With the tireless work I have been doing with Power Rangers Podcast on The CBOTW Show and trying to get the notes done in a quick and timely matter and hope to get it done by Thursday and I have already told Larry least one episode will be done in time. So no matter what we will be recording something and a step forward but I am leaving the blogs opened for updates when I have news about finishing up the notes then you guys will most definitely know.
Now the blogs have been off schedule today and tomorrow I will promise to be done on time so you guys have a post and I was in a rush leaving the house this morning to meet up with my friend Eric as he usually hangs once a week and I didn't get back home till around dinner. Priorities have been a mess lately and trying to do everything all at once but one step at a time, one thing at a time and it will eventually get done. Anyways that is the post today, not much to say but I will be back tomorrow for another post at 11 am EST, I promise.