Tuesday, June 5, 2018

We Need To Talk About The CBOTW Show....

                This has been stalled for the past week with the recent thoughts and negative thoughts going through my head, trial runs with on the series I covered on YouTube in 2015 when it didn't do overly well. So my head hasn't been all there recently and I think I over thought everything involving The CBOTW Show Podcast and leading to this blog post I have been dreading to write for the past week but it has to be done and after talking to a few people to get their opinions and I have come to a conclusion on several things that I want to discuss on today's blog post. 

                First thing is Hell's Kitchen, which for those who have been following the podcast from the get go, I did at one point cover the show on the podcast which never did really good from the start, the main shows, like Survivor, Big Brother Canada & Amazing Race and those took off really well so that is what I am thinking is to primarily focus on those including Big Brother US and Amazing Race Canada also added to the list. However I am willing and able to giving Hell's Kitchen another shot and it is under a different podcast name as well. But what else is in the The CBOTW Show Podcast's Future?

               Well, at this point I have decided to make The CBOTW Show Podcast a somewhat scheduled Podcast, if Music City CMT comes back for a Season 2 I may cover it again in the nearby future. Also do not forget I have also the Power Rangers Podcast coming in the Fall once all the recording is done and the editing is done, it will be posted up in September sometime when I got some time in my schedule to post but it will be posted up for you guys.  Any other ideas what shows to cover please do let me know. I was also thinking along the line of covering Will and Grace as I heard it is coming back for another season so that could be a possibility!


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