Thursday, January 11, 2024

What's Going on With The Old Computer?

             So what is really going on with my old computer? Well it was plugged back in and fired back up. To my surprise she ran quick quickly as I removed a ton of stuff off the computer, Skype, Zoom, Discord, Paint, I also had to reinstall Word Perfect in order to print off the poster as that is the way we printed the poster off on the printer which mind you looks amazing, big thank you to Kelsie for creating our poster and it's now on our wall as a memory. 

               Anyways back to the computer situation... I have still gotten some lag and slowness to it but it seemed to have subsided. So far, so good it is running just fine at  the moment. If you're wondering I wrote these blogs on the old computer so I survived writing these on the older computer. I gave my old web cam to my niece which wasn't that old honestly but any calls can be done from my iPad or the other computer, the main computer to say the least. So for now the old girl works just fine for me and going to give her some TLC when need be. Other then that she's going to be 10 year old machine in April, she'll be older then ChrisBOnTheWeb Media even started. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates. 


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