Saturday, March 30, 2024

End of The Week Updates [03-30-2024]

           Another long week is over for us. It has been a barrel of stress for us all. As you know this week I was named the new Chief Operating Officer, also known as the COO. I am so thrilled and excited Chris named me for this role on the team which covers the same jobs as before, helping out the community, answering emails, Facebook and Twitter messages. But also help with planning events both Online and in person. 

           I know Chris hasn't had the time to finish working on Power Rangers Podcast for The CBOTW Show but spent yesterday and yesterday night and today on watching the series to try and get it done. Now Entertainment Man Podcast is edited and ready for release tomorrow afternoon and he has to still put the episode information up on this very website. 

           He will be talking about this next week but reason for no blog yesterday, he gave all of us the day off including him even though he said he's going to be working on the season but got busy with other things I guess. This also reminds me to remind you no blog on Monday and we will be running on a 5 day week for blog rather then the normal 6 day blog but we will be on a 5 day as we're off tomorrow and Monday for work wise and taking some very well earned time off. Also Chris will be doing a split streams between Facebook and Instagram so be sure to check those out! Those are the updates and rather a very long update but I will talk to you all at the end of the upcoming week and wish you all a very Happy Easter from all of us, here at ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. 

Kelsie, COO (Chief Operating Officer) 

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