Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

End of The Week Updates [04-22-2024]

              At least this week, I am ahead of schedule and I have the blog post out on time. Anyways there is a several updates to report to you all:

1) The first thing is Chris has been busy recording and editing this week. He recorded early week the Anxiety episode he wanted to talk about and is out and the most recent episode to date right now here on the website, other audio only platforms and of course YouTube

2) He recorded Power Rangers Dino Fury season 1 which should be done by today at the most. 

3) He had another interview, this time with David Hirsch which I am excited to hear as I heard it went very well. He's been busy editing everything and putting it together. 

4) Also he is working on season 2 now and hopes to have it done by Monday or Tuesday at the latest so he can work on and complete the 30th season, Cosmic Fury by end of next week so he can start working on Entertainment Man Podcast fully.

          Lots of work to be done and I continue to work on graphics when needed and answering the emails for him trying to cover him while he gets all this work done and I have a lot of faith he will get it done. That is the post for this week and I will speak to you all next Friday. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Interviews On Entertainment Man Podcast

               With the chaotic craziness going on right now, I have put interviews on hold for right now. I will be taking some time off from interviews so there will be topics between now and August 21st, 2022.  It is only a short few weeks honestly of a break from interviews and when I feel stronger and ready to sit at a longer lengths to actually record and plus I am scheduled to be away next week on Holidays technically but this gives me 2 weeks to get things back together so I can get back into a schedule, so please do not be alarmed if there is a wait list for interviews or turned down but mostly you will have that I am not doing interviews right now from both myself and my Assistant. 

              So right now I am putting hold on the interviews at this moment but I will be back interviews as of August 22nd, 2022. After that I plan on doing a ton more interviews for you guys as I will have a ton more time to do the interviews as this summer has been a very busy and hectic Summer right now. Anyways that is the post, it is rather shorter then normal for today but it is a post and I will let you guys know through social media when I am returning to interviews and open to requests again. I am sorry for the lack of interviews but it is what it is. Anyways I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Favorite Moment's In College!

             Today's blog post is about my time in College and the memories I have made at Durham College and the fun and great memories that I made during the 2 year program in the Community Integration Throughout Cooperative Education.

1) Becoming a part of my college's first visual radio station out there on the internet. I loved doing "Easy Rock With Chris" because I loved the music I played, music that was easy to listen to like Katy Perry, Coldplay, U2, etc.

2) Doing a few interviews with students in my program and even a tour of my locker. Had to do some video content for YouTube during the hiatus of my former web series, The Entertainment Man Talk Show. 

3) Going To a University of Ontario Institution of Technology Hockey game aka the UOIT Ridgebacks game with a bunch of my classmate in the CICE Program. It was a fun but also exciting game to go as I have never seen the University level of Hockey. 

4)  Got the chance to work out a bit at the CRCW on Campus and get back into shape while on campus and plus it gave me something to do between the long 2 or 3 hours between classes and my radio show on Riot Radio.

5) Doing my placements in two retail stores and also at the Oshawa Little Theater, which I loved working at the Theater and volunteered after briefly till December of 2012.

6) Larry and I becoming T1 & T2 (Trouble 1 & Trouble 2) talking snow on Liz whom is now the Liaison 

                There's my list of my top 6 memories of College and hope you guys enjoyed me writing this list on my favorite moments at college, I know I probably missed a pile of them but these are some of my favorite moments at college, but I truly enjoyed every moment being at Durham College and you never know I could make a return to learn something new to potentially start a career in my life!


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Chris B On The Web & Update!

           After an successful blog post Wednesday morning and talking to my team about things I would like to share our vision for rebuilding the "Chris B On The Web" brand so to speak.  I know last year was a very very rough year for us, both Justin and I trying to figure out a plan with the website and the plan for quite sometime from end of June last year to the start of this year. Anyways here is what is in stored for Chris B On The Web &


- Everything About Reality TV: The Podcast is doing well and at 20 episodes as of today since I spent time with the family yesterday and today will be #BBCAN5 RECAP Podcast. All is doing well with that podcast currently. 


- Now your question is what is your plan Chris to expand Chris B On The Web & Well below is a list of ideas I have that I will bring to the table to my team:

1) Interview With Jeff Livingstone about his sports, bowling, softball and of course his Durham Dragons Hockey.

2) I have an interview on the list, that I mentioned last year at the start of the year, yes the interview with #TheGreenTeam from The Amazing Race. Just waiting on an email when it will happen but I am very very excited to do it.

3) CBOTW Gamers Podcast- Talking About Video Games, Gaming News, Twitch,, YouTube Gaming and much more! Hopefully we are launching this early 2018 when Jeff gets himself a laptop and I need a program to record with such as Mixxcraft. 

                  Well that is the short list of Projects, Interviews or Podcasts so to speak. Trust me I am very very excited to be doing these and hopefully start doing these very very soon.

Have a Great Saturday!


Saturday, December 17, 2016

What If I Did Things Differently with The Entertainment Man Talk Show....

Been thinking about this the last few months and decided to do a blog post anyways. Please note I am not putting any of my ex staff I mention in the blog down, I just stating the truth that I could of done things differently.

# 1: I could of not brought on Eric, due to the fact he screwed me over and the behavior towards the other staff back when Durham Entertainment Today still existed. Also him assaulting in 2010, so he shouldn't have come back in 2015 whatsoever. Technically I should of never brought him back after Durham Entertainment Today ended as well.

# 2: I should of never trusted Brent with a The Video Projects Team Staff Badge at all due to the fact, he ditched the team and not giving myself, Larry or Justin any notice and running off with his Staff Badge, when he should of handed it back. 

Those are the 2 people I should of never brought on The Entertainment Man Talk Show, Larry, Justin and I could of handle the seasons on our own and we could potentially end up going into 9 or 10 seasons. Another thing I should of not done until The Entertainment Man was done, was not try and bring Everything About Reality TV until one project was done and over with, that was my major fatal flaw I think losing Larry, but I am happier where I am at with both EAR TV, I am doing what I feel passionate about and going to interview Jeff, one of my personal friends, going to interview Justin and Diana as well from The Amazing Race 27. So I got a few plans with my website planned and I am in a happier place now. 

Have a great rest of your Saturday!
