Friday, May 5, 2023

End of The Week Updates [05-05-2023]

           Another week has come to an end time for the final end of the week updates for a few weeks as I will be extremely busy with family but here is the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: There will be no premiere this weekend, May 7th, No premieres on May 14th as well as I will be busy with the family at that time. However there will be a premiere on May 21st, 2023 for the first time in probably a month since having one last or close to it.

The CBOTW Show: There will be a pop up episode to celebrate the podcasts 5th anniversary and will be the first episode in a long time since an episode under this name has been posted up for me. Then the podcast will be silent till end of 2024 early 2025 when we pop back up again as it will be more on a regular schedule for Larry and I. 

Discord Updates: With the server, as you probably noticed there is another yellow name that's been added to my "Team." I have welcomed Chloe who is the sister of my Community Manager Sophie back to the team on a temporary basis for right now to help us with the graphical end for the 10th anniversary next year, so we welcome her back with open arms.

          Anyways those are the updates for the week, I will not be around much the next few weeks, but my Team will always be around if you may have questions I will be back with new blogs a 2 weeks Monday but don't worry I have written a bunch of posts for the next two weeks between Monday and Friday. There will be no "End of The Week Updates" whatsoever but enjoy what I have written and I will be back soon.


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