Showing posts with label podcast schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast schedule. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2024

Podcast Schedule Re-Done!

                 Podcast schedule has been re-done! I was unhappy with doing two episodes a week with Entertainment Man Podcast and reverting back to the schedule we originally mapped out for you guys:

Sundays, 1 pm EST:  @EntertainmentManPod  (Audio Only)

                    1:30 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @CBOTWMediaLive on Twitch)

Monday - Fridays, 11 am EST: Daily blog ( 

Wednesdays, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show [On my own] (Audio ONLY)

Fridays, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show [For Larry and I or collaborations with me] (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays,  11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                        1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream ( @CBOTWMediaLive on Twitch)

                    This is permanent, if we need to tweak we can but I know this is going to work for us moving forward but this will all take in by January 1st, 2025. Next year will be a better year for us and I look forward to the new schedule and growing this network. However that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Switching Back The Schedule?

               I know I have talked about switching back Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show to Thursdays on a rotation and yes rotation, I switch shows in the Wednesday slot and more then likely that would be what we would do if we switched back to the old schedule that we had. However this wouldn't happen till the New Year, I do not want to switch things around during the seasons for both podcasts and do not want to disrupt the current flow of the scheduling at the moment. 

              But, I have decided against it to switching the days as you guys have gotten use to the schedule that we have  and it's the mid week podcast. How am I going to make sure it's done? I will be recording the normal episodes on Wednesdays, bonus episodes and The CBOTW Show on a Friday unless I am with Larry recording our own which is normally Thursday but on my own it is more than likely Friday. However that is the post and hope this explains my thinking process and I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Monday, November 6, 2023

Officially on the New Schedule!

            After last week was an appalling mess in schedule, I start this week with a fresh mind and aspect to what needs to be done this week. One of those things being Power Rangers and already between 5 and 10 episodes completed now. I hope to finish it all of it up by tomorrow so Wednesday, I can start the next season and finish it by Saturday so this way I can start typing to really push the 23rd actually happening. This week I have a lot more time on my hands minus Tuesday, possibly Wednesday and indefinitely Thursday, but between Tuesday and Wednesday I will have time to work on things before my outing for the days. Thursday I will be out of studio at an event in Toronto. 

             I will talk more about that tomorrow on the blog. However this week starts a brand new week with phase 1 with the new schedule for blogs & podcasts. As I said last week blogs and Entertainment Man Podcast are on the normal days but Entertainment Man's bonus episodes are moving a day back to Wednesdays @ 1 pm ET. Now as you guys remember when we brought The CBOTW Show it was on two different days, one day on my own (Tuesdays) and the other one with Larry (On Friday's) I know this means him and I will be rotating weeks, there will be weeks I'm not alone while maintaining a every 2nd week schedule? That's going to be quite a handful I know. However it will be easier as we continue to progress and post to our new schedule. Anyways thanks for reading the blog today and I will as always talk to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Podcast Schedules December 2022 - June 2023

         With a lot happening, Jason David Frank passing away, Larry and I have decided to postpone Dino Charge and Super Dino Charge till January. We want to do a tribute to him. So the schedule is changing once again and I am going to be putting in the schedule for the next 7 months so it gives you an idea how we plan on catching up and when things are coming out:

December 3rd, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Megaforce

December 10th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Tribute To Jason David Frank (JDF)

December 18th, 2022: Entertainment Man Podcast final episode of Season 3.

December 25th, 2022: Entertainment Man Podcast 2nd Annual Christmas Special (PREMIERED ON YOUTUBE) 

January 8th, 2023: Entertainment Man Podcast Season 4 Premieres on ALL Platforms

TBA (January sometimes): Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Super Dino Charge

March 2023: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

May 2023: The CBOTW Show- Power Rangers The Movie (1995) & Turbo a Power Rangers Movie (1997)

June 2023: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 1 & Season 2

           That is the schedule moving forward and going to print this off for Larry and will be adding in the rest of the year for ChrisBOnTheWeb in general in podcast schedule but I will be giving you guys the schedule in Mid 2023 for the rest of the year as this blog has gone on long enough so I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, November 21, 2022

Podcast Schedule Moving Forward!

            This is a very special blog post today as you know post production of the collaboration podcast and both Larry and I have discussed this and we have a plan moving forward so here is our schedule moving forward and small note Entertainment Man Podcast remains unchanged in it's schedule this is other things ChrisBOnTheWeb:

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Megaforce Podcast release at 1 pm EST

Wednesday, November 30th, 2022:  Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Megaforce Podcast release at 1 pm EST

Thursday, December 1st, 2022: Larry and I will be hanging out and decorating the studio for Christmas this year, hanging up the snowflakes, put up the lights etc, fun and what not and celebrating our birthdays together. 

Thursday, December 15th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge & Super Dino Charge Recording

Wednesday, December 21st, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge Release at 1 pm EST

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Dino Charge release at 1 pm EST

            That is the production schedule and stay tuned for my Chris Timeline blog post which give you an idea what I will be up to between December and March/April 2023 and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 



Sunday, May 29, 2022

Podcast Updates

                 On behalf of Chris as he has been taking some time to himself with his mental health this is where the Management Team comes into play where we advocate for Chris on his behalf. He has taken a week off from the podcast but he's back to the grind tomorrow. The schedule for his podcast as follows:

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022:   All Day- Chris recording podcasts with Larry.

                            1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast, Bonus Episode (Audio ONLY)

Sunday, June 5th, 2022:        1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast, Regular Episode (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Thursday, June 9th, 2022:      1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast, Bonus Episode (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                    That is the make up schedule and by Sunday, June 12th, 2022, he should be back on the schedule. He feels bad that there isn't a podcast and he's really considering putting it up but as his management team, we reminded him that he needs that mental health break and to take care of himself first. He has been keeping up with typing up notes and working hard to getting it done for Thursday as he is recording. I think I have covered everything that I need to say, reminder Chris is back to blogs tomorrow before he goes out for the day so enjoy the rest of your Sunday, any questions please ask and I will talk to you all later.


- CBOTW Management

Monday, January 3, 2022

Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Collab Moving Forward!

               As you know, I have returned to YouTube with Entertainment Man Podcast and things are changing quite quickly with ChrisBOnTheWeb. So there are some changes moving forward so here they are schedule wise.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Sundays @ 1 pm EST- Regular Episode (YouTube & Audio ONLY  Platforms) 

                                                  Thursdays @ 1 pm EST- Bonus Episode (Audio ONLY Platforms)

Power Rangers Collab Podcast: 3 Times a year, 2 episodes per session = 6 episodes in total in a year (Audio ONLY & ONLY EXCLUSIVELY On!)

Collaboration Podcasts: Sporadically when up to a non series podcast (Audio ONLY & ONLY EXCLUSIVELY On!)

                There is the schedule moving forward and the platforms the podcast is going to be on moving forward with this collab and I think it's a fair schedule. Reason for Bonus episodes staying Audio ONLY is because I can talk about topics that wouldn't be suitable for YouTube and it's a better fit for it then if both regular and bonus were on YouTube together as a whole.  You guys know the story to why Power Rangers Collab is staying to Audio ONLY as it is more fitting on the site and the website only. That is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will talk to you all in the next post tomorrow.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Schedule!

            As of late yesterday, Chris let me know that him and Larry OFFICIALLY set a day to record the next Collaboration Podcast will be Thursday evening which the two of them will be recording the next episode which was just a month apart from the other one. Now the actual date of release is not yet available and I believe during the holidays he will be posting it up between his breaks from recording as always will be and I am assuming that will be during his holiday break from things it will be up and he will be holding onto it when he finishes editing.  Also I know for a fact he will be immediately starting up on Dino Thunder so they can record that in January before the Hiatus begins but you will get more information on this this week at some point from me. I think that is what he tends to do is give you guys a podcast during the holiday which is easy for us to upload as it is only based off the website itself and nowhere else at this point.


               That is my announcement and I am excited for what these two are recording this week and I am excited in general for the final set of podcasts for 2020 before the break and him taking a well deserved break that he really does deserves. He really has worked hard with the improvements of recording through the last month and I give him a ton of props on this and so did Larry, he gave Chris a ton of props so you never know this could be a short hiatus and again I will explain that in the coming days you guys but big props to the guys on a job well done with changes and improving production.

Kelsie, CBOTW Management

Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Addition To Everything About Reality TV and Winter/Spring Schedule 2020!

                It is with my great pleasure and honor to introduce Jasmine to the team as they will be covering Big Brother Canada Season 8 in the Winter/Spring season in February or March of 2020. I am for once excited for this new opportunity to come and both of us are excite to what is coming. Now I know last year when I covered it I did it twice a week but this week we both agreed Jasmine will be covering it once a week on a new day. Anyways here is the time table for the Winter/Spring 2020:

Thursdays, 9 pm EST: Survivor 40- Winners At War RECAP (With Me, Chris, Starting Thursday, February 13th, 2020)

Saturdays, 9 pm EST: Big Brother Canada Season 8 RECAP (With Jasmine, Date to be Announced Soon)

Amazing Race 32: I am awaiting on the news for this coming season and I just do not know when to expect it. It could be in the Spring time or it could be in the Fall on top of Survivor 41 if Survivor is confirmed for a 41st season but right now I am keeping the show off the timetable for now and I am more then likely putting it on the waiting to be scheduled but they said it will be out mid season in 2020 so I am guessing either the winter or the spring sometime but again this can change and never know I could of changed this but if not then what you see here is the schedule as this was written on Decmebrr 15th 2019.

                I am excited for all these changes and additions to the podcast and if all goes well I will be offering Big Brother 22 come summer time as well to our newest member. With saying that I want to say welcome Jasmine to the team, we're all excited to have you aboard the Chris B On The Web Family. We cannot wait to hear you on the podcast and let's get this podcast up to 300 episodes this year!


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Chris B On The Web Podcasts Timeline (Updated)

              Today's blog post, I am going to cover the entire 9th, 10th Season. Yes I realize on here, the website I have a partial schedule for Season 11 of the Podcast but I am not going to cover that season as of yet as the schedule is very much open but I've developed a timetable for that. Also please note I have put into the schedule for Music City up to April as I do not know when the finale is and it is very much early in the season for it to end. Without further ado here is the timetable looks like:

January - February 2019:

The CBOTW Show- Music City, Season 2: Friday's @ 6 pm EST

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US Season 2: Schedule varies please go to  for the entire schedule as the days do change. Podcasts will be out 1 - 2 times a week.

Everything About Reality TV- Survivor Edge of Extinction: Thursdays @ 8 pm EST (Starting Feb 15th with Preview Podcast)

March - Mid May 2019:

The CBOTW Show- Music City, Season 2: Friday's @ 6 pm EST (Currently Scheduled into end of March)

Everything About Reality TV- Survivor Edge of Extinction: Thursdays @ 8 pm EST 

Everything About Reality TV- Big Brother Canada Season 7: Fridays @ 8 pm EST

                    This is a solid schedule this season and looks good. In my head I can be really honest it seemed so complicated at this time last year but this year I actually made things work out this year and I was worried it wouldn't work out with an actual Live schedule but this year was about growing the podcast and exactly that is what I am doing as I pulled away from the Live show idea as I wasn't sure on it.  I am excited to start more podcasts but right now I am currently on a weekly schedule but soon to be changing as I am getting geared up for more podcasts.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show Podcast Schedule Revised! (With Twitch Live Schedule)

    I had to re do the schedule due to confusion of the schedule not just for you guys for me and I really messed up the scheduling as I had to add in not just the Live Broadcast schedule but also the Audio ONLY platforms and I spent a good few hours on the scheduling dilemma and why this weeks podcast wasn't out on time like I mentioned but anyways here is the NEW and IMPROVED schedule for Both Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show:

Everything About Reality TV-  Saturday, December 15th, 2018: Survivor: David Vs. Goliath RECAP, EP # 13 @ 9 pm EST

Everything About Reality TV- Wednesday, December 19th, 2018: Survivor: David Vs. Goliath RECAP, EP # 14 @ 11 pm EST- LIVE ON TWITCH!

Everything About Reality TV- Thursday, December 20th, 2018: Survivor: David Vs. Goliath RECAP, EP # 14 @ 9 pm EST- Posted up on Audio ONLY Platforms

The CBOTW Show- Wednesday, December 26th, 2018: Power Rangers Zeo Talk Podcast, 9 pm EST- PRE Recorded

The CBOTW Show- Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019: Power Rangers Turbo Talk Podcast, 9 pm EST- PRE Recorded

The CBOTW Show- Fridays (January 4th, 2019): @ 6 pm EST: Music City (Season 2) RECAPS (START)- Pre-Recorded

Everything About Reality TV- Off Season Podcast:  Saturday, January 5th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!- Live On Twitch 

Everything About Reality TV- Off Season Podcast:  Saturday, January 5th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!- Posted Up On Audio ONLY Platforms 

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US PREVIEW Podcast:  Saturday,  January 11th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!- LIVE ON Twitch

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US PREVIEW Podcast:  Sunday,  January 12th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!- Post Up On Audio ONLY Platforms

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 1:  Saturday, Jan 26th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday & Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday) LIVE ON Twitch

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 1:  Saturday, Jan 26th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday & Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday) Posted On Audio ONLY Platforms!
Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 2: Sunday, Feb 3rd @ 9 pm EST (Covering Sunday & Monday, Wednesday & Saturday) LIVE ON Twitch

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 2: Sunday, Feb 3rd @ 9 pm EST (Covering Sunday & Monday, Wednesday & Saturday) Posted On Audio ONLY Platforms!

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 3: Saturday, Feb 9th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday, Thursday & Friday) LIVE ON Twitch

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 3: Saturday, Feb 9th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday, Thursday & Friday) Posted On Audio ONLY Platforms! 

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 4: Thursday, Feb 14th @ 9 pm EST LIVE ON Twitch

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 4: Thursday, Feb 14th @ 9 pm EST Posted On Audio ONLY Platforms! 

                There is the brand new schedule for between now and December 11th, 2018 and February 14th, 2019 for now and I know Music City will be going past that but this gives you the idea on the full on schedule what will be posted up when and I have a full schedule written down next to me also so I know what is being released when over the next 2 months from now.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show Podcast Schedule... (UPDATED!)

                 As I was saying on Twitter, the Everything About Reality TV Season is coming to an end as The CBOTW Show is gearing up for new episodes. In This post it will have the entire schedule for the podcast for December, January and February 2019 so without further ado here is the timetable the updated version of the schedule from before so some is old and some is new, anyways here it is:

Everything About Reality TV-  Survivor: David Vs. Goliath RECAP, EP # 13 @ 9 pm EST

Everything About Reality TV- Survivor: David Vs. Goliath RECAP, EP # 14 @ 9 pm EST

The CBOTW Show- Wednesday, December 26th, 2018: Power Rangers Zeo Talk Podcast, 9 pm EST

The CBOTW Show- Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019: Power Rangers Turbo Talk Podcast, 9 pm EST

The CBOTW Show- Fridays (January 4th, 2019): @ 6 pm EST: Music City (Season 2) RECAPS (START)

Everything About Reality TV- Off Season Podcast:  Sunday, January 6th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!

Everything About Reality TV- Off Season Podcast:  Sunday, January 13th, 2019 @ 4 pm EST!

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US PREVIEW Podcast:  Sunday, January 13th, 2019 @ 9 pm EST!

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 1:  Wednesday, Jan 23rd @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday & Tuesday) &  Saturday, Jan 26th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Wednesday & Friday)

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 2: Wednesday, Jan 30th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Sunday & Monday) & Sunday, Feb 3rd @ 9 pm EST (Covering Wednesday & Saturday)

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 3: Wednesday, Feb 6th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Monday) & Saturday, Feb 9th @ 9 pm EST (Covering Thursday & Friday)

Everything About Reality TV- Celebrity Big Brother US RECAP Podcast, Week # 4: Thursday, Feb 14th @ 9 pm EST

                There is the brand new schedule for between now and December 11th, 2018 and February 14th, 2019 for now and I know Music City will be going past that but this gives you the idea on the full on schedule what will be posted up when and I have a full schedule written down next to me also so I know what is being released when over the next 2 months from now.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Entire Podcast Schedule for 2019

                I have spoken about changes to Podcasts recently and additions and what not to the list as podcasts have changed so much since I started the podcast back in 2015 on YouTube but I want to be open and honest with the changes and the scheduling with you guys what I have plan hence the reason I am making this post on today's blog. Anyways here is the schedule for Winter/Spring 2019 could look like:

January 2019:

Amazing Race 31 May be slipped into January/February Spot once confirmed.

Music City (Date could be sometime this month)

February 2019:

Amazing Race 31 May be slipped into January/February Spot once confirmed.

Celebrity Big Brother Could be slipped into there as it is not fully confirmed.

Music City (Date could be sometime this month)

March 2019: 

Music City (Date could be sometime this month)

Survivor 38

Big Brother Canada 7

April 2019:

Survivor 38

Big Brother Canada 7

May 2019:

Survivor 38

Big Brother Canada 7

            Obviously this isn't all confirmed but it is what this Winter and Spring season could look like as I do not know ahead of time when things are being aired on TV but again this is just an idea what it will look like and it looks really hectic but I am very excited to be doing all the shows that are listed above and I have guests lined up for Big Brother Canada 7 Finale already! LOL... Friends have reached out and wanting to be on Everything About Reality TV and since it is friends I will definitely not say no if they plan to come to a finale party like this. There is what the schedule could look like and an official release to the Winter Season & Spring Schedules will come once I know exactly. 


Monday, October 1, 2018

Already Planning Ahead of Myself!

             I am way ahead of myself, I am already working on the collaboration podcasts for December which I still have 2 months and a bit to go until both Larry and I sit down to record another set of two podcasts. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy doing the collabs and I looked at the viewership and it has done very well for itself as a separate project on it's very own. The CBOTW Show is going into it's testing phases this week and I am quite nervous to see how it will do as a second podcast. I plan on continuing with Larry on the collaboration podcast in the nearby future with Everything About Reality TV Podcast being still my main focus of the podcast at this point.

               Now With Everything About Reality TV, I am already scheduling the podcast for not during this fall but when Big Brother Canada Season 7 comes out, I am looking at twice a week for the BBCAN7 Recaps to ease down some of the stress of the podcast as that is one of the two busiest schedule for me with summer being the second busiest schedule on the list. The schedule between now will kind of look like this for 2018 - 2019:

Fall 2018:

Thursdays: 9 pm EST: Survivor: David Vs. Goliath Recap

Winter 2019 (Schedule TBA):

Big Brother Canada Season 7 RECAPS (Twice A Week)
Music City Season 2 Recaps (Weekly)
Survivor 38

Awaiting Scheduling:

Amazing Race 31 
Amazing Race 32 (If Comes Out during the spring season, hopefully)
Celebrity Big Brother (Not Sure if it is during the winter or early summer as I heard rumors about. Also the future of the Big Brother USA franchise. (Will Keep you all updated for sure!)

                 There is my schedule and some of the awaiting scheduling is in limbo with the recent news of the CEO of CBS resigning but I will be sure to keep you all informed if something does change and like I have said before you guys get the news right off the bat, I do not like to actually waiting on the news, I like to let you know right off the bat, unless I had other blog posts to post up but I try to slide things around as much as possible. 


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Everything About Reality TV Schedule For The Next 1.5 Weeks

                  This week and next week's schedule for Everything About Reality TV is changing due to me being out of the country for 6 days, visiting family for a wedding and as you all know I do not own a laptop nor can access social media or blog while I am away this time around unfortunately so I am working around the schedule. So here is my timetable for both this week and the follow week:

This Week:

Tomorrow (Tuesday, September 25th, 2018): 7 pm EST: Everything About Reality TV, Big Brother US Top 15 Favorite Players
                                                                            9 pm EST: Everything About Reality TV, Survivor: David Vs. Goliath Preview Cast

Next Week:

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018: 12 pm EST: Everything About Reality TV, Hell Kitchen 18 RECAP  
                                                       9 pm EST: Everything About Reality TV, Survivor: David Vs. Goliath EP # 1 RECAP

Thursday, October 4th, 2018: 9 pm EST: Survivor: David Vs. Goliath EP # 2 RECAP

Saturday, October 6th, 2018: 9 pm EST: Everything About Reality TV, Hell Kitchen 18 RECAP  

                   There is my timetable for next week in the way of podcasts and hope this does explain a lot of my reasoning behind it as I am away for 6 days starting on Wednesday of this week for a wedding in the states and I hope you all understand that I cannot be in two places at once but this is the plan for now and hope to keep with the schedule over the next week or so. Any questions feel free to contact me at anytime between now and Wednesday Morning before I leave on the big steel plane to the States. I removed this post from yesterday since I made the announcement for the other podcast.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Upcoming Podcasts For Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show

             First of all, I know it is quite difficult to keep track, especially with no main website up at the moment but I am planning on putting the schedule on this very blog as an extra feature for now, while dealing with re-building the entire website from scratch. But this week and next week is most definitely the busy of busy schedule with the upcoming 7th Season coverage of Reality TV Shows. I know I sounded unclear on my podcast the schedule but i just figured it out just now, but this is the purpose of this post to inform you guys on the schedule coming up for both "Everything About Reality TV" & "The CBOTW Show" Podcasts so here is the timetable coming up for the next week and a half:

This Week:

Fri. June 22nd, 2018: Everything About Reality TV, Big Brother 20 Preview Podcast 

Sun. June 24th, 2018: The CBOTW Show, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 Talk Podcast

Wed. June 27th, 2018: Everything About Reality TV, Amazing Race Canada 6 Preview Podcast

Fri. June 29th, 2018: Everything About Reality TV, Big Brother 20 RECAPS Starts

Wed. July 4th, 2018: Everything About Reality TV, Amazing Race Canada 6 RECAPS Starts

Sun, July 15th, 2018: The CBOTW Show, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 & 3 Talk Podcast

               There is the schedule and the last one on the schedule could change as it depends how long it does take me to do the preparation for the actual podcast itself and of course scheduling Larry to come into the studio on his spare time to record it so that also has to have a factor in timing. If anything does change, I will let you guys know right away if the scheduling for the second session for The CBOTW Show is being re-schedule which at this point, I don't it will be as I am on schedule as of right now. 
