Showing posts with label Co-Ops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Co-Ops. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Favorite Moment's In College!

             Today's blog post is about my time in College and the memories I have made at Durham College and the fun and great memories that I made during the 2 year program in the Community Integration Throughout Cooperative Education.

1) Becoming a part of my college's first visual radio station out there on the internet. I loved doing "Easy Rock With Chris" because I loved the music I played, music that was easy to listen to like Katy Perry, Coldplay, U2, etc.

2) Doing a few interviews with students in my program and even a tour of my locker. Had to do some video content for YouTube during the hiatus of my former web series, The Entertainment Man Talk Show. 

3) Going To a University of Ontario Institution of Technology Hockey game aka the UOIT Ridgebacks game with a bunch of my classmate in the CICE Program. It was a fun but also exciting game to go as I have never seen the University level of Hockey. 

4)  Got the chance to work out a bit at the CRCW on Campus and get back into shape while on campus and plus it gave me something to do between the long 2 or 3 hours between classes and my radio show on Riot Radio.

5) Doing my placements in two retail stores and also at the Oshawa Little Theater, which I loved working at the Theater and volunteered after briefly till December of 2012.

6) Larry and I becoming T1 & T2 (Trouble 1 & Trouble 2) talking snow on Liz whom is now the Liaison 

                There's my list of my top 6 memories of College and hope you guys enjoyed me writing this list on my favorite moments at college, I know I probably missed a pile of them but these are some of my favorite moments at college, but I truly enjoyed every moment being at Durham College and you never know I could make a return to learn something new to potentially start a career in my life!
