Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Things Have Progressed Well

                   Since taking over as Community Manager as well as Assistant to Chris, things have improved greatly and the growth of the community has been up since I took over.  The fact we have put our foot down on certain things has helped and Chris has really gone with this clean, positive community vibes. It has been a mission he has actually wanted to follow and I can tell you it has really paid off the hard work he has to turn the community around after a rough last 3.5 years he's taken more control over things. 

                He has really stepped up as the boss and he's taken suggestions to heart listening to your suggestions. I like the open door for suggestions. This is truly the best community and the hard work and thought into this community has been amazing. I am blessed to be a part of this amazing community and if you need anything, you can always reach out if it isn't boss man answering I am always the second person to reach out about anything ChrisBOnTheWeb related. Thank you to Chris for allowing me to take over the blog for a few days and will see you all around the community.

Bri, Assistant/Community Manager 

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