Showing posts with label Gamer Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gamer Girl. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Minecraft Updates!

               Outside of my job as a graphic designer, community manager of ChrisBOnTheWeb, 10th anniversary planning and so on I've been asking Chris to turn on the Minecraft server as I have had the itch to work on the office tower. We have completed the structural part of the building standing 15 stories tall, the tallest structure we have built thus far on the building. Chris and I have taken a break but there is no way for the snow as we're in the snowy biome can come in unless it blows in but that wouldn't happen. Next step is to encase the building in the blue glass around this epic building. 

              We want to try and finish it by the end of the year at the most as it's been an on going project on the community server for the past several months. Maybe 5 - 6 months perhaps. I know Chris is going to be wanting to work on the subway next is the next big project to replace the above railway to the villagers and the other one to a random island as for the jungle that issue hasn't been addressed and sounds like the above railway will remain where it is for the foreseeable future. I will talk to you tomorrow as Chris has granted me the task of the end of the week updates from here on out.
