Showing posts with label 3rd Monitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd Monitor. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2021

What I Wanna Do With The Studio In The Future?

                With the rumors of CBOTW Gamers Podcast eventually coming back possibly, not 100% sure as there are other reasons behind that I didn't explain which I am not going to talk about publicly as I do not wanna discuss it. However my computer is aging and getting really old for computer years and I am already planning for the future of this studio whether this podcast happens or not, I still need a computer for recording and honestly this one is slowing the heck down. Anyways this is what is planned with this new PC:

- 3rd Monitor: Yes it is quite difficult to stream or record with so I am putting the money forward on top of the cost of the computer which could be up to 5 grand or more plus another 2 - 4 hundred dollars for the monitor and also the monitor stand for 3 monitors since I am expanding on the screens and will be the 3rd and final screen as I do not wanna get too exotic. 

- Possibly upgrading Larry's Mic: I have had Larry's mic for quite sometime, years since probably 2015 at this point and eventually I wanna have both mics the same mic, AT2020 Condenser Microphone. Do not worry the Audio Technica PRO31 will remain in my studio and not going anywhere anytime soon. However I plan to do that soon before that happens and it will happen probably after Larry is able to return to the studio.  This is a possibility and not 100% sure at this moment. 

                   That is the update of when I get the computer and even before and I am excited for the future of this studio and yes I will continue to give you guys updates on the studio and the changes I make. I hope you guys enjoyed today's post and yes it was I guess it was a part 2 of yesterdays post but now you guys know my entire plan moving forward and I can say this, I am excited for the future! Have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday! 
