As all you Big Brother Canada Fans know cast release is today which means, Everything About Reality TV is going into full swing on the weekend. Over the next day and a half, Jasmine will be working on the preview podcast notes, then will be recording the podcast and editing towards the end of the week and submitting it to me over the weekend. So when is it going up exactly? It will be up on Sunday @ 4 pm EST. I will explain why the 4 pm EST post up below why we are doing this. We are again adding 3 podcasts this season, 2 Big Brother Canada Recaps split between Jasmine and I and also I will be covering Survivor as well. Now scheduling for the rest of the season and moving forward will be as follows:
Tuesdays: Big Brother Canada 8 Recap @ 4 pm EST (Jasmine)
Thursdays: Survivor: Winner At War Recap @ 4 pm EST (Me, Chris)
Saturdays: Big Brother Canada 8 Recap @ 4 pm EST (To be determined)
There is the scheduling moving forward and I will explain why I am changing the schedule around is because I want to make sure our listeners in Europe and the UK to hear the podcast but I know and realize the episodes do not go anywhere once they go up on the feeds so it is there. I am trying to continue to boost the listenership so it is the decision that I wanted to do. Actually I made these changes without even my team know at all of these changes as it was a split decision and a quick decision mind you. However, change is good and we want to make the changes in order to continue with the success of the podcast. Either way another wild season of Everything About Reality TV Podcast is about to begin. I cannot wait to really dive into this and the most part excited to have Jasmine on board as they are gearing up in the coming days to actually record the Preview. Any questions or concerns you can contact Jasmine or myself @ and we will be happy to answer em. This includes if you would like to come on Survivor or Big Brother Canada Recaps please so reach out to us.
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