First of all: Chris is off today from the blog and social media due to some drama that went on last night but I will not get into details at this moment but I am taking over the Community Manager role as well as we just switched over Community Managers yet again and part of it is what I said above. Anyways I am hear today to talk about our Live Feature. We recently tested the feature out for how compatible the feed is via mobile and I can tell you it works but you either login to the chat or play the video as the auto play feature but majority of people to this day of age have computers as Chris and I had that conversation this morning as we are late coming out with the post and most of us slept in after a rough night for all of us.
So after consulting the boss man, if you wanna do both then you will have to be on a computer but if you wanna listen to mobile you can as it is both compatible on mobile as it is HTML5. So you listen to it but you cannot do both that is our issue with the live page. I've noticed with the page there has been a lot of views lately and probably cause the Staff been in and out of the page a ton lately. I'm pretty sure the page isn't visible through Google at the moment as it hasn't been available and maybe the fact it hasn't been promoted does make a difference and the only people that really do know is the Staff of this website. However we will make a clear statement when we start posting links whenever that is as Chris is holding back the live for this week but we will make a note that you will have to login to a computer for both due to the state that this player does not auto play which it should to be honest. You can't say we tried! We are continuing to test and try this but no guarantees when we will be launching it it could not even be this weekend at point cause of the schedule.
Jim, Community Manager