Showing posts with label Minecraft Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minecraft Updates. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Minecraft Updates! [08-22-2024]

               So as you know I haven't been streaming Minecraft minus yesterday we were fooling around with the main hub area with a double track which can be very helpful plus an area for extra minecarts which is great and I think today if I do stream again which I think I'm going to for about an hour, I will continue to work on the subway track down that one area for sure! It looks really, really good! I am quite impressed with my skills on this. 

              Because if I was to actually continue on the line with two then it would take forever to build it around the existing tracks so this is better. The second track also serves the other line that goes to the villagers and that tall, tall tower. Also I have been actually cleared out all the trees and looks better bare now this way we can build stuff around what we have on the property line. Anyways those are the updates, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Gaming Updates [07-28-2022]

                  I have a couple of updates for the world of gaming and I am sure with Larry and I together, we'll get some progress done too today with Stardew Valley but here are the updates that I have:

Stardew Valley: I am currently gathering up Gold so I can start preparing to get the Gold Pickaxe which is step # 1 for me to do, I also am working on updating the Axe but that is later on as it is very costly, 10000 gold so that is quite a lot of money to put towards that item on the game, one way or another. As it is getting to the late fall into the winter, I will be having to change course and start going back into the caves again during the winter season to start gathering stone so I can sell it and make some gold to help me with any of the upgrades I need to do. I know when I destroy that huge copper rock, I am selling the copper for gold as I need it to start constructing things. Also I think during the winter, I wanna work on finishing up the challenges and this is things Larry and I could do today as well. 

Minecraft: I have cleared out the field where the rink is being expanded to and renovated the old original rink which is lined with Blue under the stone in places so if you remove the stone, you see that blue concrete that represents the original structure of the building . Now the actual washrooms and snack bars has been added and lights are now in the building and now started to dig out the rest of the rink and start building the rest of the structure. Also Football stadium needs washrooms and snack bars and is work in progress right now to getting it updated and ready to go. The Office building project is currently on hold is at the bottom of the list of things to finish. Anyways that is the updates for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates. 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Gaming Updates [02-16-2022]

                 Time for a gaming update which I haven't done in weeks maybe up to a month now. There are two games I have focused on lately but here are the updates and it isn't much but least it's something:

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth: I have actually knocked off a ton of challenges since modding the game with both Minecraft and also a Mario Bros mod as well but it is very cool. Anyways I managed to knock off at least 3 to 4 challenges and I have dominated and done very well. However I have actually stopped playing lately with my busy schedule and to get Samurai done it's now a priority but I'll get back to it eventually.

Minecraft: I have been building this supposedly 50 floor Office building which is going to be a massive project and is now ongoing and I have taken a bit of a break from it but I am now on the 7th floor of the building and she's going up quite quickly.  I also took down the old office building as I tried to reconnect bridges from the other 3 buildings so I said screw it, I'm going to actually tear it completely down which took about an hour to pull it entirely down and I even put a hole in the ground and the animals were killed and their pens removed temporaily which now holds a very large Garden Centre. the one half actually has an upstairs built right into it where the Office building once stood and it is very cool structure. Also in front of the office building is a house built and I will be building houses all over the place and putting villagers in it etc. Now in the north railway at the one end of the line is the other house I figured that the villagers have gotten in my way for the last time so I leveled out the dirt and built them their own housing compound to the existing building so they can access all the tables and gear as they normally do. They use to be outside but not that is not an option now unless..... unless I build a porch for them to go outside for air. Also I made it tougher for them to go and re-rotated the ladder so it is against the wall when I go into the unit the ladder is in and yes it has a gate as villagers cannot go in as I found them sneaking up ladders or opening the trap door. Finally on this rather long post I have started working on the lights so I can shut them all off from each floor to make it easier but it is a bit of a sticky sitation to be quite honest and I think I can only do floors 2 and 3. That is my post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, November 8, 2021

Minecraft-- End of an ERA & New World!

             Well it is an end of an era for the long running Minecraft server that has had a lot of twists and turns, 3 different railways in 3 different directions, the massive compound that we had built with a glass dome. I ran out of things and ideas to come across to building so after discussing it with my niece and nephew, I have saved the world on my USB key and decided to start over with a different type of world, more of a flatland which you cannot dig too far down or you fall out of the world.  I will get to that shortly as I wanna finish up my update on the old world. I redid the entire end house in the northern region from wood to complete stone and I believe there is still stone there for expansion above but that isn't happening anytime soon or ever. I am ready for a new and more innovative project in this world at this point and like I said I ran out of ideas on the server as there is so much you can do over time. 

            Now the new world is going to be the building of a city starting with City Hall which will be definitely like my city hall, I plan on trying to replicate the city hall we have here and it will be quite difficult to replicate and I will try the best I can to replicate it. I had to remove one of the beams that I have built because I wasn't happy with it whatsoever as it wasn't big enough for me and I want it a little bigger. There will be a library and would be neat to replicate the city hall and Memorial Park here like we have but we'll see how things go, the city hall is the first project which will take a while to build and what I will have to do is do a skeleton of the first level and the rest should come all together from there on out. That is my post for today, hope you enjoyed it and in a few weeks, I will update again but for right now, I have to work on this for a little while. I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Minecraft Updates [10-12-2021]

                  I have another update in the blog for you guys and today I wanna update you guys on my Minecraft Server. I have been putting some extra time with the server updating things so here are the updates:

- I had to reroute the railway around the house and one of the railways had to be disconnected from there and eventually I'll somehow get it back eventually. 

- The building that was there which was the horse building originally was, well that has been torn down and the bricks were used to re-build the horse palace on the main floor which now also has an area that the horse can hangout in with one another which I haven't yet put em out in the pastures as of yet. 

- The area where the original horse palace, I have started to build another building, I didn't waste time building something in it's place. So far I have put in the structural skeleton of the building with the lighting which works and works in conjuncture to the second building's 3rd floor where the villagers are. I have two rooms for room and board for these guys and soon they will be all running around the buildings very quickly. I am currently working on the second floor which is currently blocked off from them coming downstairs and I may have to kill off the villagers and start over when the rest of the building opens up publicly. 

- Note the Villagers cannot access the main building where my living quarters are and where I do all the cooking of food and smelting of items and this way I have a ton more room to maneuver around without villagers being in the way.

                     Those are my updates and I will keep you guys up to date on things as the next project is to re connect that one railway and I have a few ideas how to fix it but it will be involving me weaving the rail into that one area but update will come eventually. I hope you guys enjoyed this post and sorry for no pictures on here but go to my Instagram which I hyper linked for an updated pictures and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth and Minecraft Updates!

               It is time for another update in the gaming world and I wanna start with The Binding of Isaac. Well the good news well sort of good news, I almost beat the level with the explosion shots challenge, however the bad news is I ended up dying so that didn't work out too well but getting there and every time I get close every time and there will be a point where I will get it and end up beating it entirely just gotta keep trying till I do if it takes me 1000 times to beat it then so be it, I will not stop till I 100% the entire game even if it takes me 30 more years I will continue on with the game as there is at least 100 + more things to unlock and in time I will get it and I think its more like 300 - 500 things to unlock but every victory has unlocked something at least and its a step in the right direction.

              Now to the Minecraft updates, I have been living on the road lately since I changed the house and added lighting into the two main buildings in the front which are now lit right up and are active. However since then I have been on the road a ton, I took to the rails and lived in the wooden house on an island that isn't actually home to find that I actually built a railway further it is just not powered currently and remains abandoned and not used at this time. I plan to use it down the road but when is the question to be honest. Now I went down the line where there is only one way route as there is 3 routes  you can go as there is no 4th route right now due to the fact the Office Building is currently in the way at this moment and no matter what I probably will not add a 4th. Anyways down the 3rd line out of the 3, I started to put covered tunnels in the snowy biomes area and this is still an ongoing project at this moment and I will get to it at some point as that is a very long line and I have to stop and go in areas and building takes a bit of time to do. Anyways those are my updates and enjoy the rest of your Thursday and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Binding of Isaac Re-Birth & Minecraft Updates!

                 On The Binding of Isaac Rebirth or Afterbirth not sure which version of the game but I have beaten the ones where the bombs are the only thing you get and I beat that after a few tries and I officially beaten that one officially. Was pretty easy as I am an expert at those kind of challenges on the video game. I forget what it was called on the vanilla Isaac it could of been of been Dr. Fetus that could of been it but its been ages since I played vanilla Isaac since I supposedly beaten it I do not know why but it says I 100% the game and I didn't technically beat it physically and I just do not know how that is mathematically possible but the game must of glitched up at some point but it is really that odd. I am doing another challenge with explosive shots  and gotten close to the end of the game with beating mom's heart but ended up so close at the end and almost got it but it's the fact it tries and bounces back at me that doesn't help whatsoever. 

                 Now onto Minecraft. It is now an end of an era for my house on the main hub as now I have boarded up all my windows on the house and took down all the torches off so it is now pure darkness and the villagers are actually in there still and unable to see and my niece and nephew are going to wonder why the heck my house is all boarded up and abandoned all of a sudden and I will explain. I think I have exhausted everything below the house where the caves I have search and dug caves everywhere and it is time to move on and move to other location down one of the spur lines of the railway and got a new home and place to explore and see other parts of this world. The farm itself I have removed all crops and taken em with me along with food that was left over and some weapons and tools to help me out as I am practically starting from scratch. However it looks weird looking at my house with boarded up windows now as I am now living in a smaller place away from the villagers. I will be back to look in at the main outer part and also to access the office building etc. I am not going to be a stranger but there is so much you can do in a world as you will run out of ideas eventually. That is my updates, hope you enjoyed this, I try and do this every 2 or 3 weeks at the most depending how far I get in a game. I will talk to you all tomorrow!
