Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Am Officially Gone Back Solo!

           I have made a decision after it has been nothing but stress lately to be the sole person running Chris B On The Web. Yes I will still be on Punk Rock Cheeseburger which will never really change. Now what about the Power Rangers Podcast? That is staying and Larry isn't staff he is just a former staff who wants to collaborate with me and I will not be changing any of those mechanics as I am going to have an update for you guys Sunday and I know I promised something else which I would have to look back to what it is but I am entirely solo as it should of been when I got rid of my original team 2 years ago and went on a complete solo project for once. I am kind of over having a team and I should of just kept things as it has been for the last few years now as I have been happy hosting "Everything About Reality TV" every week and the collabs a few times a year and Larry and I been talking about an additional one in the new year which probably what I think I was going to blog about. I know I said I planned on bringing someone to help with the Big Brother Recaps but I have made the decision to not do it at this point as even during the finales for Big Brother Canada I enjoy sitting down with Larry and Recapping the finale with him and never know who the heck I would bring on the podcast down the road. 

               This really does bring down the stress levels and I get to focus on the projects that is going on for me and Justin helped me get ready to do solo projects around the website here and I need to keep it as it is right now. I have no desire to have a team again in the very nearby future. I have said this so many times between 2017 when Justin and I came to a mutual agreement that there was nothing else he can do to help at this point. So he was entirely right as Charlie was as well and the last couple of years on my own has been incredible and I wanna keep it this way honestly as I am on a very good rhythm right now and there is nothing can stop me from succeeding. Like I said so many times on social media, I am happy with the 3 projects going on and there is something huge that is going to be happening where I will be earning money from the podcast and I think this is the best idea that I have ever had  but still got a ton of stuff going on for me.


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