Friday, July 22, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-22-2022]

             Another week has gone by and time for end of the week updates. It has been a tough week, trying to get things done but been so busy with personal stuff going on but I can provide you guys with some updates:

Website: As you see there has been changes. Chat page has been removed and what, Past Projects has been removed as I felt like that it was repetitive to the Podcast archives. I rather focus on now not the former YouTube but there is a page dedicated to my past, both ChrisBOnTheWeb YouTube Channel and The Video Projects Team which can be found Here. Also Podcast Archives have been updated and can be found On Podcasts Archives which is now under a new name now. Also Movie Collabs have been removed till next year as you know Power Rangers Movies are now pushed till next year in the spring as right now we're backed up in schedule thanks to me not finishing up Super Megaforce in time. 

Power Rangers Collab: There is really only update and that is soon as I am finished or have finished the current season, I am moving into Super Megaforce and I will talk about that briefly but we are doing the long version of the team up and the short version see what difference there is but if there is no real difference then we won't but I heard the previous episode to the team up is sort of tied into the team up so it may not be worth it but I'll watch it all and see. 

              Anyways that is the updates for this week, not many updates, just more website confluffle of the website changes and there was a lot of website changes have been made and it is a lot better then it was. I plan on keeping schedule under about for now on and also one other things is my streaming schedule is now sporadic schedule at this moment as I said on the YouTube video, I'll be back August 2nd, 2022 but for right now expect pop up streams for the moment as long as my computer allows me to as my PC is a problem now and I am in dire need to get the new one.  I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special Saturday Post!


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