Monday, February 18, 2019

Chris B On The Web Re-Building Phase Is Ending In June!

             After almost 3 years, I can say after such a long, long battle with trying to re-build Chris B On The Web, the re-building phase is going to be over. What do I mean by this? I can say I have successfully completed the rebuild from when I left YouTube all together, I was stuck for a good year, year and a half trying to figure out what on earth I am going to do with myself now that YouTube is over, done, finished since my team decided to screw me over. Yes I am still bitter over a few people that screwed me over but over the year and a half, two years I did forgive 1 of the 3 people as I could never stay made at Larry. Look at the two of us now, the friendship has been so much stronger then before. Anyways as you know, I took the summer off to start figuring things out and Everything About Reality TV, well the rest is history, the podcast has become history. Then of course Larry and I added on the collaboration podcasts aka the Power Rangers Podcast which has become so popular on the website alone. After the podcasts have become the success the last thing that I had to do is stabilize the site and I couldn't have moved forward without making the move off of the provider which will not be named as my website kept on getting falsely taken down for no reason. I have had so many issues in the past with them so that is why I had no .com for 5 months as 1 I had to let the domain expire entirely and I had to let it become available elsewhere and of course the website has returned and I know that is the last final steps to fixing it, well minus getting the collabs back up and update it but you know what I mean.

               It has been a long time coming for the rebuild to end and I have been holding on to this piece of information for a long time now. I have been thinking about it for months to when this piece of information noone knew about this just me. I am actually am happy the fact that this rebuild is ending on June 25th, 2019, that is the date I am taking it off all this testing I have been doing for the past 3 years. I know it took me a long time but patience is indeed a virtue and I have been excited for this moment to take Chris B On The Web officially off the rebuilding stages and continuing this adventure. 


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