I know I have talked about switching back Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show to Thursdays on a rotation and yes rotation, I switch shows in the Wednesday slot and more then likely that would be what we would do if we switched back to the old schedule that we had. However this wouldn't happen till the New Year, I do not want to switch things around during the seasons for both podcasts and do not want to disrupt the current flow of the scheduling at the moment.
But, I have decided against it to switching the days as you guys have gotten use to the schedule that we have and it's the mid week podcast. How am I going to make sure it's done? I will be recording the normal episodes on Wednesdays, bonus episodes and The CBOTW Show on a Friday unless I am with Larry recording our own which is normally Thursday but on my own it is more than likely Friday. However that is the post and hope this explains my thinking process and I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.