That's right our own podcast, Everything About Reality TV Podcast has officially been re-branded with a brand new and more sleeker looking logo and I really like that we re-branded the logo and honestly it has a sleek look and it really pops out for us. Now there is another reason behind the logo change. As you know the original logo was blue and the CBOTW brand is blue so in a way it really confuses the hell of you guys and myself and my team. So this way we still got majority of the original colors minus the tint of blue is now a more a baby blue color with the letters highlighted in white which like I said really pops it out. So I am excited to put it across all the platforms in the very nearby future and I will get to the date shortly in this post. So there is the reason behind why I decided to change the color scheme a bit with the podcast and honestly I like this color scheme too. Also as you know EAR TV (short for Everything About Reality TV) just celebrated it's 4th anniversary on the air as a podcast which brings me to 2020 will be our 5th year on the Air which is quite an accomplishment honestly so this also honors the 5 years it's been on despite me almost pulling it off the year this year.
I know, I know! Chris, you're rambling on and get to the point! OK the point is I think it was long overdue even with it only being 2 years since the logo change but I have been thinking about it lately and it is definitely time and it fits what I have been thinking for the last couple of days to a week or so ago. I felt like the old logo which is still seen across all the platforms right now is plain meh. So when is the new logo coming out across all the platforms the podcast is currently on? January 1st, 2020 I will be coming in my studio to do the entire changes and should appear on all the platforms within a few hours but I will be checking all platforms the next day and if any update needs to be done I will be getting that fixed soon as possible but we will see when it is done and soon as it is all set then I will be sending out links that all platforms are updated.
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