Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Made a bunch of changes recently

           As you may have noticed this website has been changed around quite a lot and that is why it was a very busy weekend with updates to you guys and as you know the 10th anniversary has been moved over to the about section and the schedule has been moved over to the main bar so it's been moved about. Also 10th anniversary has a main page for both pages with interactive clickable images on there by clicking on it. 

         Also the schedule, due to some privacy issues with the calendar, appointments I have booked has started to show up so what Jim suggested to me is to put a table with the schedule for events and the content schedule and that is what I did and was done actually done live on a stream so you guys got to see how the page looks and its not HTML it's a table and I'm getting better with the tables so I don't care what my naysayers say! Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


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