Friday, March 11, 2022

End of The Week Updates [03-11-2022]

                Another week has gone by which means time for another end of the week updates. It has been an odd week but we have gotten things done promptly and I think we are on the right track with production of all 3 podcasts. I will explain below:

Website: The Team page is now back and regrets changing it about originally and should remain the same. Amy's audio only has become pretty much active now. Also as you know Power Rangers Podcast had it's share of issues and it is now on it's own dedicated page to Power Rangers Collab page which is the name but currently is hiding under Archives page at this current time till Larry and I decide what's next. 

The After Show With Amy F: This is Amy's full week on her own podcast which has been very interesting say the least. Trying to make sure shes good and comfortable with recording, anaswering any questions, teaching her how to edit the podcast and what not and we honestly ran into some tech issues most of them me not being clear to her enough but that's ok we got it all worked out. Also I sort of screwed up the intro a bit but she witnessed me changing things around for herself and how  I do it and she was shocked how fast it was done for a voice over. I am a simple kind of person. I hate to make things more  complicated as they are. 

Power Rangers Collab: just under 2 weeks and Larry and I will have a plan and idea to when we will be ready to record again and we are waiting on an update from the government weather mask mandates are done or not. kind of one of the reasons why we suddenly held off. We were planning to record yesterday but Larry double booked so I cancelled plus I was going out in the evening anyways. Wasn't going to cancel that for anything in the world. We'll let you guys know the schedule coming up  is going to be like. 

                 That is my updates for the week. Not too much to report minus some tweaks and changes and getting adjusted with a 3rd podcast within this amazing network which I spoke on at length. Look forward to the upcoming week with more great content and continue to grow this thing as we continue on. Anyways have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday. 



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