Showing posts with label Happy Gilmore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Gilmore. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What Will The CBOTW Show Schedule Entail In December?

             Yes! The CBOTW Show has started to shape up for December! So far 2 out of the 4 weeks that will be back to back weeks. Chris has decided something before Larry even found out as he probably found out yesterday that December 7th they'll be recording Happy Gilmore after they actually setup the studio which I am going to cover tomorrow as Chris has been setting things up for December. But Happy Gilmore will be a bonus podcast added into  the December line up and here's the schedule for the upcoming month of December:

Friday, December 1st, 2023: Home Alone

Friday, December 8th, 2023: Home Alone 2

Tuesday, December 12th, 2023: Happy Gilmore [Bonus Podcast from Chris & Larry on Bob Barker's 100th birthday]

Friday, December 15th, 2023: Movie TBA [as the poll on our private Facebook group closes on Nov 30th @ 6 pm EST]

Friday, December 22nd, 2023: Movie TBA [as the poll on our private Facebook group closes on Nov 30th @ 6 pm EST]

Friday, December 29th, 2023: Mr. Bean episode for New Years

              It's a nice full schedule for The CBOTW Show, look forward to hearing all the podcasts the two of them record and put out there and Chris on his own too. It is a nice combination and Chris really thought outside the box this time to make up for no Power Rangers Podcast till the New Year. I will talk to you tomorrow for another post.

Mark, Community Director/Website Admin

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy Gilmore Movie Review

                Since this movie actually makes the top of my list it is time for a movie review here on the blog today. This is indeed still the top of my list favorite movies of all times and always will be at the top of my list and to be honest, I do not think it'll change anytime soon. The movie stars, Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald and pile of other amazing actors including the long time former host of The Price is Right, Bob Barker who is pretty much an idol to me as I have been watching him since I was younger thanks to my grandpa who introduced me to the show back growing up. I do not need to go into much detail but pretty much the movie is about Happy Gilmore who wanted to play hockey turned into a pro golfer. Now mind you there is a ton of cursing in it and you can imagine how many bleeps there would be if they'd had to bleep it out... LOL! 

                   Anyways, getting way off topic to be honest, the movie has its moments of Happy Gilmore cursing and even at the golf ball. To him fighting Bob Barker and the The Price is Wrong Bob (which has an explicit) I added Bob to keep this blog appropriate. Also to this day it is still an iconic scene from the movie and remains that for a 90's movie. Another point I would like to make is the scene with him and that stinkin clown scene where he wacks the clowns nose off at the end was another great scene. However the scene that beats em all is when he beats Shooter McGavin and the look on his face was absolutely priceless! Anyways this movie gets 20 out of 20 as it is such an amazing movie and if you haven't seen it, I'd recommend you guys to see it. I could watch it over and over again. That is my post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My Favorite Adam Sandler Movies

                I haven't talked about this before and I think it is the right time with everything going on with things around my community and the drama this is a light hearted fun post to do. Anyways today's post, I am going to talk about my top 5 Adam Sandler movies so here it is:

5.  Click- I haven't seen the movie till up to this year when I wanted to see it and there are funny moments but there is also serious moments in the movie so it is between. One moment I remember is Terry Crews who is the host of AGT aka America's Got Talent. 

4. Mr. Deeds- Another personal favorite and I noticed in some of the movies I have listed they all have the same actors which is nothing wrong with that to be honest. 

3. Big Daddy- Another great movie and him randomly cursing in McDonalds was funny. There was a ton of favorite moments and also a bunch of heartfelt moments in the movie as well and one of the reasons it made # 2 on my list. Also note I realize the actress who plays Layla also played Virginia Bennett in Happy Gilmore with Christopher McDonald and company.

2. Billy Madison- I recently did a review and I love this movie not just because it was filmed in my hometown here but the moments in the movie, that darn penguin and him saying T- t-t-today JUNIOR! Such a classic movie, indeed. 

1. Happy Gilmore- It is an hilarious movie which also features the former host of The Price is Right, Bob Barker, even to this day he'd still be able to fight Happy Gilmore at age 97.  Also they poked a little of fun on The Price is Right a few times in there but the moment I loved was the fight with Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) and (Bob Barker) hahaha!

                   There are my top 5 list and really haven't seen all the movies and an honorable mention would also be Anger Management which he's in it and another great movie but if I kept on going to a top 10 this blog would be way to long for you guys but that is today's post and I hope you guys enjoyed this and let me know if you guys would like to see another top 5 list in the nearby future.
