Monday, December 17, 2018

Weight Loss Update....

             As of today, I officially went back on my diet between now and Christmas as there is no way in heck I will be keeping up with it over the holidays and that is fine but I plan on eating in portion size and not over eat this year like I normally do at this time of the year so I do on planning on eating less at holidays but again it is the holidays and really I should be waiting but I am trying to lose a few pounds before the holidays do hit but if not definitely working on it in the new year when 2019 hits I plan on it. Right now I have maintained 226.4 pounds right now which is good. Another goal I could hit is 224 then stay put which is only 2 more pounds technically and then I could remain there till January then lose the rest slowly but surely. I know I said on twitter today that I want to lose the weight and it will be a slow process honestly as it is not healthy to lose the weight too fast and definitely want to slowly bring it down to my weight goal which is 170 pounds is my ultimate goal but 175 at the most in my weight goal which was my original weight when I went through all the surgeries on my stomach back in 2003 and 2006. 

                I think with the Christmas holidays coming up, I am going to go with the 224 pounds mark and try and stay there from here on out between now and the new years and then make the strive to start losing more weight after all the holidays are done and we are officially in 2019. I kind of know it is pointless with my dad's birthday, Christmas and New Years there is tons of celebrating to happen so I just do not know if I can get to 224 before Christmas. However I have to remain positive on things and try the best I can do from now till then and take one step at a time during this and I know I can do it. If there is a way, there is a will. I have been down to 222, at 221 at one point and I know I can get back down there but it will be a slow process and it will happen in time.


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