As I said on my Social Media, I have my reasons why an episode was removed off the feed but now that has happened, you probably wondering what's the plan to make up the episode. I actually have a bonus episode but I have to listen to it back to make sure the mic doesn't cut out on me at any point as you know I have had some mixer issues with the power supply unit but I will listen to it before I decide to release it. However now with the Mixer issues, I may be sitting on this bonus episode till I get the problem resolved and ready. What do you expect, I've used this mixer non stop especially with a former "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast and current Power Rangers Podcast and Entertainment Man Podcast, you can imagine shes getting tired and these things do not last forever. There will be a parts that breaks right down and right now if that bonus podcast is in good quality then I will be sitting on it till I know what the music store says back to me, hopefully by the time this is out or before or close I will know what's next.
So with the missing episode I have, I am sitting on a bonus episode till further and when the premiere day is determined as of right now, what I am trying to say is, Entertainment Man Podcast and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast are on hold for a little bit. Why do I say this well I heard back from the customer service and they are sending it to my local store and they will put it on Order for me. Still maybe a be delayed but we will see how things go when I get the item. I can say I am still aiming for July 15th and July 29th, 2021 for Power Rangers Collab returning for more amazing episodes! It is just Entertainment Man Podcast that is pending the start, once I know I can do a week prior release of this bonus but more details is coming soon! I apologize for this inconvenience but these things happen!
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