Showing posts with label Coding a Menu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coding a Menu. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Website Progressing Well!

              Well we have come a long way from the start of this project. Chris and I thought it would take weeks months to create the entire new menu bar, add pages and what not. I have today, created all the new pages, that special side project and I can say I am finished with that and all we have to is upload what we have planned with it.  Now the next step is I re did the entire archives for the podcasts and is active at this moment.  Also "The Team" and "Frequently Asked Questions" have been created and will be the first thing released when the new Menu Bar is being released which will be in the next week or so. I have to work on the CSS code still and compare notes to the previous CSS so it will help. I should have an update on this by the weekend. We're on the move for what is going to be a bigger and better and it is truly amazing the big ideas we have to help him become a bigger and better content creator. 


             The Website has OFFICIALLY launched the new menu even though we have to reset because I really screwed up to a point Chris wasn't speaking to me for a good 45 mins to an hour but all is good, I'm lucky he didn't unadmin me from the site itself as I kept working on it fixed the entire website and made it better and impressed the boss man in the process. You do not know how bad I felt destroying his entire website setup. So with the Menu bar stress done, we move into the next phase which an announcement is coming a week Friday as Chris continues to work on this top secret project. I know what it is but not allowed to say. You can see a Coming Soon on the bar at the top of the website so we have already in place and ready for the phase of releasing some old content for you OG fans out there. It's coming along and I wanted to update you guys on these plans. I will be talking to you guys Sunday for the weekly updates.


Matt, Site Admin

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Website Menu Bar Was Tweaked A Bit...

               As you know, ChrisBOnTheWeb & is always rapidly changing. There is a reason behind the Menu bar looking different under the Tab, "Podcasts" However I cannot say anything yet as we need to tie up the loose ends for this project. Trust me I had a heck of a night with frustrations and what not working on this and I thought it had to do with the menu coding itself but it wasn't. After 2 hours, I was ready to just give up and force the project to one certain platforms but now that has been resolved now, it's green lit. I really wanna tell you guys what we got in-stored and even some of our members on the Discord Server got to see what we were doing technically. However once we get confirmation and the host is setup and been tested then we will be announcing where you can listen to him on the air and yes I said he. Let's just say it's an old friend from the chat website I use to be involved. Anyways I can hint all I want really. I know you wanna know but soon you all will know whats up and the plan that is ahead for us. 

              However the changes are live here on the website and just scroll over podcasts and you will see the big gap which in time will be filled in. Please patient with us while we continue to plan and get things setup with our new hosts. Mind you this menu bar is still in BETA Testing right now and we're ironing out all the bugs and issues. We're new to the entire building your own and the entire CSS Code thing so please do be patient with us while we deal with all the bugs and issues. Please do send us a message or email if you see any bugs or issues with the website so we can take a look into it. We haven't had complaints but with the recent work we put into the website last night, you never know when a bug will appear on our website.  Anyways I will see you guys tomorrow in our next post.


Friday, September 6, 2019

The Menu Bar and Changes To The Website Are Finished!

               After a couple of months struggling with creating the menu bar here on the website, it is finished. There was a good month or so where I was completely stuck on the website but as you know now it has all worked out in the end where it was the actual design of the website itself. The template was the issue at hand and the reason why it wasn't working this entire time. It never dawned on me as I kept on thinking it was the CSS code that was the entire issue. What do I mean? It was the actual template of the website that was the actual issue so it wasn't a code issue, was a template issue so after switching templates so many times the drop down finally works so it is completely finished and still having a couple of bugs honestly it could just be me for all i know but who the heck knows really knows. Seems to be responsive but it responds too quickly so that could now be the CSS who knows what the entire issue with the website could be or it could just me for all we know so we never know what it could be! One way or another, the major website work to the site has been completed, but there is always room for improvement honestly but we will have to see how I feel and if there is room to improve or not but either way I am happy with the changes.

                  Now with the changes complete the next phase for the website is to get a second host for Everything About Reality TV and I know there was suppose to be another podcast happening but it is not happening now. However I am going to still work on finding a second host and we will be still pre-recording the episodes as we have been down the road. Down the road there will be a podcast that will be going live every second week but that is definitely down the road not right now. It is in the planning stages over the next year or two so it will take some time. However that's for another post to do later when the time but it is a project I am planning on working on right now. I am happy with the final product and yes you probably noticed on the website I tweaked the CSS as well from red background to a blue background as those are the CBOTW Colors.  One final thing I would like to say about the website over the last week or two you probably noticed an "About" section and gives you a brief history about me and what I have done in the past including "The Video Projects Team" Era which was where I got my start with the online media and also my YouTube career with the team and of course with the change in 2016 to podcasting full time instead of YouTube but it is all there on the about section of this website 


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Menu Bar Update.....

                It is time for an update and honestly I have hit a snag in the road. Now I got the drop down to work, however, only Everything About Reality TV show and the collab tab is not showing.  It has been an uphill battle and I think it definitely has to do with the CSS code as it is not in the code itself that is build into the bar itself. I kind of put that to the side and why you currently see the old menu bar which stretches out to the right side right now but I am planning to get working on the menu but it will take me some time but it will be up and down until I figure the issue. I have an idea what is the issue but I will need to pinpoint the issue but hopefully it's an easy fix to the issue. I have already asked around and Quora might be a good place as the blogger forums wasn't much help so I am going to ask around. You have to realize this is the first time with CSS code and building something from scratch such as the menu. This is pretty intense coding I have to do but I am actually learning a lot about it too. I am a pretty fast learner too and have figured out how the heck to do things. However this is the first time, I have hit a snag in the road. I will figure it out eventually. I attached a screen shot of the issue I am having with it. Any website pros out there know why its doing this please shoot me an email via contact.

               Also the Podcasts page will be disabled as I will be using the Everything About Reality TV page which is already designed and ready to go. Also the current "Collab" page will be still active just moved under the Podcasts tab which will drop down.  Once it is completely functional then I will announce it on Twitter and Instagram when it is officially functional and ready to go I will let you guys know it is up and running. Any bugs can be reported to me via the contact page which you guys can send me an email through the contact page on this website. I honestly cannot wait to release it and it will open up the website and I want it to be more easier to navigate but I have the podcasts under one tab like I did on the original as I had it originally.  So I am trying to get back to the original roots of the website which I wanted to do but I didn't know how to do it but good old Chris (me) has done some research and have gotten places with it but that one issue so that bug has to be worked out before I release the menu. However that is where I am at with things, just hopefully it will be done by summer and the website will be complete. 
