I don't think I ever told the story of how I met Larry who is the Senior Producer/Co-Host of Power Rangers Collab and this entire collaboration podcasts craziness. Well Larry and I met in 2010 in college. We hit it off quite quickly in 2011 that is when our friendship started. It took us a few months to get to know each other and we started hanging out front of the program office between. In 2011 we were in the same class together and that is how we actually started this entire friendship. I am sure we did a couple of lunches down at the marketplace where you could He left college, (graduated) in 2011 but we continued to stay in touch through social media and messenger. I believe we even met up between the classes and he would pop up but again this is a long time ago since we first met, going on 12 years with him.
Now after him and Justin left or just as they were graduating from the program, Justin wanted to come on to help out after we get back up and running again. I said yes to it. I had a new camera man already for 2012 when The Entertainment Man Talk Show returned from it's hiatus. So three of my new staff were from college as they wanted to help. That is how they got involved with The Video Projects Team and also ChrisBOnTheWeb, was by word of mouth at the college when we were still in school doing our studies. Justin joined April 2011 till May 2017 and Larry 2013 - 2016; 2018 - Present. Kind of tells you how long I have been friends with Justin and Larry. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog and I will talk to you all tomorrow.