Saturday, November 18, 2023

End of The Week Updates [11-18-2023]

                   It's time for the end of the week updates but before I get into it a little fun fact, 9 years ago today, Chris posted his first ever podcast on this very day. Very cool piece of CBOTW Media history on The Chris B. Podcast. That sure dates us way back in the day almost 10 years ago. Anyways the updates: 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Going back into the style this week for a change, the way Chris did these updates but he has recorded a pile of episodes for back on Wednesday and this Sunday. I believe he's got it scheduled to premiere on Sunday I think. I haven't looked yet. 

The CBOTW Show: As he has mentioned he; switch days with The CBOTW Show so it doesn't align with Entertainment Man Podcast's bonus as 3 is enough to stress him out, he's been trying to lower his stress levels. Speaking of that, he's officially now typing up the Power Rangers Podcast notes and finishing it up for a potential recording sessions this upcoming Thursday coming up. He's also decided to postpone Dino Fury till December 21st, 2023 but has to be discussed between him and Larry.

             That is the updates for the week. Other than that, he's readjusted the website a bit and my little sister Brianna has joined us helping us wherever we need her on the team. Also she can be found on our new shiny Discord Server. Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead and I will be back on the normal Friday post for another end of the week updates.

Mark, Community Director

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