Showing posts with label Minecraft Server Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minecraft Server Updates. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Minecraft Updates!

               Outside of my job as a graphic designer, community manager of ChrisBOnTheWeb, 10th anniversary planning and so on I've been asking Chris to turn on the Minecraft server as I have had the itch to work on the office tower. We have completed the structural part of the building standing 15 stories tall, the tallest structure we have built thus far on the building. Chris and I have taken a break but there is no way for the snow as we're in the snowy biome can come in unless it blows in but that wouldn't happen. Next step is to encase the building in the blue glass around this epic building. 

              We want to try and finish it by the end of the year at the most as it's been an on going project on the community server for the past several months. Maybe 5 - 6 months perhaps. I know Chris is going to be wanting to work on the subway next is the next big project to replace the above railway to the villagers and the other one to a random island as for the jungle that issue hasn't been addressed and sounds like the above railway will remain where it is for the foreseeable future. I will talk to you tomorrow as Chris has granted me the task of the end of the week updates from here on out.


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Gaming Updates!

            I know I haven't done a lot of updates lately on the video games but I have a couple of updates: 

Cars for Sale Simulator 2023: As you know I am playing the game more and more as I go on I have progressed well. Minus now I am barely scrapping by paying bill and getting cars for sale but I have made over 100k at one point but now like at 25k which is totally lame at this point.

Minecraft: Now the building is still in process of being built but I have finished the first half of the subway system that has replaced the old aging above ground railway with this new system and it is work in progress. Between the subway system and the building I am moving back and forth between the two but mostly I am working on the building with is quite a journey with this right now. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates and boy I have an bunch of great updates as I have made a bit of a good stretch with content and excited for what's next and Monday I will have a Food Review but talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Minecraft Updates [01-25-2022]

         It is time for another gaming update. I know it's been a while since an update and could of been last year the last time an update has come out but the house has been rebuilt with a small chunk of the old 2nd house was used for the building of the new house adding on a second floor going back to the old original structure. It only had 2 floors originally as the 3rd floor was an addition and as you can see in the picture the bell was moved from what was suppose to be a permanent spot back into the house on the right side as you go over the bridge to the bedroom area.  So that unit that held the bell remains there as a memory now. 

With the house done and with a roof I moved into the lower half creating a massive space for a farm, growing wheat, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, melons and also Nether Wart as well so we can do some things in our lab below the farm mid section. Windows and crops have been grown and I believe the last time I check they are fully grown already. It's a massive farm but also the barn is completed and it's massive as well. Anyways that is the post today I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Minecraft and Stardew Valley Updates! [10-05-2022]

                 Time for another update. As you know I took the weekend off and had a good opportunity to actually work on Towers 1 & 2. Tower 1 is finished completely. I am finished with the tower completely. May tweak a few things here and there with it. Now Tower 2 is underway again and I am about half way built with the second tower and you guys can see at the corner of the second building the actually framework of the Tower 3 which is the next step and once the three buildings are done then I move onto the Football and Baseball stadiums to get things done meaning snack bars and bathrooms that wasn't added to the building originally. After that I do not know what is next for the world after as I would be finished all these projects and I do not know what is next for me playing Minecraft as I have done everything and anything. Maybe do videos with my Niece and Nephew perhaps to post to the ChrisBOnTheWeb Channel. 

                Now with the Stardew Valley I have expanded the house and added a 3rd barn for supposedly ducks but I have yet to add ducks. Been focusing mainly on the farming side of things with the actual farm so not much going on with Stardew Valley but there has been a problem with Pam. She's accused my character of being in her trailer and to leave her alone and I didn't even do a damn thing. I go to town to get seeds, etc so I do not know what the heck is going on with her really. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you tomorrow as always.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Gaming Updates [05-04-2022]

                This update is basically all Minecraft related as I have been playing on the server I own with my niece and nephew as they have a big impact on that server. Anyways you guys have been getting constant updates what we have or I have been doing on the server. The first update is I built a elevator but not happy with it tho as most of you know you there is a sky base above that and just flying up was plan dumb. The goal is to fix that elevator shaft and expand the pod on top so there is more room for us but can be a project for my niece and nephew and I to do together.

            As you know there was a villager built which is now behind there and you can sort of see the building partially. Now that the Village is on it's own property or its own dedicated section. Anyways it was time to go out with the old and in with the new. The house was way too big for my liking so I am building myself a bit of a nice mansion that's perfect for me. I have to remember tne hole in the ground that takes you to the underground stairwell to the caves that has a ton of different taverns in there. Not sure how that will be incorporated into the new house or building aka my living quarters that I will have in there but we'll see how things go. Anyways that is the updates, I will update you guys maybe next week or the week after on this and what my next move is on this plan of attack and if I will shift the stairs or not but will know more when that last house is torn down right down to the dirt again then we start thinking the next step. Just another long process of taking a very huge building down and letting the grass regrow back. Anyways I will talk to you all tomorrow.
