Friday, March 10, 2023

End of The Week Updates [03-10-2023]

           So another week is gone by and time for another end of the week updates. As you know I was still borderline sick as of Sunday and Monday but Tuesday was a lot better. However I got a ton of work done. So here are the updates:

Website: The CBOTW Show is listed back on the website under podcasts pending the return of the podcast later in the year hopefully we can squeeze it in somewhere in the fall.

Entertainment Man Podcast: I got any interviews I needed to prepare for finished and ready to go, I've edited the podcast interview for this weekend and raring to go. There is a slight chance that there will be no premiere this weekend, depending if I have plans with the family but that could be before perhaps.

Power Rangers Collab: Started the process for the next collaboration and getting it prepped for production in April. As you know we have a new timetable for the podcasts due to my illness which I am now completely over it now. 

         So those are the updates for the week, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.I hope to have more information for you guys on the progress by the end of the week for you guys where I am at with that but as always I will talk to you all Monday.


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