Showing posts with label website coding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website coding. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-15-2022]

              Another week has come to an end and time for some updates. Now again there is very little updates as things are quiet right now. Not much to report but there are a few things. 

Website: I have backed up the code to this website as I spent the morning yesterday saving the entire code that this website has. This website doesn't have any text elements nothing, basically all made out of code which mind you looks amazing really.  Also Past Projects has been updated along with the schedule to fit with this weekend as stream wise I do not know what is up for family sanction events so if I'm free, I'll stream. Probably do some Minecraft for a change. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Now I have two interviews booked next week which will take up the next two weeks in the schedule for the podcast, one with someone my assistant has been coordinating on my behalf so I look forward to the interview on July 21st. Also 2 days later I have Chidi's interview about his book for the 23rd of this month. I look forward to both and this brings the podcast into the month of August.

Power Rangers Collab: By now, I should be done Megaforce and typing up the notes. I am going to try and get it done very quite quickly to see if it can be done by a week and a half from now. If not it will be rescheduled this fall along with Dino Charge and the movies. I do have a bit of a backup plan if things go awry on us.

              Anyways those are the only real updates for this week and seems more then you expected but it is what it is and I hope you guys have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday with another blog post.


Monday, June 14, 2021

What Is The Plan For The Former Extra's Drop Down Menu?

                      You probably wondering what the plan for the "Former Extra's Drop Down Menu?" Well the plan is we will be using it and Savannah and I already have changed over the name to Events and the Tab is currently disabled and it is not dropping down at this current time. This will be like this for a while now, I'm like talking about all summer, that tab will be disabled. Work will be done on the website throughout the entire summer on that new feature and it will take her and I sometime to actually build up the pages and the events that will be shown when things get back to normal and the events in more a temporarily hiatus for the time being. These are the events I plan on going to and the events after this pandemic and finally events on temporary hiatus status:

Going To Post Pandemic:                       On Hiatus:                         Questionable:

Maple Festival May                      Polish/Ukrainian Festival                            Food Truck                                                                The Royal Winter Fair in Toronto                 Rib Fest            Apple Festival                              Toronto Christmas Market                                                       

Tyrone Parade of Lights                                       

                  As you can see there are at least 7 - 8 events I go to on a yearly basis is quite a good amount, not as much as I had Oshawa Santa Claus Parade and Oshawa Tree Lighting but nowhere near pleased with the two events as it's changed so much over the years. Also I also use to do the Autism Celebration as well and since it's not on my list anymore I have removed 3 events on top of the 7. Originally I had 10 - 11 events a year. So the events I am going to post pandemic, is only 3 to start with, however Food Truck is questionable as not sure if it will be in the plans for Bowmanville events but will have to wait and see when events start back up more then likely in 2022, maybe 2023 for me, let's see how I feel by then. Rib Fest is a bit bigger of an event down at the lake and I probably won't have that comfortable level. So The Questionable one will be under the archived events on the archive page for pictures. The one on Hiatus will be under Hiatus on that page as well. The events that will be active events under the archives and will be activated once events start back up. The only item that will be activated under events on the website's main page or anywhere on the website will be Archives that will be accessible on the website and yes you can view the pictures by clicking on the Icons that her and I are adding to the website. This will be all completely hopefully this year as I cannot promise an ETA on this but it has started to be worked on. I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Would Chris Really Move Website Providers?

               With the recent issues with the back side of the website which is fixed now and things seem to be fine with the website now but I know he went off on the Social's about the issues. I think more then likely it was to address the issues with the website and trust me he wasn't happy about the on going issues with the website. These are the two things that really ticked him off and kind of made him think about a free website again:

- Keywords not sticking: There was a problem when you entered the keywords it wouldn't remain in there. Not anymore anytime we put in keywords it seems to be fixed. For the last I don't know month or two or so that issue seemed to be the # 1 problem where we had to enter it not once, not twice but a few times.

- Blog posts Getting erased at the half way mark of the post: Every time we put in a post, we ended up losing half of the post so our posts were partially dumped as Chris put it technically which is why end of last week we ended up not posting on Friday and almost ended up not posting all weekend long but Google and Blogger seemed to fix the issue very quickly.

- Google Adsense suspending us: Apparently we were suspended for self clicking ads when all the staff and myself have ad blocker on 24-7 so we did not do that so we have ended up being suspended for 30 days which is fine because Chris has removed the ads code for now and he may just delete his adsense and find another way to earn money off the website but we'll see.

                 With all that being said, every thing is fixed and we are good to go again with posting and all the two issues we have been experiencing is fixed now on. When they updated the layout of the blogger interface it was very buggy and the recent fix has helped and every thing seems very normal again. So Chris is not moving websites. He has put in the long hours to the menu bar and working on perfecting the CSS code to the website and building numerous pages on the website and also building up on the viewership which is like 200 - 300 a day now which is crazy to be honest. Plus he is locked in with his domain for little over 3 more years so he cannot really make a move at this point and I think he will probably renew with blogger as it has been a reasonable price for the .com domain.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Thursday, May 14, 2020


                 As you can tell with my recent post on social media, we have officially completed the website work. Every page is up and running and the entire menu bar is functional and working but just the menu isn't too responsive but it works at some point and going to start work in the coming weeks but honestly that is for my website admin to do as most of the work and design of the menu is complete. As you can see there are two Sections: 'Everything About Reality TV" which houses a ton of pages of podcasts we do.  We finally have our "Other Podcasts" which even includes Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast, Entertainment Man Podcast and the Archives of past podcasts. Trust me we can house more and you never know what is in-stored for the websites moving forward, new projects, new hosts. It took us weeks to get the menu to function and drop down but alas we got it working. Still a couple of bugs in it but in time we will get it working. You can use your arrows and it does help for now. 

                 During the construction phase of the page, noticed the number of views have been up lately which is truly a good thing. I looked at the pages and they all have gotten good views. The Hours we put in, the lack of sleep we have had to endured it was indeed worth the hours of hard work and dedication. I'm surprised this big project took us weeks and got it done. Took a lot of patience and we had a couple of bugs to iron out on the pages as it wouldn't save but that is besides the point as everything is now fine. I hope you guys enjoy the rebuilt menu bar that we worked hard in the last couple of weeks and we're excited for what is next for the website. Any issues, concerns or questions please contact is and we can answer any question or concern you may have. 


Friday, September 6, 2019

The Menu Bar and Changes To The Website Are Finished!

               After a couple of months struggling with creating the menu bar here on the website, it is finished. There was a good month or so where I was completely stuck on the website but as you know now it has all worked out in the end where it was the actual design of the website itself. The template was the issue at hand and the reason why it wasn't working this entire time. It never dawned on me as I kept on thinking it was the CSS code that was the entire issue. What do I mean? It was the actual template of the website that was the actual issue so it wasn't a code issue, was a template issue so after switching templates so many times the drop down finally works so it is completely finished and still having a couple of bugs honestly it could just be me for all i know but who the heck knows really knows. Seems to be responsive but it responds too quickly so that could now be the CSS who knows what the entire issue with the website could be or it could just me for all we know so we never know what it could be! One way or another, the major website work to the site has been completed, but there is always room for improvement honestly but we will have to see how I feel and if there is room to improve or not but either way I am happy with the changes.

                  Now with the changes complete the next phase for the website is to get a second host for Everything About Reality TV and I know there was suppose to be another podcast happening but it is not happening now. However I am going to still work on finding a second host and we will be still pre-recording the episodes as we have been down the road. Down the road there will be a podcast that will be going live every second week but that is definitely down the road not right now. It is in the planning stages over the next year or two so it will take some time. However that's for another post to do later when the time but it is a project I am planning on working on right now. I am happy with the final product and yes you probably noticed on the website I tweaked the CSS as well from red background to a blue background as those are the CBOTW Colors.  One final thing I would like to say about the website over the last week or two you probably noticed an "About" section and gives you a brief history about me and what I have done in the past including "The Video Projects Team" Era which was where I got my start with the online media and also my YouTube career with the team and of course with the change in 2016 to podcasting full time instead of YouTube but it is all there on the about section of this website 
