19 years in Online Media! I cannot fathom it's been almost 20 years since I started this journey. The Video Projects Team being my first team and it was quite tough as I was in-experienced at the time and no clue what I was doing whatsoever. However over time I got experience and learned from past experiences. Look at how successful I am now as an entrepreneurship from leading to more of a follower role as you know I stepped down as CEO last month to fulfill a different role.
I have fulfilled all the different roles and happy as a clam the position I'm in right now with running the Content, Podcasts and Blogs across the website. Don't worry I am not going anywhere very much still a part of this company and nothing is going to change. I have 0 plans to quit or retire right now, I am most definitely here to stay. But that will be the post for today and as always I will talk to you tomorrow.