Yesterday was my birthday and was the most fun I have had out of all the birthday's. I got to celebrated with Larry, whom you all know from the highly successful podcast, Everything About Reality TV from time to time and he came over for about 6.5 hours, usually its like 7.5 hours we are together, but he came over and out of the 5 of us he was the only one that was able to come over but that's OK we had a fun time, played tons of Sims 4, he tried The Binding of Isaac, Star Wars Battlefront (the first of those games). We had chicken nuggets and fries. Inbetween him and I spending time, answering texts, and calls with birthday wishes from friends and family which was fine, I got to talk to my grandma again as I saw her back on Monday. Plus answering Facebook and Twitter birthday wishes.
After Larry left, I spent time with my brother, my Niece and Nephew popped over to see me for a bit before they had to go and eat and the kids swimming class. I opened my gifts from my brother and my sister in law, the kids which was a One Republic CD also gift card for best buy. My mom and dad of course got me All In The Family Season 7 - 9 which completes my entire collection of the series. After my brother left as they were short for time, we made the pizza as I requested for my birthday dinner. It was delicious it had pepperoni, pineapple and cheese on it, I know pineapple does not go on Pizza! After that the night was pretty much to myself, watched a movie, talked to my friend Terry again for the second time in the day, so it was nice to sit back and relax after a very busy but fun day.
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