Monday, May 6, 2024

Doors Open Ontario- Local Shipping

            First of all apologies for a very late blog today, overslept and got busy with other things but tomorrow I will be sure to be more on time tomorrow for sure. Anyways Doors Open Ontario, locally for us, I got to walk on the shipping area which is normally restricted but this was a special moment for me. I really enjoyed learning what each and every building houses in the way of items they deliver and go out. I never know Steel came from across seas and one of those is Jordan which is pretty far from here which is amazing and I never knew this till Saturday back on the weekend.

            Also the plans they have to expand the harbor out to allow more ships in and the reason why there isn't a marina is because of the ships could collide with the bigger ships which wouldn't be good. So now I know the reason and I don't need to fight city hall over this no more but I agree it is more of a shipping city along with a University and College city as well. Either way I learned a lot what goes on with the shipping, very educational today. But that is the post for today, I will talk to you tomorrow for the next location I was at for Door's Open.


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