Showing posts with label menu bar updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menu bar updates. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Website Menu Bar Was Tweaked A Bit...

               As you know, ChrisBOnTheWeb & is always rapidly changing. There is a reason behind the Menu bar looking different under the Tab, "Podcasts" However I cannot say anything yet as we need to tie up the loose ends for this project. Trust me I had a heck of a night with frustrations and what not working on this and I thought it had to do with the menu coding itself but it wasn't. After 2 hours, I was ready to just give up and force the project to one certain platforms but now that has been resolved now, it's green lit. I really wanna tell you guys what we got in-stored and even some of our members on the Discord Server got to see what we were doing technically. However once we get confirmation and the host is setup and been tested then we will be announcing where you can listen to him on the air and yes I said he. Let's just say it's an old friend from the chat website I use to be involved. Anyways I can hint all I want really. I know you wanna know but soon you all will know whats up and the plan that is ahead for us. 

              However the changes are live here on the website and just scroll over podcasts and you will see the big gap which in time will be filled in. Please patient with us while we continue to plan and get things setup with our new hosts. Mind you this menu bar is still in BETA Testing right now and we're ironing out all the bugs and issues. We're new to the entire building your own and the entire CSS Code thing so please do be patient with us while we deal with all the bugs and issues. Please do send us a message or email if you see any bugs or issues with the website so we can take a look into it. We haven't had complaints but with the recent work we put into the website last night, you never know when a bug will appear on our website.  Anyways I will see you guys tomorrow in our next post.


Thursday, May 14, 2020


                 As you can tell with my recent post on social media, we have officially completed the website work. Every page is up and running and the entire menu bar is functional and working but just the menu isn't too responsive but it works at some point and going to start work in the coming weeks but honestly that is for my website admin to do as most of the work and design of the menu is complete. As you can see there are two Sections: 'Everything About Reality TV" which houses a ton of pages of podcasts we do.  We finally have our "Other Podcasts" which even includes Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast, Entertainment Man Podcast and the Archives of past podcasts. Trust me we can house more and you never know what is in-stored for the websites moving forward, new projects, new hosts. It took us weeks to get the menu to function and drop down but alas we got it working. Still a couple of bugs in it but in time we will get it working. You can use your arrows and it does help for now. 

                 During the construction phase of the page, noticed the number of views have been up lately which is truly a good thing. I looked at the pages and they all have gotten good views. The Hours we put in, the lack of sleep we have had to endured it was indeed worth the hours of hard work and dedication. I'm surprised this big project took us weeks and got it done. Took a lot of patience and we had a couple of bugs to iron out on the pages as it wouldn't save but that is besides the point as everything is now fine. I hope you guys enjoy the rebuilt menu bar that we worked hard in the last couple of weeks and we're excited for what is next for the website. Any issues, concerns or questions please contact is and we can answer any question or concern you may have. 


Saturday, May 4, 2019

Stopped Working On The Menu Bar For Now...

            So you will be now wondering what the heck is going on with the menu bar project. Well I think for right now it is on hold at the moment. I have right now hit a snag in the menu bar. I got it setup perfectly but the drop down is the issue it is where it is the drop down. I do not know where the issue is, whether it is the CSS code or within the actually template but the template seemed to be the entire issue really and it will probably need to be figured out and I need some time to think about it and see if I can work something out and see if I can honestly figure it out. So right now I am just taking some time away to try and regroup and try to figure out something else out to what I would like to do but I do have some ideas. One of the ideas is a horizontal menu bar which has worked actually but did not really think about it but the menu wasn't being responsive and even the vertical it wasn't very responsive either so there is an issue with the responsiveness to the menu so I am just unsure to what the heck is going on but I am going to wait till I get more time as this week and next week I have quite a busy schedule with finishing up Big Brother Canada and Survivor Edge of Extinction Recaps for their respected seasons so after that I can work on that afterwards.

               I haven't completely given up on the project but I am planning on trying to fix it and it is a very fickle of project with CSS code and dealing with the infernal template on the website. However I will eventually figure it out and it is growing pains with the website and that is why I have a group of people helping me test it out but never mind on that.  Anyways we test and fix any of the bugs within the website. The website and the community is forever growing and with the growth comes those growing pains as the numbers on this website has been growing as I do not usually brag about this but almost 1900 views last month! So I can see why sometimes things are breaking on the website and maybe has a part of the menu bar partially broken or I broke the new menu and more then likely I broke the damn menu bar so I need to work out the kinks and I am sure it is something that is affecting the menu but I will not give up till I have this website fixed with it's new menu finally.

Oh and also May The 4th be with you! (Happy Star Wars Day)
