This week will be crazy for me! I have a lot on my plate this week and made some changes to my schedule and moving things about on my hectic but here is what is going on right now:
Working On Amy's Website: That's right, now ChrisBOnTheWeb now creates websites on top of content? Is this for real? Yes, this week I wanna get to it and is a priority and getting pretty far thus far and I am working hard and try to work an hour or two on it a day on top of my content. Talk about triple work.
Entertainment Man Podcast: Both the bonus and Sundays episode is recorded just gotta edit the podcasts and place em into the folders ready for both days. Including the video I have to fix the ends to the podcast and schedule it for upload on YouTube as well.
Power Rangers Collab: RPM needs editing and posting up this week and I need to get it out this week at some point. I am promising myself to finish it and get it up. Also work on Samurai and get it ready for February.
First Video on Now videos will not be always a weekly thing it will be sporadic videos hence the reason behind the "On Demand" it is whenever I have something to post and this weekend I will be posting up my first video a Studio Update Tour what is what in the studio and is the 2nd of 3 items under that list to be released.
So a busy week ahead for me and I have made a list or updated my list as it helps a lot with me and I think I will get 90% of the things done and/or close to finished. Remember the way I think of it, I have to remember to keep my eye on the prize but there is not prize but that it will eventually all come together in the end. So that is what is on tap for content and what I am working on and hope you guys enjoyed this and I will speak to you all tomorrow.