Friday, July 23, 2021

Abba Favorite Songs List

                 As I said and promised for you guys is an top 10 List of my favorite songs by Abba. There are a ton of songs, I love and enjoy. Without further ado as I do not wanna delay this any further, here is my list from bottom to the top:

10. Chiquita 

9. Does Your Mother Know

8. Say I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

7. Super Trooper 

6. On and On And On

5. Gimme Gimme Gimme

4. Take a Chance On Me

3. Waterloo

2. Dancing Queen

1. Mamma Mia

              There is at least my top 10, it's hard to pick a favorites and put them in any order and really not really any picking order I can put em in to be quite honest at this time. Either way there is my list and you probably can tell 99.999% of the songs are from the musical as I mentioned the musical both the on stage performances and the movies. Until Monday, have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday!


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