Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

We Ran Into An Issue With Mobile Compatibility With The Live Page!

              First of all: Chris is off today from the blog and social media due to some drama that went on last night but I will not get into details at this moment but I am taking over the Community Manager role as well as we just switched over Community Managers yet again and part of it is what I said above. Anyways I am hear today to talk about our Live Feature. We recently tested the feature out for how compatible the feed is via mobile and I can tell you it works but you either login to the chat or play the video as the auto play feature but majority of people to this day of age have computers as Chris and I had that conversation this morning as we are late coming out with the post and most of us slept in after a rough night for all of us.

               So after consulting the boss man, if you wanna do both then you will have to be on a computer but if you wanna listen to mobile you can as it is both compatible on mobile as it is HTML5.  So you listen to it but you cannot do both that is our issue with the live page. I've noticed with the page there has been a lot of views lately and probably cause the Staff been in and out of the page a ton lately. I'm pretty sure the page isn't visible through Google at the moment as it hasn't been available and maybe the fact it hasn't been promoted does make a difference and the only people that really do know is the Staff of this website. However we will make a clear statement when we start posting links whenever that is as Chris is holding back the live for this week but we will make a note that you will have to login to a computer for both due to the state that this player does not auto play which it should to be honest. You can't say we tried! We are continuing to test and try this but no guarantees when we will be launching it it could not even be this weekend at point cause of the schedule. 


Jim, Community Manager

Saturday, August 22, 2020 Has Almost Reached 100k (100,000 Views)?!

            I can't believe it! I couldn't believe this. We're almost close to hitting 100k or 100,000 website views which goes to show with all the promoting of the website, the blog and the podcasts does. We have really have pushed the networking to the max the last few months and really getting our website out there and it really excited to be reaching this far with the website already! The website started getting 100, 200, 300 + views a day which all adds up in the end and that is what it is doing. We're continuing to grow on a daily basis and we just have to keep on building it up. 100K is a lot of visitors both returning and new visitors to the website which is incredible! Ever since we started tinkering with our site and changing the menu bar and what not is when the views started coming in so you guys have been keeping up with out craziness and changes that we have made here on the website recently. Either way, this really makes us happy and I posted a screenshot to prove to you guys we're almost there and honestly it will happen sooner then you think. 

               I am feeling like it will happen and it will actually happen before the year is done but if not before the year is done, then most definitely will happen within the new year but the way you guys are constaqntly returning to our website really makes me feel positively it will happen this year at some point. Don't forget we have September, October, November and December to happen still so those are 4 months to go technically so there is definitely a ton of time. Finally I want to thank you guys for your continuing to support us through all these changes especially as you know we ended a very long running podcast after nearly 5 years and almost 300 episodes and 13 seasons. No matter what we did, you guys continued to support us and have helped us get to this point that our website has been nothing but a success. We thank you for your continuing support and hope you will continue to support us throughout our next adventures with blogging and podcasting. 

Chris, Founder/Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates (08-16-2020)

               Well hello there, you guys never thought I would be doing the weekly update did you? LOL. Well we have no website admin nor Community Manager as they're both left CBOTW so this leaves me to do the updates. Who else better to do updates then the boss man himself, ha-ha. Anyways, here is the updates:

- Website: Things has been happening faster then you know it. We took down the chat in the last week due to not enough Staff or Moderators on the chatroom to watch over as I I cannot always watch it and also the spam and inappropriate comments made warranted me to remove it off the page. Also you probably notice the podcasts tab was redone, that's right I re coded the menu bar so the podcasts tab has both current podcasts and the archives and we like the new look of the menu bar. Also you probably seen the "Social Media" buttons which takes you to our social media but it does take you off the site but remember it was coded together technically. Will look into and see if theres a way to send it to another page.

- Power Rangers Podcast: Today I hope to bring it out for you guys whether it is tonight or what not we will see. I am currently still working on it and hoping to work at least half a day to get it out for you guys then take the rest of the day off for myself. 

- Social Media: For one thing, we will not tolerate trolling on our social media platforms and we had to end up banning two former staff for spam and inappropriate language which I will not repeat on here but it really ticked me off and now we've lost two likes cause of a troll issue recently. I have tweaked the filters and added in words that weren't there and yeah I have that power to add those in.

               There is what I have to the say for this week, it was an interested past week and a ton of changes that has happened and we continue to change, no more like improve things with CBOTW and that is what we wanna do is continue to improve things with CBOTW and in the coming weeks and months we will be preparing for the 6th Anniversary of ChrisBOnTheWeb.  


Monday, August 3, 2020

Would Chris Really Move Website Providers?

               With the recent issues with the back side of the website which is fixed now and things seem to be fine with the website now but I know he went off on the Social's about the issues. I think more then likely it was to address the issues with the website and trust me he wasn't happy about the on going issues with the website. These are the two things that really ticked him off and kind of made him think about a free website again:

- Keywords not sticking: There was a problem when you entered the keywords it wouldn't remain in there. Not anymore anytime we put in keywords it seems to be fixed. For the last I don't know month or two or so that issue seemed to be the # 1 problem where we had to enter it not once, not twice but a few times.

- Blog posts Getting erased at the half way mark of the post: Every time we put in a post, we ended up losing half of the post so our posts were partially dumped as Chris put it technically which is why end of last week we ended up not posting on Friday and almost ended up not posting all weekend long but Google and Blogger seemed to fix the issue very quickly.

- Google Adsense suspending us: Apparently we were suspended for self clicking ads when all the staff and myself have ad blocker on 24-7 so we did not do that so we have ended up being suspended for 30 days which is fine because Chris has removed the ads code for now and he may just delete his adsense and find another way to earn money off the website but we'll see.

                 With all that being said, every thing is fixed and we are good to go again with posting and all the two issues we have been experiencing is fixed now on. When they updated the layout of the blogger interface it was very buggy and the recent fix has helped and every thing seems very normal again. So Chris is not moving websites. He has put in the long hours to the menu bar and working on perfecting the CSS code to the website and building numerous pages on the website and also building up on the viewership which is like 200 - 300 a day now which is crazy to be honest. Plus he is locked in with his domain for little over 3 more years so he cannot really make a move at this point and I think he will probably renew with blogger as it has been a reasonable price for the .com domain.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Saturday, July 25, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb-- Weekly Update [07-25-2020]

               Here is another weekly update and boy what an week for us. Now we made some changes within ChrisBOnTheWeb that probably is now permanent now. Things are constantly evolving and Chris admits to making the mistake of ever bringing back his Reality TV. He went out with a bang as he did his Survivor Brant Steele so it was indeed a great way to finish off the podcast series. Also we have seen staff leaving like a revolving door.  However Chris (Reality Teas) is no longer part of the team and still a big supporter of the podcasts and CBOTW. We thank him for his contributions and we are happy to have him support us still. Anyways here are the updates we have:

- Website: Chat does not have it's own dedicated chat and it has been moved to the right hand side of the side and can be seen all across the website pages as you go through all the pages it is there on every single page on our website. This way it's all across the site. We are excited for this new feature. Now I know what about the social media buttons that we once had? Well that is on the back burner as Chris is in high gear in collaborations which you will hear about this week, actually tomorrow as I checked with him and he told me its on the whiteboard schedule for this week. We will announce once we move into that phase of adding. It is more like we have to find a spot for the buttons on the website to put this feature.

- Podcasts (In General): CBOTW and Chris has indeed departed ways with the TV/Reality TV Podcasts and obviously you know Power Rangers are reverted back to the collab page again and will tend to remain on there. Also you probably wondering what the heck is going on with Chris and other podcasts, well he has something in mind that once saw production and went on hiatus and the clue it's actually on the website under podcasts right now. However announcement is coming this week from me and excited to tell you the plans with that, There is a second podcast from another Staff member that is in Pre-Production and he is working on preparing it for September and we got a start date for it but we will not announce it quite yet but we will soon hopefully.

                   So you can see we have a ton of stuff of amazing new stuff going to happen and we are happy that offers have been given and we are just excited to be doing this actually.  We have a ton of stuff going for this website and a lot more and we cannot wait to tell you guys the plans on what we have planned. Also you probably noticed Chris has not been on social media much lately and has been relatively quiet across social media but mind you he is busy getting content ready for you guys so this is why the staff is trying to cover for him on a daily basis. That is our weekly updates for us and I will be be chatting with you guys throughout the week, tomorrow his important post will be going up and I will be back on Tuesday with another post for you guys.

Sophie, Community Manager

Sunday, July 19, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates! [07-19-2020]

                 Here is your weekly updates for ChrisBOnTheWeb for July 18, 2020. Well it's been a crazy week for us and we've been making temporary changes to the website to podcast stuff we can say there has been changes and change honestly is good. I've been in close contact with the boss man and he informs me of the changes. Anyways here is what has been happening around ChrisBOnTheWeb:

Website: So as Chris has mentioned in the post yesterday, we had to tweak the menu bar a little bit more as the drop down wasn't showing all the different pages that we house on the website but we have that fixed and it was him that actually noticed the issue. Like he said if there an issue on the website to send us a message on Social or send us an email Missing or want a feature added you can send it to us and we can look into it. Speaking of that we also removed Survivor & Amazing Race Canada and it is now under Temporary Archives which was my idea originally. Finally for this portion of the website is we're looking into a way to link our socials to help us grow as a community, grow all 3 aspects of the social media so we're trying to figure a way to do that and when we're ready to release we will let you all know.

The CBOTW Show: So recently Chris started recording episodes of The CBOTW Show, Tough As Nails RECAP Podcasts and just yesterday, he dropped a The Simpsons Recap from Season 1! I had no idea he was gonna do this weekend but it is very exciting and something different from anything he's done in the past so be sure to go check it out, here on the website, Castbox, PlayerFM, TuneIn, ITunes, etc!

                   Now much more in the updates for right now and there has been additions to our team made but we're not clearly ready to announce any of that at this moment but when the time is right, we will be sure to let you guys whether it is on Social Media or here on or even both. Hope you all have a wonderful week and I will be talking to you guys next week!

- CBOTW Community Manager Mark

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Changes and Announcements

           Over the last couple of days so much has happened since Mark announced what was going with Chris B On The Web. So this is I guess is another update and you know I love to keep you guys in the loop on things, so this is why this is yet another update 2 days later. So here are the updates:

Website:  Chats been moved to a single tab as the Big Brother idea probably will not work out so we will have one general chatroom called "Lounge" which is now active and open to the public. Yes we actually did open it to guests if you choose to not make an account but we still encourage it. However if guests get too rowdy like before and this is years ago then we will go back to where you have to login.  Also we've added the Live (YouTube) on our website with coming soon. Also CBOTW Gamers Podcast was removed and The CBOTW Show is under Other Podcasts and I will get to that shortly on this post why we removed it and moved the podcasts I mentioned. 

Everything About Reality TV: Myself, Larry (Our Co-Founder & Senior Producer) and our host for Big Brother Recaps made the executive decision to indeed do YouTube. Now there is no ETA when we will actually launch it at this point as we're still waiting on Big Brother 22 news and at this point nothing, nadda zip. I said this to Chris (Reality Teas) I am sick and tired of the rumors and just want more information. You know this is harming the podcast with lack of podcasts right now and we're trying our best. Speaking of that it doesn't sound like Amazing Race Canada is a no go and the reason is because of production has been postponed so it is sounding like they are going to wait till next year which really hurts the podcast but we understand it is because of this pandemic and it is always safety first for the cast and crew of the show.

The CBOTW Show: As I said above The CBOTW Show was moved up and now under Other Podcasts as I cannot put numerous show pages. I just do not wanna complicate this website too much as it is very complicated and complex as it is. So all shows will be under 1 page at this point. We will adding more shows later but this is the start. We also have our 2 Audio ONLY pages as of right now as we're waiting on Stitcher to fix our feed which wasn't fixed technically but besides the point really.

CBOTW Gamers Podcast: We're back to square one with this podcast and it was decided by me to just cancel the podcast all together and 0 plans and interest in bringing it back at this point as we just couldn't work things out with the host so it is just better it is on the shelf for good this time around. This is a business decision as this has been going back and forth for years now and at this point this podcast is not going to see production anytime. 

            I have every right as I am the Executive Producer for the programming you see on this very website and have darn right to cancel is put a podcast on hiatus to where I see it fit as I know I had one person not so happy with me but you gotta realize I am the one that has the power to do all that and it is my decision in the end. However that is what is going on with Chris B On The Web and anymore updates or developments especially in our Reality TV Department, we will let you all know soon!


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

We Have And Adding Chats To!

                 Chris gave me the green light to write this post for today's post. As you can see we have been busy around the website as we have been coding our eyes out yesterday which now looks really amazing to be honest! We have been always looking to add new features to the website and yes we had a chatroom on our website at one point but was shutdown due to spam and hate but we realize with this chat when someone is banned, nobody in particular but it's an IP ban. The Community Chat is up and active here on the website and we're around the website if you wanna chat but I am happy to say you guys got a place to go and chat and hangout with everyone else in the community. Only thing is getting it used but we will be leaving it up on a 6 months basis and if it doesn't work out then we will remove them but I am sure we will have a few people here and there. You guys have to realize this was just launched 24 hours ago and we are getting views on the page so that is good. We're around if you wanna talk. Now we have added a few rules to the list and we wanna focus on just chatting with you guys and leaving help to our E-Mail or contact page on our website.  

                 Now to the second "Chat" page it is ready to go but not released as of yet. We are waiting for the Big Brother season to be officially release a date to when the season is going to be starting. It is actually on the website itself just not visible at this time but it is going to come. This Big Brother Lounge will also be the official Chat for Big Brother Canada whenever they decide to renew the season. Chris or myself will update you when things go live but for right now we are sitting on this extra chatroom for right now but we're excited. One final thing I wanted mention is we are working on fixing the drop down and trying to come up with a fix for it as right now the darn thing is a horizontal drop down but we are researching how to fix that so it is what we are working on is to fix the drop down under "Chats" as I said it is the wrong way that we want it to be. 


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Construction Here On Will Start This Fall!

                  This fall will be the start of a major re-development of the website. Date will come soon. It has been no secret that I have been wanting to redevelop the site and make some major changes to it and it is time for this change to actually happen. I did start the new menu bar which is what I am working on secretly behind the scenes earlier this year but was scrapped due to drop down menu not working and I think I do know the issue behind it and think it has to do with the CSS code. But come October/November when it is done and the testing phases are all done, I will be rolling out the new menu all together for you guys to see. It is hard to explain the exact plan for it as I find it hard to explain what the actual plan is but you will all see once it is done and operating. This is a very difficult project and I know I can do this if I put my mind to it. I had some success but the issue comes to the drop down portion of the build which I think it does have something to do with the CSS but will definitely do some research as I do not know much about coding a menu bar on a website as this is news to me actually and I doing this to learn something new and this is a learning curve for me. I honestly love learning something new actually and just to try something new out. I have my vision with the website changes that I want to make and I know exactly what I wanna do but its hard to put it from the head to paper or the website itself.

                  There is the plan but like I said it is hard to say it on here unless it is on paper and perhaps it is time I put it onto paper so it is in the plans and I know exactly how I want to re do the entire menu bar as right the website is using the generic built in menu bar but this one will be built entirely out of code and from scratch so please do be patient while were building it and testing every single part of it. We want to make sure everything works before we release the new menu bar. I rather have it working 150% then only 75% of the time. I will ask you guys if there is an issue with it to report it on either Twitter, Instagram or email here on the website if there is a problem with a screenshot if the issue. However do not do that right now but I will give you guys the word when to start reporting bugs and issues with the menu bar. I really am going to do my hardest to actually make sure the bugs are all gone and usually I am good about that and I promise to give you a quality product not half built nor half operational as that is not how I function. I give 100% all the time, everyday, 24/7, 365 days a year!


Saturday, January 26, 2019 Is Back Up and Running!

                   Finally after 5 months of waiting for the domain to be open to putting it on this domain, it is officially back up and running now and I am so happy as you all know it was quite stressful to deal with over the last 5 months hence the reason I have grey hair now... LOL. I am excited as it opens the doors to more opportunities for me and plus it sure does make it look like professional website.  I actually like the way the website looks like now compare to when it was with that other provider which I will not name. From here on out the links will be different then it was before just a fair warning, some posts on Twitter will not work for you guys so all you have to do is go to and look at the posts and if you click on a specific post, it should work perfect.

                     You are going to ask what about the branding of the podcast, specifically Everything About Reality TV for example? Well, you guys will be hearing the branding I had last year, it will be back to that intro as I do not have to go and re-record the intro now, it is all good and ready to go. Now the collaboration podcasts I do like with Larry for example I need to re-record that and the collab intros have to be re-worked in which I will not need Larry in order to re do it as the intro can be worked in without me having to re introduce him. I am pretty good at the audio editing these days! It will definitely work out in the end but haven't gotten to that yet and I am glad I waited till the website returned to the .com first before having to re do it again so it sure does make the job a lot easier, that is for sure!

                    Finally I told you guys I would be getting the .com website back up and running, it just took a bit of time with the domain to expire and I am now on the permanent website from here on out which is great. I am looking forward to what the future brings with this website and I am imagine it will continue on with greater growth down the road too. I appreciate your patience throughout the rough roads we have gone through but were back and that is the main thing as that is one less stressful thing off my list. Please give me a couple of days to update graphics all around the social media as I need to update it all. 
