Showing posts with label Entertainment Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment Man. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2024

19 Years With Online Media!

                 19 years in Online Media! I cannot fathom it's been almost 20 years since I started this journey. The Video Projects Team being my first team and it was quite tough as I was in-experienced at the time and no clue what I was doing whatsoever. However over time I got experience and learned from past experiences. Look at how successful I am now as an entrepreneurship from leading to more of a follower role as you know I stepped down as CEO last month to fulfill a different role.

                I have fulfilled all the different roles and happy as a clam the position I'm in right now with running the Content, Podcasts and Blogs across the website. Don't worry I am not going anywhere very much still a part of this company and nothing is going to change. I have 0 plans to quit or retire right now, I am most definitely here to stay. But that will be the post for today and as always I will talk to you tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Podcast Updates-- Entertainment Man & The CBOTW Show

             Now that the schedule has been released I want to talk more what you can expect with this schedule and how much more freedom both podcasts have together. Meaning I could potentially start doing interviews live more often and the opportunity for growth of Entertainment Man Podcast. I've been thinking about this recently and these plans make total sense to me now. I was regretting the decision but now that I think about it all, it totally makes a ton of sense. 

            With The CBOTW Show, I am planning to post to Audio ONLY for the foreseeable future but I am planning to expand to YouTube eventually, not right at this present but down the road in the very nearby future. I want to take baby steps with all these changes and I do not want to expand too fast and I think that is the biggest problem we have had in the past was rushing into things too fast. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Entertainment Man Podcast will be the Last YouTube Channel I Have EVER!

              As you know I have had my issues with platform and I have made a very crucial decision that Entertainment Man Podcast will be the last channel that ChrisBOnTheWeb has cause I do not like what they've been doing and I talked about it on a podcast but the door is closing on me being involved on the platform that makes you verify links for every upload you do and ends up being denied. I have reached out numerous times and just the same answer yet they were going to look into it but nothing. 

             My decision is final and if I need to do video down the road, it'd be elsewhere honestly but any other projects, it will remain on Audio ONLY and that is the goal from here on besides Entertainment Man, I mean other podcasts like The CBOTW Show will be Audio ONLY, here on, iTunes, Spotify, Castbox,, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music and so forth. I think I am starting to turn back to focusing on this website more then anything else. If Entertainment Man was to stop which there is no plans to stop at this point, but if it was to the YouTube Page would probably be taken down on the website down the road, just saying but again no plans to end my beloved Entertainment Man Podcast, it is here to stay. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Timeline for Entertainment Man Podcast...

                When a season ends, I get a ton of emails, I am mean ton of emails asking when does another season starts and I thought what a great way to tell you guys the timeline from when a season start to the mid season to the end of the season and inbetween. So here is the timeline:

Start of the Season: Typically it is 50 week seasons which if you guys been a long time listener for 2 years now, you know how it works. Usually the podcast is off air 2 weeks for Christmas and New Years and it starts the second week of January which helps with whenever New Years lands on, makes it easier decision.

Mid Season: Typically May/June of every year, I start the planning for the next year. I come up with 50 ideas which not everything is used as you know I do interviews between the topics which helps this podcast keep growing each and every week it is on the air.

End of The Season: As the podcast season comes to a close I do not stop working on the podcast, I keep getting the ideas together. I create an outline for the year so I can keep track of the podcast and keep up with it from a week to week basis. So even tho it's done, I am still working on it and plus with the recent addition of the Christmas Bonus episode that is added and I need to decide whether it'll be on YouTube or not. 

               That is the timeline, so this way you guys can see how it typically works. Before Christmas 2021, there was no Christmas Special but I was asked to do one so now every year I do an episode of the podcast but anyways that is the post for today, I hope you enjoyed this blog and gives you a bit of a behind the scenes look at things. Anyways I will talk to you guys tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I Have Returned Early!

              I know this title of today's blog is a bit strange as we're dealing with a ton of stuff with losing The CBOTW Show and I am over it and I can say this, I am done with Reality TV Recaps for the very nearby future, nor have any interest in recapping Reality TV. Been doing it for 5 years on and off and I think at this point I am ready to move on to other non Reality TV Podcasts. As Matt said, Power Rangers Collaboration isn't going anywhere anytime soon at this point. It is still scheduled to return on top of Entertainment Man Podcast. The reason I came back the last couple of days been a bit hectic with changing and updating the website around. Just hope there is no animosity with the former podcast team for The CBOTW Show but think bringing it back was an honest mistake and I should of kept Entertainment Man Podcast afloat and running. There will be information coming in the next day or two. I think with me returning early it relieves poor Matt that is on verge of burn out as well and I think we all are. 

              This is why I will not be behind the mic much over the next several weeks at this moment minus redoing the Collaboration Podcast intro and re working intros as well. That will not take long but I need time to decompress at this moment. This is why the return of Entertainment Man Podcast is not quite yet but it is coming. However you will see Billy's Podcast pop up every week on Wednesdays at 6 pm EDT, not sure if it will be this week or next week which I have to coordinate and will announce on social media if it being held off for one more week. I haven't spoken to Billy since Saturday early afternoon, nor been active on social media as much and been dealing with some personal stuff at this moment. I'll get through it and I cannot wait to start Season 3 of Entertainment Man Podcast!
