Showing posts with label Website Exclusive CONTENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Website Exclusive CONTENT. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Updates!

             As you know with the recent events that has happened with me. Larry may not feel comfortable enough to be back in studio which means we may end up having to record via Skype for a while. I may not even feel comfortable having him in the studio right away. However don't forget it is a few months away from us actually recording and we will see how things are by then. However that will not change us from getting recordings done right now. Right now, I am not sure what he will say and honestly as right now I sort of had him on messenger block and afraid to even say anything to him. I just do not know how to go about telling him I was sick and days after I saw him. I'm afraid he will hate me but I wasn't sick when I saw him, I was healthy. So he could of been fine but I will find out.

            So there may have been some adjustments to our schedule the way we record the collab and if we are better off recording out of studio through online again then I am open to it again. I  have to remember with this pandemic, I have to be ready if we need to shift around then I will certainly done that. I will know more in September or at the end of September and will know more what the plan of attack is for the collab. Right now we do not know what the plan is and if he got sick too cause of my stupidity of not wearing a mask but I will let you guys know what the plan is and I will talk to you all tomorrow for the last post of the week. 


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Surprise Blog Post, Power Rangers Collab Chat!

                People being not so nice to me, I can use that block button if I have to. It hasn't affected my follower count on Instagram cause if I need to block someone for being not so nice, I just make it up with a new follower. Just wanted to throw that right out there but anyways I had some chatter in the DM's as you guys have been sliding into the DM's with me. There has been a lot of chatter about Power Rangers Collab and I know I have gone very quiet but all I can do right now is give you guys goal plans, now these are not guaranteed yet as Larry and I are waiting on some things at this moment. Here are the goal lines for Power Rangers Collab both Plans A & B for recording podcasts:

Plan A (Larry Back In Studio):                                  Plan B (Via Skype):

- Power Rangers Samurai & Super Samurai-              - Power Rangers Samurai & Super              Late April 2022/Early May 2022                                    Samurai- Late April Into May

- Power Rangers Megaforce & Super Megaforce-       Power Rangers Megaforce & Super          June 2022 or July 2022                                                Megaforce- June 2022 Into July 2022

- Power Rangers Dino Charge and Super Dino           - Power Rangers Dino Charge and Super  Charge- October 2022                                        Dino Charge- October 2022                                                                                                             (Unchanged)

                     So that is the scheduling goals or plans for the rest of this year and I assure you I have started working on Samurai more and hoping to be finished with the first of the two seasons in that title by end of this weekend then to type up the notes and get them in his envelope. Now yes Plan A there are plans to have him back in studio but it all depends if cases go back down as they rose a tad bit yesterday so I am fully aware that him coming back to the studio may not be an option at this time as we are always watching what the top doctors in Canada and Ontario recommend so we may be recording via Skype for a little longer but we'll let you know as I wanna try and make a big deal about his return, decorating the studio etc. However for right now, enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will talk to you all Monday. 


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I Messed Up....

              I want to apologize to you all for lashing out on both this website and also Power Rangers Collab. I made a threat of completely stopping Power Rangers Collab after RPM. It was unprofessional and wrong of me to lash out especially on the collab and I will get into the screenshot but it is no secret Larry and I have had issues and I think the fact yesterday I was mad at someone yesterday, I should of kept my mouth shut and not lash out on the site on both and really shows no professionalism. I realize that this morning and I realize that I have a contract and NDA with Larry for the next 2 years for this collab. I know the views not been the greatest for the last one and the screenshot on the right are the listens for the podcast on the last episode and it doesn't compare to the SPD season and it is no secret Larry and I have had some tech issues lately and it's not an excuse it's the truth we have some humming issues lately. I got a clue that is why the listens went down on the last show we did. 

                Now I can say Operation Overdrive is better and I haven't really edited the episode yet and it is work in progress and on the long list of things to do right now. I have a good feeling it'll do better this time around and views will be up. Maybe it is cause Mystic Force wasn't a fan favorite too so that could be another possibility. I attached a screenshot of the listens. 16 listens isn't really that bad to be honest and yeah we could of done better but I got that feeling that Operation Overdrive will be a ton better then the last episode. As you know Thursday will be the next podcast and always room for improvement that's for sure and excited to be covering the next episode. I do have a plan for RPM moving forward to try and better the podcast with more questions to ask Larry it'll definitely improve things. Anyways that is my post for today I will talk to you tomorrow for a movie review.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Power Rangers Collab-- A Look Ahead!

                 Now that I am in the final Stages of completing the notes for Jungle Fury and about to send them by end of the week here is what is ahead for this Collaboration Podcast:

End of This Week: Finish and send Jungle Fury Notes to Larry

Monday, November 15th  - December 10th, 2021: Power Rangers RPM work

December 13th, 2021 - January 31st, 2022: Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai Work. 

February 2022: Record Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai.

March - April 2022: Break from the Podcast for a Month. 

                  There is what lies ahead for this podcast and yes I purposely did not even mention anything beyond March as I want to keep you guys on your toes. Least I will have a month off between working on the next set of podcasts which will indeed be Megaforce and Super Megaforce for June. Lots going on and will be active and busy the next few months with the podcast on top of my normal podcast so plenty of content is coming your way. Also little friendly reminder that Once Jungle Fury is recorded I will be editing both Operation Overdrive which was just over 2 hours long (SMH!) and Jungle Fury which we do not know the length as it's now pending production a week tomorrow. That is what I had to say and I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Power Rangers Collab 2022 and Beyond!

                   I couldn't sleep Tuesday night and I was lying in bed and did some research and just found out that Power Rangers Dino Fury is going to be doing a second season which will be Season 29 of the series. So we will be continuing on to catch up and hopefully by February of 2023 we are caught right up and we are going to continue on and I am not surprised, however I heard they were finished with seasons but something must of happened between now and the last few months so a lot must of happened in the recent months so I am happy with the news that Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is going to continue and it seems it will be an endless run with that podcast but this is why we already got a plan ready for moving into when and if it ends eventually. 

                    I also found out their in talks for their 30th season and I hope they do something interesting when it comes to that. We will have have to wait and see but Larry hasn't been on this week and just wait till he gets my messages about the future of the series, he will most definitely surprised and excited that we continue on this journey and any plans for other collabs will be put to the side right now while we continue on with this series and there will be a time and place where we run out of ideas all together I am sure.  Even if we have to wait for a new season we have the one offs to run with at the time and this is why Larry and I plan ahead in case for situations like this to happen. Anyways you will be seeing more from Larry and I in the very nearby future and we're excited for the future of Power Rangers Collab.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast 3rd Anniversary Week Is Here!

                Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast 3rd Anniversary is officially here. I hopefully will be sharing some pictures and memorable moments only if I can find them off my drive and we'll see, I will dig through some today at some point between working on notes and SPD. I cannot believe it has been 3 years, Larry and I made it to the 3 year mark this week! 2 more years and we will be on our 5th Anniversary unless the podcast stops as by that point, we should be caught right back up to speed with seasons but I can tell you we have a full year of episodes to our traditional 3 recordings a year! This week's episode isn't about a season in particular just us celebrating the 3 year anniversary. Here is what you can expect on this and it is a very easy going episode of this podcast:

1) Interview- Will be asking Larry 25 questions about our wonderful Podcast and the 3 year journey we have taken with this podcast of the last 3 Years and what this podcast means to us as host and co-host of the podcast

2) Activities- Got a couple of activities, consisting of lists and ranking seasons and some of the characters we have seen over the course of the last 3 years. There are 3 different lists I wanna do on this podcast and excited to do really, I cannot wait to dig into that portion. 

              I am excited for this anniversary and I'm sorry this is a day late as I had to address the management team situation as we're now down to 3 of us but that is yesterday and I move forward with the content. It is business as usual as I said yesterday and I cannot wait for you guys to hear this 3 Year Anniversary Podcast and it's going to be a great episode I'm sure when we record it. Until tomorrow, have a great rest of your day!
