back in production with Larry this week which I wasn't expecting this whatsoever as Larry threw in his own twist on things and I was expecting 2 weeks Thursday as I originally had planned out with Larry as he didn't know but hey sooner the better honestly this way we can have a break and with that as I said on social media today is that I will hold onto the podcast and when I am ready to edit then I can edit it and it shouldn't be a very long podcast not as long as a regular episode so. Also Entertainment Man Podcast I changed the schedule for the interview was I was afraid I wasn't going to get Amy's website done in time but remember the podcast comes out once a week and I have days to finish up the website as she doesn't want it too complicated which is fine with me but I am doing a basic website and as you know sites take a while to build and put together. Between that editing the podcast which I worked late last night on it then on the collab but I have changed the strategy up.

                     What I am trying to say is sometimes you gotta change up your startegy when it comes to whatever you are working on whether it is a project or content of any sort, sometimes you gotta change up your strategy and that is OK. Whatever helps right? I can say it is very interesting how many moving elements is going on right now. Here I was settling down on my schedule and moving onto Samurai which was thrown on the shelf temporarily while I work on other things but this is where the sticky notes comes into play and I can make a list of of what has to be done and I highly recommend using sticky notes whether it is on the computer with the app or just sticky notes in general it does help. Anyways that is my post for today, thanks for reading I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Some Changes and Additions Have Been Made!

            Due to some things that has happened in the past few days to a few weeks now, I am going to be a bit more serious on what I bring onto CBOTW as you know CBOTW Gamers Podcast is no more and it is what it is. I guess it wasn't really meant to be and I shouldn't try to revive something that failed in the past. As you know I made some changes to the site, removed the team page as It just did not work out too well with the coding nor not all the staff want to be listed or will be ok with having a bio on there. Anyways the next addition to the website is the chatroom. It has been asked to bring it back and it will help bring in more views to the website and honestly I can see things being different and we have my support staff which are around the site on mostly night when I am in bed early but I am mostly on and they will explain everyone that is around on the Staff however there is the 2 main things I want and I am just frustrated and I am happy with the current team I have.
             I know I haven't revealed it at all but Jasmine has joined the team and will be covering Big Brother Canada 8 and hopefully Big Brother 22 as well if she wishes. However details are coming in the New Year and I promise I will be giving you all a ton of details. Bringing someone new has made me so excited for what is to come in 2020 and excited for the 13th season of EAR TV & Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast to return in 2020 with 3 recording dates in the year. I am entirely happy with Billy, Larry and Jasmine and this is the team I want to have moving forward with all these amazing changes, the chatroom returning which you can find on the right hand side of the chat. There is a ton of stuff coming for Chris B On The Web and you find out Sunday @ Noon EST as one of my members of Staff will be writing  a post tomorrow in place of me writing to give me a day off so I can try and focus on Power Rangers Podcast as I am aiming to finish this weekend so between Christmas and New Years I can type and get it finished before Jan 1st, so I may be working around the holidays possibly. 
